Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Primary codex:
Questor Traitoris
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:

++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Aeldari - Craftworlds) [62 PL, 6CP, 1,255pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size [6CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Craftworld Selection: Ulthwe: Foresight of the Damned

Detachment Command Cost

Game Type: 4. Chapter Approved: War Zone Nephilim

+ HQ +

Farseer Skyrunner [6 PL, 125pts]: 2. Doom, 4. Executioner, Warlord, Witchblade

Karandras [7 PL, 150pts]

+ Troops +

Guardian Defenders [4 PL, 90pts]
. 10x Guardian Defender: 10x Plasma Grenades, 10x Shuriken Catapult

Rangers [4 PL, 65pts]
. 5x Ranger: 5x Ranger Long Rifle, 5x Shuriken Pistol

Rangers [4 PL, 65pts]
. 5x Ranger: 5x Ranger Long Rifle, 5x Shuriken Pistol

+ Elites +

Howling Banshees [5 PL, 110pts]
. 4x Howling Banshee: 4x Banshee Blade, 4x Shuriken Pistol
. Howling Banshee Exarch: Mirrorswords, Piercing Strikes

Howling Banshees [4 PL, 95pts]
. 4x Howling Banshee: 4x Banshee Blade, 4x Shuriken Pistol
. Howling Banshee Exarch: Mirrorswords

Warlock Skyrunners [3 PL, 60pts]: 5. Quicken/Restrain
. Warlock Skyrunner: Witchblade

Warlock Skyrunners [3 PL, 60pts]: 3. Enhance/Drain
. Warlock Skyrunner: Witchblade

+ Fast Attack +

Vypers [3 PL, 55pts]
. Vyper w/ Bright Lance: Bright Lance

Vypers [3 PL, 55pts]
. Vyper w/ Bright Lance: Bright Lance

Windriders [8 PL, 150pts]
. 5x Windrider - Shuriken Cannon: 5x Shuriken Cannon

+ Dedicated Transport +

Wave Serpent [8 PL, 175pts]: Crystal Targeting Matrix, Twin Bright Lance, Twin Shuriken Catapult

++ Patrol Detachment -2CP (Aeldari - Harlequins) [33 PL, -4CP, 745pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Detachment Command Cost [-2CP]

Saedath Characterisation: Dark: Dark Deeds

+ HQ +

Troupe Master [5 PL, -2CP, 105pts]: 3: A Foot in the Future, Aeldari Power Sword, Fusion Pistol, Stratagem: Champion of the Aeldari, Stratagem: Treasures of the Aeldari, Veiled King
. The Storied Sword

+ Troops +

Troupe [4 PL, 90pts]
. Lead Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin's Caress
. Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin's Embrace
. Player: Harlequin's Kiss, Shuriken Pistol
. Player: Harlequin's Blade, Shuriken Pistol
. Player: Harlequin's Blade, Shuriken Pistol

Troupe [4 PL, 90pts]
. Lead Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin's Caress
. Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin's Embrace
. Player: Harlequin's Kiss, Shuriken Pistol
. Player: Harlequin's Blade, Shuriken Pistol
. Player: Harlequin's Blade, Shuriken Pistol

Troupe [4 PL, 90pts]
. Lead Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin's Caress
. Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin's Embrace
. Player: Harlequin's Kiss, Shuriken Pistol
. Player: Harlequin's Blade, Shuriken Pistol
. Player: Harlequin's Blade, Shuriken Pistol

+ Elites +

Death Jester [4 PL, 85pts]: Harvester of Torment

+ Dedicated Transport +

Starweaver [4 PL, 95pts]

Starweaver [4 PL, 95pts]

Starweaver [4 PL, 95pts]

++ Total: [95 PL, 2CP, 2,000pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe (

++ Super-Heavy Detachment 0CP (Chaos - Chaos Knights) [102 PL, 1CP, 1,970pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size [6CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Detachment Command Cost

Game Type: 4. Chapter Approved: War Zone Nephilim

+ Lord of War +

Knight Abominant [24 PL, -1CP, 460pts]: Balemace, Corrupted Heirlooms, Diabolus heavy stubber, Electroscourge, House Herpetrax, The Tyrant's Banner, Titanic feet, Undivided - Blessing of the Dark Master, Volkite combustor, Vortex Terrors, Winds of the Warp

Knight Desecrator [22 PL, -2CP, 440pts]: Bow to None (Herpetrax), Character (Tyrannical Court), Corrupted Heirlooms, Diabolus heavy stubber, House Herpetrax, The Diamonas, The Diamonas, Titanic feet, Undivided - Mark of the Dread Knight, Warpstrike claw

Knight Rampager [22 PL, -2CP, 440pts]: 4. Knight Diabolus, Character (Traitoris Lance), Diabolus heavy stubber, House Herpetrax, Reaper chainsword, Slaanesh - Beguiling Majesty, Stratagem: Relic, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Titanic feet, Veil of Medrengard, Warlord, Warpstrike claw

War Dog Stalker Squadron [17 PL, 315pts]: House Herpetrax
. War Dog Stalker: Avenger chaincannon, Havoc multi-launcher, Slaughterclaw, Tzeentch - Mirror of Fates
. War Dog Stalker: Avenger chaincannon, Havoc multi-launcher, Slaughterclaw

War Dog Stalker Squadron [17 PL, 315pts]: House Herpetrax
. War Dog Stalker: Avenger chaincannon, Havoc multi-launcher, Slaughterclaw, Tzeentch - Cursed Rune of Fate
. War Dog Stalker: Avenger chaincannon, Havoc multi-launcher, Slaughterclaw

++ Total: [102 PL, 1CP, 1,970pts] ++