Sergii Polonets (0/0/0 - Rank: none) - Send email

TournamentDateTableOpponentPointsRanked?ELOShow game
ETC 9th Age 2017 4. august 20175 Mladen Jovic 16Not ranked  Game
ETC 9th Age 2017 4. august 2017  Jesse Silva 17Not ranked  Game
ETC 9th Age 2017 4. august 20178 Brunfaut Loick 14Not ranked  Game
ETC 9th Age 2017 4. august 20178 Jack Chapman 20Not ranked  Game
ETC 9th Age 2017 4. august 20173 Oscar Lagnelöv 4Not ranked  Game
ETC 9th Age 2017 4. august 20173 Antoine 10Not ranked  Game
ESC Flames of War 4. august 201610 Shawn Morris 1   Game
ESC Flames of War 4. august 20169 Ben Wynn 3   Game
ESC Flames of War 4. august 2016  Ilya 3   Game