Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Primary codex:
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
Player #WA716: Krzysztof Peszek Gołaszewski
Team: Homokomando BTEG
Army Points: 2000
Reinforcement Points: zero
Number of Units / Killpoints: 14 units
Pre Game Stratagems: -1CP Relict, -1CP Rarefied Nobility, -1CP Dynastic Heirlooms
Starting Command Points: 3 (6-3-3+3)

Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 143+ Tally points
Bring it Down: 6VP
Assasination: 13VP
Abhor the Witch: :)
== Necrons, Obshekh Dynasty (ETERNAL CONQUERORS, RELENTLESSLY EXPANSIONIST) - Supreme command detachment CP +3, 400pts

LOW1: [WARLORD] The Silent King, 2x Triarchal Menhir [21 PL, 3CP, 400pts]


== Necrons, Obshekh Dynasty (ETERNAL CONQUERORS, RELENTLESSLY EXPANSIONIST) CP -6(-3-2-1) - Outrider detachment, 1600pts

NO SLOT1: Dynastic Advisor: Technomancer, Staff of light, Canoptek Cloak[0] [5 PL,70pts]
NO SLOT2: Bound Creation: 2x Cryptothralls [2 PL, 40pts]
NO SLOT3: Viral Construct: Canoptek Plasmacyte [1 PL, 15pts]

HQ1: Catacomb Command Barge, Dynastic Heirlooms[-1CP], Gauss Cannon[5], Rarefied Nobility[-1CP], Relic: Voltaic Staff, Staff of Light[0], Warlord Trait (Codex 1): Enduring Will [9 PL, -2CP, 150pts]
HQ2: Chronomancer, Aeonstave[0], Arkana: Countertemporal Nanomines[25], Relic: Veil of Darkness, Relic[-1CP] [7 PL, -1CP, 100pts]

EL1: Skorpekh Destroyers : Skorpekh Destroyer (Reap-Blade)
. 4x Skorpekh Destroyer (Thresher): 4x Hyperphase Threshers [8 PL, 150pts]
EL2: Skorpekh Destroyers : Skorpekh Destroyer (Reap-Blade)
. 2x Skorpekh Destroyer (Thresher): 2x Hyperphase Threshers [4 PL, 90pts]

FA1: Canoptek Scarab Swarms 5x Canoptek Scarab Swarm: 5x Feeder Mandibles [4 PL, 75pts]
FA2: Canoptek Scarab Swarms 3x Canoptek Scarab Swarm: 3x Feeder Mandibles [2 PL, 45pts]
FA3: Tomb Blades [4 PL, 75pts]
. Tomb Blade: Twin Tesla Carbine[5]
. Tomb Blade: Twin Tesla Carbine[5]
. Tomb Blade: Twin Tesla Carbine[5]
FA4: Triarch Preatorians, 10xTriarch Preatorians w/ Rod of Covenant [12 PL, 220pts]

HS1: Lokhust Destroyers 6x Lokhust Destroyer: 6x Gauss Cannon, Lokhust Heavy Destroyer (Gauss Destructor) [15 PL, 285pts]
HS2: Lokhust Destroyers 6x Lokhust Destroyer: 6x Gauss Cannon, Lokhust Heavy Destroyer (Gauss Destructor) [15 PL, 285pts]


Player: Dorota Duszak
TK: Dorota
Factions Used: Harlequins
Army Points: 2000
Reinforcement Points: 0
Number of Units / Killpoints: 21
Pre Game Stratagems: 1x Warlord Trait, 1x Relic, 1x Favoured of the Laughing God Starting Command Points: 6 - 2 (Patrol) - 1 (Relic) - 2 (WT) = 1
Warlord & Trait: Troupe Master: A Foot in the Future
Army Trait: Luck of the Laughing God
Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 6 (54)
Bring it Down: 8
Assassination: 13
Abhor the Witch: 6

== Harlequins - Light - Battalion = -3CP, [66PL, 1530pts] Saedath: Light (Blaze of Light)

HQ1: Shadowseer [5PL, 100pts]
--- Psychic powers: Twilight Pathways, Shards of Light

HQ2: Troupe Master [5PL, 115pts] Fusion Pistol, Kiss (WARLORD)
--- Pivotal: Queen of Shards
--- Warlord Trait (-1CP): A Foot in the Future
--- Favoured of the Laughing God (-1CP): Player of the Light
--- Relic (-1CP): Cegorach's Rose

T1: 5x Troupe [4PL, 95pts]:
--- Lead Player, Neuro Disruptor
--- Player, Neuro Disruptor
--- Player, Fusion Pistol, Kiss
--- Player, Fusion Pistol, Embrace
--- Player

T2: 5x Troupe [4PL, 95pts]:
--- Lead Player, Neuro Disruptor
--- Player, Neuro Disruptor
--- Player, Fusion Pistol, Kiss
--- Player, Fusion Pistol, Embrace
--- Player

T3: 5x Troupe [4PL, 95pts]:
--- Lead Player, Neuro Disruptor
--- Player, Neuro Disruptor
--- Player, Fusion Pistol, Kiss
--- Player, Fusion Pistol, Embrace
--- Player

T4: 5x Troupe [4PL, 95pts]:
--- Lead Player, Neuro Disruptor
--- Player, Neuro Disruptor
--- Player, Fusion Pistol, Kiss
--- Player, Fusion Pistol, Caress
--- Player

T5: 5x Troupe [4PL, 95pts]:
--- Lead Player, Neuro Disruptor
--- Player, Neuro Disruptor
--- Player, Fusion Pistol, Kiss
--- Player, Fusion Pistol, Caress
--- Player

T6: 5x Troupe [4PL, 90pts]:
--- Lead Player, Neuro Disruptor
--- Player, Neuro Disruptor
--- Player, Fusion Pistol, Kiss
--- Player, Fusion Pistol
--- Player

E1: Death Jester [4PL, 90pts]
--- Pivotal: Rift Ghoul

FA1: 2x Skyweaver [4 PL, 90pts]

DT1: Starweaver [4PL, 95pts]
DT2: Starweaver [4PL, 95pts]
DT3: Starweaver [4PL, 95pts]
DT4: Starweaver [4PL, 95pts]
DT5: Starweaver [4PL, 95pts]
DT6: Starweaver [4PL, 95pts]

== Harlequins - Light - Patrol = -2CP, [21PL, 470pts] Saedath: Light

HQ3: Shadowseer [5PL, 100pts]
--- Psychic Powers: Mirror of Minds, Webway Dance

T7: 5x Troupe [4PL, 90pts]:
--- Lead Player, Neuro Disruptor
--- Player, Neuro Disruptor
--- Player, Fusion Pistol, Kiss
--- Player, Fusion Pistol
--- Player

T8: 5x Troupe [4PL, 90pts]:
--- Lead Player, Neuro Disruptor
--- Player, Neuro Disruptor
--- Player, Fusion Pistol, Kiss
--- Player, Fusion Pistol
--- Player

DT7: Starweaver [4PL, 95pts]
DT8: Starweaver [4PL, 95pts]