Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Primary codex:
T'au Empire
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:

Señor supremo Guadaña de vacio 110
Guardia real Blaster gauss reliquia 75
Plasmante Lanza plasmàtica, transubjector fotonico 90
Cronomante ola teslametalodermal Cronotentaculos, lanza entròpica 100
Acechante triarca Cañon gauss pesado doble extremidades de acechador 150
10 guerreros segador gauss 130
10 immortals blaster gauss 170
5 immortals Carabina tesla 85
10 omnicidas Desintegrador sinaptico 180
Arca exterminio Cañon exterminio, sistema binario rifles gauss 170
Arca exterminio Cañon exterminio, sistema binario rifles gauss 170
Arca exterminio Cañon exterminio, sistema binario rifles gauss 170
Guadaña muerte Rayo de la muerte, destructor tesla doble 200
Guadaña muerte Rayo de la muerte, destructor tesla doble 200

Rasgo señor guerra : duelista honorable
Reliquia : segadora de vacío
2 CP : Estratagema LA MANO DEL FAERON

Reliquia : Velo de oscuridad

++ Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment -3CP (T'au Empire) [18 PL, -3CP, 405pts] ++

+ Configuration [-3CP] +

Detachment Command Cost [-3CP]

+ Lord of War [18 PL, 405pts] +

KV128 Stormsurge [18 PL, 405pts]: 2x Flamer, Advanced targeting system [20pts], Annihilation warheads, Cluster rocket system, 4x Destroyer missile, Pulse driver cannon [10pts], Shield generator [30pts], 2x Smart missile system, Velocity tracker [10pts]

++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (T'au Empire) [32 PL, 12CP, 625pts] ++

+ Configuration [12CP] +

Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) [12CP]

Detachment Command Cost

Sept Choice: Farsight Enclaves, Show Sept Tenets rule

+ HQ [8 PL, 180pts] +

Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit [8 PL, 180pts]: 1. Precision of the Hunter, Fusion blades (replaces 2 fusion blasters), 4x Fusion blaster [60pts], Warlord

+ Troops [2 PL, 45pts] +

Strike Team [2 PL, 45pts]
. 5x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle [45pts]: 5x Photon grenades, 5x Pulse rifle

+ Fast Attack [3 PL, 55pts] +

Pathfinder Team [3 PL, 55pts]
. 5x Pathfinder [55pts]: 5x Markerlight, 5x Photon grenades, 5x Pulse carbine

+ Heavy Support [19 PL, 345pts] +

TX7 Hammerhead Gunship [9 PL, 185pts]: 2x Smart missile system [30pts], Ion cannon [5pts], 2x Seeker missile [10pts]

XV88 Broadside Battlesuits [10 PL, 160pts]: Magna rail rifle
. Broadside Shas'ui [5 PL, 80pts]: 2x Plasma rifle, Heavy rail rifle, Seeker missile [5pts], Velocity tracker [5pts]
. Broadside Shas'vre [5 PL, 80pts]: 2x Plasma rifle, Heavy rail rifle, Seeker missile [5pts], Velocity tracker [5pts]

++ Patrol Detachment -2CP (T'au Empire) [50 PL, -5CP, 969pts] ++

+ Configuration [-2CP] +

Detachment Command Cost [-2CP]

Gametype: Open

Sept Choice: Show Sept Tenets rule
. Custom Sept: Hardened Warheads, Sophisticated Command Net

+ Stratagems [-3CP] +

Emergency Dispensation (2 Relics) [-3CP]

+ HQ [8 PL, 155pts] +

Commander in XV8 Crisis Battlesuit [8 PL, 155pts]: Advanced targeting system [5pts], 3x Missile pod [45pts]
. MV4 Shield Drone [15pts]: Shield generator

+ Troops [2 PL, 45pts] +

Strike Team [2 PL, 45pts]
. 5x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle [45pts]: 5x Photon grenades, 5x Pulse rifle

+ Fast Attack [15 PL, 269pts] +

Pathfinder Team [3 PL, 55pts]
. 5x Pathfinder [55pts]: 5x Markerlight, 5x Photon grenades, 5x Pulse carbine

TX4 Piranhas [12 PL, 214pts]
. TX4 Piranha [4 PL, 73pts]: Burst cannon, 2x Seeker missile [10pts]
. . 2x MV1 Gun Drone [20pts]: 4x Pulse carbine
. TX4 Piranha [4 PL, 68pts]: Burst cannon, Seeker missile [5pts]
. . 2x MV1 Gun Drone [20pts]: 4x Pulse carbine
. TX4 Piranha [4 PL, 73pts]: Burst cannon, 2x Seeker missile [10pts]
. . 2x MV1 Gun Drone [20pts]: 4x Pulse carbine

+ Heavy Support [17 PL, 345pts] +

TX7 Hammerhead Gunship [9 PL, 185pts]: 2x Smart missile system [30pts], Ion cannon [5pts], 2x Seeker missile [10pts]

TX78 Sky Ray Gunship [8 PL, 160pts]: 2x Smart missile system [30pts], 2x Markerlight, 6x Seeker missile

+ Flyer [8 PL, 155pts] +

AX39 Sun Shark Bomber [8 PL, 155pts]: Markerlight, Missile pod [15pts], 2x Seeker missile
. 2x MV17 Interceptor Drone [30pts]: 4x Ion rifle

++ Total: [100 PL, 4CP, 1,999pts] ++

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