Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Adeptus Custodes
Primary codex:
Heretic Astartes
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
Player #5: Thomas Fladenhofer
Team:Noobs Galore
Factions Used: Adeptus Custodes
Army Points: 2000
Reinforcement Points: 0
Number of Units / Killpoints: 12
Pre Game Stratagems: Strategem-Relic, Strategem-The Emperors Heroes, Stratagem-Victor
of the Blood Games, Strategem-Eternal Penitient, Warlord Traits Trajann Valoris;
Starting Command Points: 2
Warlord Trait: Trajann Valoris (1. Master of Martial Strategy, 2. Champion of the
Army Trait: Emperors Chosen/Magna Imperator
Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 79 wounds
Bring it Down: 2
Assasination: 7
Abhor the Witch: 0
== Adeptus Custodes-Emperor Chosen-Arks of Omen Detachment[Elite] = 2CP, [99PL,
2000pts] ==
Army Trait: Emperors Chosen/Magna Imperator
HQ1: Trajann Valoris (Warlord)( 8PL, 200pts; +1CP cause Warlord, -1CP Warlord Traits:
Champion of the Imperium + Master of Martial Strategy) 1x The Watchers Axe, 1x
HQ2: Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (10PL, 180pts -3CP) (Relic: Castelans Mark,
Warlord Trait: Superior Creation + Auric Exemplar, Captain Commander Trait: Tip of the
Spear) 1x Salvo Launcher, 1x Interceptor Lance, 1x Misericordia
TR1: 3x Sagitarum Custodes (7PL, 150pts) 3x Adrastus Bolt Caliver, 3x Misericordia

TR2: 3x Sagitarum Custodes (7PL, 150pts) 3x Adrastus Bolt Caliver, 3x Misericordia
EL1: 4x Allarus Custodians (12PL, 240pts) 4x Balistus Granade Launcher, 4x Castellan Axe, 4x
EL2: 1x Allarus Custodians (3PL, 60pts) 1x Balistus Granade Launcher, 1x Castellan Axe, 1x
EL3: 1x Allarus Custodians (3PL, 60pts) 1x Balistus Granade Launcher, 1x Castellan Axe, 1x
EL4: 4x Custodian Wardens (12PL, 200pts) 4x Castellan Axe, 4x Miserecordia
EL5: 1x Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought (9PL, 180pts, -1CP) 1x Achillus Dreadspear, 1x
Lastrum Storm Bolter, 1x Twin Adrathic Destructor; Strategem: Eternal Penitent -1CP
EL6: 1x Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought (9PL, 180pts) 1x Galatus Warblade
FA1: 4x Vertus Praetors (16PL, 340pts) 4x Salvo Launcher, 4x Interceptor Lance, 4x
FA2: Witchseekers (3PL, 60pts) | 4x Witchseeker (4x Witchseeker Flamer), 1x Witchseeker
Sister Superior (1x Witchseeker Flamer)
Player 1572#: Richard Ivany
Player 5
Team: HunCut
Factions used: Chaos - Chaos Space Marines
Army point: 2000
Arks of Omen Mandatory Choice: Elite
Reinforcement Points: none pts
Number of Units / Killpoints: 13

Pre Game Stratagems:
Warlord trait: Abaddon the Despoiler [-1CP]
Gift of Chaos: Dark Apostol [-1CP]
Gift of Chaos: Master of Possession [-1CP]
Trophies of the Long War: Chaos Terminator Squad [-1CP]
Starting Command Points: 6-1-1-1-1=2

Warlord & Traits: Abaddon the Despoiler /Merciless Overseer, Eternal Vendetta, Paragon of Hatred/
Army Trait: Black Legion - Black Crusaders

Secondary Objectives Information:
Assassination: 10 points
Bring it Down: 3 points
No Prisoners: 12 points (total wounds: 100)
Abhor the Witch: 3 points

== Black Legion Arks of Omen == 0 CP, 2000 pts, 100 PL

HQ1: Abaddon the Despoiler: 3. Merciless Overseer, 5. Eternal Vendetta, 6. Paragon of Hatred, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Warlord [350 pts, 15 PL, -1 CP]

HQ2: Dark Apostle: Chaos Undivided, Cloak of Conquest, Dark Apostle, 2xDark Disciple, Gifts of Chaos, Illusory Supplication [95 pts, 5 PL, -1 CP]

HQ3: Master of Possession: Gifts of Chaos, Liber Hereticus, Mark of Slaanesh, Mutated Invigoration, Pact of Flesh, Smite [125 pts, 7 PL, -1 CP]

TR1: Cultists Mob: 8xChaos Cultist w/ cultist firearm (Cultist firearm), Chaos Cultist w/ cultist grenade launcher (Cultist grenade launcher), Cultist Champion (Bolt pistol and brutal assault weapon (Bolt pistol, Brutal assault weapon)) [50 pts, 2 PL]

TR2: Legionaries: Aspiring Champion (Daemon blade, Power fist), Chaos Icon, Chaos Undivided, 2xLegionary w/ astartes chainsword (Astartes chainsword, Bolt pistol), Legionary w/ heavy chainaxe (Bolt pistol, Heavy chainaxe), Legionary w/ special weapon (Bolt pistol, Meltagun) [90 pts, 6 PL]

EL1: Chaos Terminator Squad: Chaos Terminator (Chainfist, Combi-melta), Chaos Terminator (Combi-melta, Power fist), Chaos Terminator (Combi-bolter, Power fist), 6xChaos Terminator (Accursed weapon, Combi-bolter), Mark of Slaanesh, Terminator Champion (Black Rune of Damnation, Chainfist, Combi-melta, Trophies of the Long War) [415 pts, 19 PL, -1 CP]

EL2: Helbrute: Chaos Undivided, Heavy flamer, Helbrute fist, Multi-melta [105 pts, 6 PL]

EL3: Helbrute: Chaos Undivided, Heavy flamer, Helbrute fist, Multi-melta [105 pts, 6 PL]

EL4: Possessed: 4xPossessed, Possessed Champion (Hideous mutations) [140 pts, 7 PL]

EL5: Possessed: 4xPossessed, Possessed Champion (Hideous mutations) [140 pts, 7 PL]

FA1: Venomcrawler [105 pts, 6 PL]

FA2: Warp Talons: 4xWarp Talon (Warp claws), Warp Talon Champion (Warp claws) [140 pts, 7 PL]

FA3: Warp Talons: 4xWarp Talon (Warp claws), Warp Talon Champion (Warp claws) [140 pts, 7 PL]