Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Ogre Khans
Primary codex:
Highborn Elves
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
550 - Shaman, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Iron Fist, Lygur's Tongue, Magical Heirloom
480- Great Khan, General, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Paired Weapons (King Slayer) Obsidian Rock, Rampager's Chain , spine splitter
450 - Mammoth Hunter, Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Paired Weapons, Hunting Spear, Trolleater, dragon staff; potion of Strength Leader of the Pack
305 - Khan, Battle Standard Bearer (aether icon, Aether Icon),light armor, Brace of Ogre Pistols (Viper's Curse)
657 - 10 Tribesmen, Iron Fist, Standard Bearer (Pennant of the Great Grass Sky), Musician, Champion
283 – 38 Scraplings, Shield, Standard Bearer, Musician, Scrapling Foreman, halberd
185 - 3 Bruisers
565 - 5 Mercenary Veterans, Brace of Ogre Pistols, Poison Attacks, Plate Armour, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Musician, Champion
80 - Sabretooth Tigers
80 - 5 Scrapling Trappers
245 – Scratapult
245 - Scratapult
375 - Frost Mammoth, Ogre Crossbow, Ogre Crossbow
Highborn Elves - Xabier "eKiss" Talon
945 - High Prince, General, Ancient Dragon, Light Armour, Great Weapon (Blessed
Inscriptions), Obsidian Rock
430 - Mage, Wizard Master, Divination, Binding Scroll
380 - Commander, Battle Standard Bearer, Light Armour, Master of Canreig Tower
657 - 28 Sea Guard, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
280 - 20 Citizen Spears, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
190 - 5 Elein Reavers, Champion
590 - 23 Sword Masters, Standard Bearer (Banner of Becalming), Musician, Champion
205 - Lion Chariot
120 - Reaver Chariots, Champion
162 - 6 Grey Watchers, Shield
180 - Sea Guard Reaper
180 - Sea Guard Reaper
180 - Sea Guard Reaper