Sec. Points:
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Primary codex:
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Adeptus Custodes
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Player: Matt “The Aidhan Proxy” Gibson
Team: Team Scotland

Factions Used: Orks
Army Points: 2000
Reinforcement Points: 0
Number of Units / Killpoints: 14

Pre Game Stratagems: None
Starting Command Points: 9

Warlord & Trait: Deffkilla Wartrike - Killa Reputation
Army Trait: Competitive Streak

Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 24
To the Last Units: Megatrakk Scrapjets, Rukkatrukk Squigbuggies, Deffkoptas
Titan Hunter: n/a
Bring it Down: 23
Assasination: 7
Abhor the Witch: n/a

Primary Detachment == Orks - Freebooterz - Outrider Detachment = -3 CP- 105PL 2000 Points ==
Detachment Abilities: Speed Waagghh, Competitive Streak

HQ: Deffkilla Wartrike [5PL 95pts] Warlord - Killa Reputation, Da Badskull Banner
HQ: Big Mek w/ Kustom Force Field [5PL, 90pts] Grot Oiler
EL: 5x Kommandos [8PL, 50pts]
EL: 5x Kommandos [8PL, 50pts]
FA: 5x Deffkoptas [12PL, 250pts]
FA: Kustom Boosta Blasta [4PL, 80pts]
FA: 3x Megatrakk Scrapejet [15PL, 270pts]
FA: 3x Rukkatrukk Squigbuggies [15PL, 270pts]
FA: 5x Stormboyz [3PL, 55pts]
FA: 5x Stormboyz [3PL, 55pts]
HS: 3x Killa Kans [7PL, 135pts] 3x Scortcha
HS: 3x Killa Kans [7PL, 135pts] 3x Scortcha
FL: Wazbom Blastajet [10PL, 230pts] 2x Tellyport Mega-Blastas, Force Field, 2x Supa Shoota
FL: Wazbom Blastajet [10PL, 210pts] 2x Tellyport Mega-Blastas, Stikkbomb Flinga, 2x Supa Shoota
Emperors chosen battallion

HQ1 trajann 170 (warlord) +1cp
HQ2 shield captain on bike 190 (Superior creation, radiant mantle, tip of the spear, Salvo launcher, castellans mark) -2cp
HQ3 allarus shield captain 135 (praetorian plate, impregnable mind, castellan axe) -2cp
Elites1 allarus vexilia 115 (vexillia magnifica, obliteratum) -1cp
Elites2 allarus terminator x1 65 (castellan axe)
Elites3 allarus terminator x1 65 (castellan axe)
Troops1 Custodian Guard x3 150 (sentinel blade + presidium shield x3)
Troops2 Custodian Guard x3 150 (sentinel blade + presidium shield x3)
Troops3 Custodian Guard x3 150 (sentinel blade + presidium shield x3)
Fast Attack1 vertus preator x3 270 (salvo launcher x3)
Fast Attack2 vertus preator x3 270
(salvo launcher x3)
Fast Attack3 vertus preator x3 270 (salvo launcher x3)

2000pts 8cp
TTL = 3x vertus preator squads
Thin = 80
Assassinate = 13
Units = 12