Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Adeptus Mechanicus
Primary codex:
Questor Traitoris
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
*Manipulus Techprister 80 + Logi 40 + Magnabeschleuniger + Gewand des Technomärtyrers/ Reliquie + Leuchtender Segen/ Begabung d Kriegsherren = 120
*Maschinenseher Techprister 55 + Magi 30 = 85
*Skitarii Marshall 55 + Ewiges Vorbild/ Archäotech Spezialist + Feuerstellung Telemetriespeicher/ Loccum d Mechanicus = 55
*20 Skitarii Jäger 180 + 2 Transuranische Arkebuse 30 + 2 Plasma Kaliver 20 + Omnispex 10 = 240
*12 Skitarii Jäger 108 + Transuranische Arkebuse 15 + Plasma Kaliver 10 + Omnispex 10 = 143
*12 Skitarii Strahlenkrieger 108 + Plasma Kaliver 10 + Omnispex 10 = 128
*10 Skitarii Strahlenkrieger 90 + Plasma Kaliver 10 + Omnispex 10 = 90
*10 Sicarianische Rostpirscher + Transsonische Klingen + Die Maske der Allwissenheit/ Artefaktotum = 180
*5 Sicarianische Infiltratoren + Flechetteblaster + Taserstab = 95
*Skorpius Dünenschweber = 95
*5 Serberys Husaren = 90
*3 Eisenschreiter Ballistarii 225 + 3 Cognis Zwillingslaserkanone 30 = 255
*Onager Dünenläufer + Neutronenlaser = 115
*Onager Dünenläufer + Neutronenlaser = 115
*Archaeopter Fusilavis 150 + Täuschkörper 20 = 170
++ Supreme Command Detachment 0CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [15 PL, 300pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Detachment Command Cost

Legion: Black Legion

+ Primarch | Daemon Primarch | Supreme Commander +

Abaddon the Despoiler [15 PL, 300pts]

++ Super-Heavy Detachment -6CP (Chaos - Chaos Knights) [91 PL, , 1,700pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size [6CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Detachment Command Cost [-6CP]

Game Type: 4. Chapter Approved: War Zone Nephilim

+ Lord of War +

Knight Desecrator [22 PL, 430pts]: Character (Traitoris Lance), House Herpetrax, Reaper chainsword, Undivided - Blessing of the Dark Master

War Dog Executioner Squadron [17 PL, 325pts]: House Herpetrax
. War Dog Executioner: Diabolus heavy stubber, Tzeentch - Mirror of Fates
. War Dog Executioner: Diabolus heavy stubber

War Dog Karnivore Squadron [18 PL, 315pts]: House Herpetrax
. War Dog Karnivore: Diabolus heavy stubber, Khorne - Blood Shield
. War Dog Karnivore: Havoc multi-launcher

War Dog Stalker Squadron [17 PL, 315pts]: House Herpetrax
. War Dog Stalker: Avenger chaincannon, Havoc multi-launcher, Reaper chaintalon, Tzeentch - Cursed Rune of Fate
. War Dog Stalker: Avenger chaincannon, Havoc multi-launcher, Reaper chaintalon

War Dog Stalker Squadron [17 PL, 315pts]: House Herpetrax
. War Dog Stalker: Daemonbreath spear, Havoc multi-launcher, Reaper chaintalon, Undivided - Warp-borne Stalker
. War Dog Stalker: Daemonbreath spear, Havoc multi-launcher, Reaper chaintalon

++ Total: [106 PL, 2,000pts] ++