Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Chaos Daemons
Primary codex:
Questor Traitoris
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
+ Player : Alexandre 'Octopoutre' Servage
+ Army main faction : Chaos Daemons
+ Total command points : 6 -1 -1 = 4
+ Total army points : 2000
+ Total power level : 98
+ Army factions used : Chaos Daemons
+ Total reinforcement points : 0
+ Number of Units / KP : 10
+ Bring it down : 13
+ Assassination : 13
+ Abhor the witch : 9
+ No prisoners : 75
+ Warlord & trait : Be'Lakor

== Supreme Command Squad DETACHMENT : Chaos Daemons (0 CP) [21CP, 420pts] ==

HQ 1 : Be'Lakor (420) Psychic power : Shrouded Step, Psychic power : Pall of Despair [420 pts] [21 PL] - Warlord

== Batalion DETACHMENT : Chaos Daemons (0 CP) [77CP, 1580pts] ==

HQ 2 : Bloodthirster (310) Indomitable Onslaught, Relic (-1 CP), Relic : A'rgath, the King of Blades [350 pts] [18 PL]
HQ 3 : Lord of Change (300) Baleful sword, Nexus of Fate, Relic (-1 CP), Relic : The Impossible Robe, Psychic power : Bolt of Change, Psychic power : Flickering Flames, Psychic power : Infernal Gateway [330 pts] [16 PL]
HQ 4 : Fateskimmer (140) Retinue of Horrors, Psychic power : Boon of Change, Psychic power : Gaze of Fate [145 pts] [7 PL]

TR 1 : 10 Daemonettes (120) [120 pts] [6 PL]
- Alluress (0)
TR 2 : 10 Bloodletters (130) Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos [130 pts] [6 PL]
- Bloodreaper (0)
TR 3 : 10 Bloodletters (130) Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos [130 pts] [6 PL]
- Bloodreaper (0)

EL 1 : 5 Flamers (75 + 2*25) [125 pts] [6 PL]
- Pyrocaster (0)
EL 2 : 5 Flamers (75 + 2*25) [125 pts] [6 PL]
- Pyrocaster (0)
EL 3 : 5 Flamers (75 + 2*25) [125 pts] [6 PL]
- Pyrocaster (0)
Player: Bertrand Smitty Schmid
Team: –
Faction Used: Chaos Knights
Dread Household: House Herpetrax
Army Point: 2000 [107 PL]
Reinforcement Points: 0
Number of units: 5
Pre Game Stratagems: Relic [-1CP], Warlord Trait [-1CP], Tyrannical Court [-1CP]
Starting CP: 6-3 = 3
Warlord Trait: War Dog Karnivore : Eager for the Kill ; Knight Abominant : Aura of Terror
Secondary Objectives Information:
No Prisoners: N/A
Bring it Down: 10x2 + 4 = 24pts
Assassination: 2x3+1=7pts
Abhor the Witch: 2x3=10pts
++ Super-Heavy Detachment (Chaos - Chaos Knights) ++
LoW1: Knight Abominant: Balemace, Diabolus heavy stubber, Electroscourge, Titanic feet, Volkite combustor WLT1 : Aura of Terror, Traitoris Lance: Character, Stratagem: Relic, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, R: The Traitor's Mark, Favor of the Dark God: Chaos Undivided - Blessing of the Dark Master, Warlord, 1: Vortex Terrors, 2: Winds of the Warp [24 PL, 460pts, -2CP]
LoW2: 2x War Dog Brigand: 2x w/Avenger chaincannon, Daemonbreath spear, Havoc multi-launcher, 1x Favor of the Dark Gods: Tzeentch - Mirror of Fates [17 PL, 335pts]
LoW3: 2x War Dog Brigand: 2x w/Avenger chaincannon, Daemonbreath spear, Diabolus heavy stubber [16 PL, 310pts]
LoW4: 3x War Dog Karnivore: 3x w/Diabolus heavy stubber, Reaper chaintalon, Slaughterclaw, 1x Tyrannical Court, WLT2: Eager for the Kill, Favor of the Dark Gods: Undivided - Warp-borne Stalker [25 PL, 435pts, -1CP]
LoW5: War Dog Stalker: 3x w/ Avenger chaincannon, Diabolus heavy stubber, Slaughterclaw, 1x w/ Favor of the Dark Gods: Tzeentch – Pyrothrone, 3: Vortex Terrors [25 PL, 460pts]