Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Primary codex:
Blood Angels
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
Blood Angels

++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Tyranids) [97 PL, 2,000pts, 3CP] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size [6CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Detachment Command Cost

Gametype: 4. Chapter Approved: War Zone Nephilim

Hive Fleet: Adaptive, Kraken

+ Stratagems +

Hive Predator [-1CP]: Extra Warlord Trait

Hive Predator [-1CP]: Extra Warlord Trait

Relic [-1CP]

+ HQ +

Neurothrope [5 PL, 100pts]: Power: Paroxysm, Power: The Horror, Warlord Trait: One Step Ahead

Neurothrope [5 PL, 100pts]: Power: Catalyst, Power: Onslaught

Winged Hive Tyrant [11 PL, 230pts]: Adrenal Glands, Lash Whip and Monstrous Bonesword, Power: Neuroparasite, Power: Psychic Scream, Relic: The Reaper of Obilterax, Toxin Sacs, Warlord

+ Troops +

Hormagaunts [4 PL, 80pts]
. 10x Hormagaunt: 10x Hormagaunt Talons

Tyranid Warriors [4 PL, 90pts]
. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Dual Boneswords
. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Dual Boneswords
. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Dual Boneswords

Tyranid Warriors [4 PL, 90pts]
. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Dual Boneswords
. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Dual Boneswords
. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Dual Boneswords

+ Elites +

Tyrant Guard [8 PL, 120pts]
. 3x Tyrant Guard (Scything): 3x Two Rending Claws, 3x Two Scything Talons

Venomthropes [5 PL, 105pts]
. 3x Venomthrope: 3x Toxic Lashes

+ Fast Attack +

Parasite of Mortrex [4 PL, 80pts]: Warlord Trait: Alien Cunning

Raveners [8 PL, 175pts]
. Ravener: Deathspitter, Two Rending Claws
. Ravener: Two Rending Claws
. Ravener: Two Rending Claws
. Ravener: Two Rending Claws
. Ravener: Two Rending Claws

+ Heavy Support +

Screamer-Killers [14 PL, 320pts]
. Screamer-Killer: Adrenal Glands, Spore Cysts, Toxin Sacs
. Screamer-Killer: Adrenal Glands, Spore Cysts, Toxin Sacs

Screamer-Killers [7 PL, 140pts]
. Screamer-Killer: Adrenal Glands

Screamer-Killers [7 PL, 140pts]
. Screamer-Killer: Adrenal Glands

+ Flyer +

Harpy [11 PL, 230pts]: 2x Heavy Venom Cannon, Adaptive Physiology: Dermic Symbiosis, Show Spore Mine Rules

++ Total: [97 PL, 3CP, 2,000pts] ++

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++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Blood Angels) [113 PL, 2,000pts, 2CP] ++

+ Configuration +

**Chapter Selector**: Blood Angels

Battle Size [6CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Detachment Command Cost

Game Type: 4. Chapter Approved: War Zone Nephilim

+ HQ +

Primaris Captain [5 PL, 95pts]: Master-crafted power sword
. Master-crafted auto bolt rifle

Primaris Chaplain [5 PL, 85pts, -3CP]: 4. Mantra of Strength, 5. Gift of Foresight, Benediction of Fury, Litany of Hate, Stratagem: Angel Exemplar, Stratagem: Relic, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, The Imperium's Sword, Warlord

Primaris Librarian [5 PL, 95pts]: 2) Might of Heroes, 3) Null Zone (Aura)

+ Troops +

Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 100pts]: Auto Bolt Rifle
. 4x Intercessor: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Intercessor Sergeant: Astartes Chainsword

Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 100pts]: Auto Bolt Rifle
. 4x Intercessor: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Intercessor Sergeant: Astartes Chainsword

Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 100pts]: Auto Bolt Rifle
. 4x Intercessor: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Intercessor Sergeant: Astartes Chainsword

+ Elites +

Aggressor Squad [12 PL, 200pts]: 2x Flamestorm Gauntlets, 4x Aggressor, Aggressor Sergeant

Death Company Intercessors [6 PL, 100pts]
. 5x Death Company Intercessor: 5x Frag & Krak grenades
. Heavy bolt pistol and Astartes chainsword

Redemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 185pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Heavy flamer, Macro Plasma Incinerator

Redemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 185pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Heavy flamer, Macro Plasma Incinerator

Relic Contemptor Dreadnought [8 PL, 185pts, -1CP]: Cyclone missile launcher
. Dreadnought melee weapon: Dreadnought chainfist, Heavy flamer
. Multi-melta

Relic Terminator Squad [9 PL, 170pts]
. Relic Terminator: Combi-bolter, Lightning Claw
. Relic Terminator: Combi-bolter, Lightning Claw
. Relic Terminator: Combi-bolter, Lightning Claw
. Relic Terminator: Combi-bolter, Lightning Claw
. Relic Terminator Sergeant: Combi-bolter, Lightning Claw

+ Fast Attack +

Inceptor Squad [14 PL, 200pts]: Assault bolter x2, 4x Inceptor, Inceptor Sergeant

Inceptor Squad [14 PL, 200pts]: Assault bolter x2, 4x Inceptor, Inceptor Sergeant

++ Total: [113 PL, 2CP, 2,000pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)