Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
T'au Empire
Primary codex:
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
Player #: BigDice
Team: Prague Lions
Factions Used: T'au Empire
Army Points: 2000pts
Reinforcement Points: 0
Number of Units / Killpoints: 11
Pre Game Stratagems: Emergency Dispensation -1CP, Promising Pupil -1CP
Starting Command Points: 4
Warlord & Trait: Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit - (Bork'an): Seeker of Perfection
Army Trait: Bork'an
Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 68 Wounds (7VP)
To the Last Units: Stormsurge, Stormsurge, Stormsurge
Titan Hunter: 15VP
Bring it Down: 12VP
Assasination: 7VP
Abhor the Witch: 0VP
++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (T'au Empire) [55 PL, 11CP, 975pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Detachment Command Cost

Sept Choice: Bork'an Sept

+ Stratagems +

Stratagem: Emergency Dispensation [-1CP]: Additional Relics

+ No Force Org Slot +

Crisis Bodyguards [21 PL, 315pts]
. Crisis Bodyguard Shas'ui: Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Target Lock
. Crisis Bodyguard Shas'ui: Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Target Lock
. Crisis Bodyguard Shas'ui: Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Target Lock
. Crisis Bodyguard Shas'ui: Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Iridium battlesuit, Target Lock
. Crisis Bodyguard Shas'vre: Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Target Lock
. 5x Shield Drone: 5x Shield Generator

+ HQ +

Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit [9 PL, 180pts]: (Bork'an): Overdrive Power Systems, (Bork'an): Seeker of Perfection, Burst Cannon, Burst Cannon, DW-02 Advanced Burst Cannon, High-output Burst Cannon, T'au Flamer, Warlord
. 2x Marker Drone: 2x Markerlight

Ethereal [5 PL, 85pts]: 2. Sense of Stone, 6. Wisdom of the Guides, Hover Drone, The Humble Stave
. 2x Marker Drone: 2x Markerlight

+ Troops +

Kroot Carnivores [3 PL, 60pts]
. 10x Kroot: 10x Kroot Rifle, 10x Quill Grenades

Kroot Carnivores [3 PL, 60pts]
. 10x Kroot: 10x Kroot Rifle, 10x Quill Grenades

+ Fast Attack +

Pathfinder Team [5 PL, 90pts]
. 9x Pathfinder: 9x Markerlight, 9x Pulse Carbine, 9x Pulse Pistol
. Pathfinder Shas'ui

Tactical Drones [2 PL, 40pts]
. 4x Marker Drone: 4x Markerlight

+ Heavy Support +

Sky Ray Gunship [7 PL, 145pts]: 2x Smart Missile System

++ Super-Heavy Detachment -6CP (T'au Empire) [51 PL, -6CP, 1,025pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Detachment Command Cost [-6CP]

Sept Choice: Bork'an Sept

+ Lord of War +

Stormsurge [17 PL, 335pts]: Early Warning Override, Pulse Driver Cannon, Twin Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Velocity Tracker

Stormsurge [17 PL, 345pts]: Early Warning Override, Pulse Blastcannon, Twin Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Velocity Tracker

Stormsurge [17 PL, 345pts]: Early Warning Override, Pulse Blastcannon, Twin Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, Velocity Tracker

++ Total: [106 PL, 5CP, 2,000pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
Player: #32 koldo Gonzalez (koldokgb)(individual) #26 TeamSpain
Team: Spain
Faction used: Aeldari - Harlequins
Army points: 2000
Number of units / killpoints: 16

Pregame Stratagem: Stratagem: Treasures of the Aeldari (1) Favoured of the Laughing God (1) Champion of the Aeldari (1)
Starting command points: 9
Warlord & trait: Troupe Master & Foot in the future
Army trait: Saedath Characterisation: Light, Blaze of Light

Secondary objectives information
No Prisioners: 36 wounds 3 points
To the Last Units: 3x Voidweavers
Titan Hunter: N/A
Bring it Down: 13
Assasination: 13
Abhor the Witch: 3
++ Aeldari – Harlequins- Light: Blaze of Light- Battalion Detachment [105 PL, 9CP, 2,000pts] ++

HQ: Shadowseer: 2. Fog of Dreams, 6. Webway Dance, Mirror Architect. Shadow Stone 125pts 6pl
HQ: Troupe Master: 3: A Foot in the Future, Harlequin's Kiss, Player of the Light, Shuriken Pistol, Stratagem: Favoured of the Laughing God, Warlord. Cegorach's Rose 85pts 4pl

TR: 5x Troupe: 1x Player Fusion Pistol, Harlequin's Kiss, 1x Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin's Blade 2x Player: Harlequin's Blade, Shuriken Pistol 80pts 4pl
TR: 5x Troupe: 1x Player Fusion Pistol, Harlequin's Kiss, 1x Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin's Blade 2x Player: Harlequin's Blade, Shuriken Pistol 80pts 4pl
TR: 5x Troupe: 1x Player Fusion Pistol, Harlequin's Kiss 3x Player: Harlequin's Blade, Shuriken Pistol 75pts 4pl
TR: 5x Troupe . Lead Player, 4x Player: Harlequin's Blade, Shuriken Pistol 65pts 4pl

EL: Death Jester: 1: Favour of Cegorach, Harvester of Torment, Stratagem: Champion of the Aeldari 70pts 4pl
EL: Solitaire. 110 pts 6pl

FA: Skyweavers: 4x Skyweaver: Shuriken Cannon, Star Bolas 180 pts 8pl

HS Voidweavers: 3x Voidweaver: Prismatic Cannon 270pts 15pl
HS Voidweavers: 3x Voidweaver: Prismatic Cannon 270pts 15pl
HS Voidweavers: 3x Voidweaver: Prismatic Cannon 270pts 15pl

DT Starweaver 80pts 4pl
DT Starweaver 80pts 4pl
DT Starweaver 80pts 4pl
DT Starweaver 80pts 4pl
++ Total: [105 PL, 9CP, 2,000pts] ++