Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Chaos Daemons
Primary codex:
Adeptus Mechanicus
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
Player 3: Joe Taylor
Team: Northern Shaglords
Factions Used: Chaos Daemons
Army Points: 2000
Reinforcement Points: 0
Number of Units / Kill Points:
Pre Game Stratagems: Relic [-1CP]. Warlord Trait [-1CP].
Starting Command Points:2
Warlord & Trait: Bloodthirster, Brazen Hide
Army Trait:

==Secondary Objective Info==

No Prisoners:13
Bring it Down:8
Abhor the Witch:6


== Chaos Daemons Battalion - Chaos Undivided [68PL, -2CP, 1320Pts] ==

HQ1: Bloodthirster. Warlord.
Exalted : Indomitable Onslaught.
Warlord Trait: Brazen Hide
Relic: A’rgath, King of Blades
Great Axe of Khorne [350pts. -2CP]

HQ2: Fluxmaster. Staff of Change. Gaze of Fate. Infernal Flames [115pts]

TR1: Daemonettes X10. Daemonic Icon. Instrument of Chaos. [120pts]

TR2: Daemonettes X10 Daemonic Icon. Instrument of Chaos. [120pts]

TR3: Daemonettes X10 Daemonic Icon. Instrument of Chaos. [120pts]

EL1: Flamer X5 [125pts]

EL2: Flamer X5 [125pts]

EL3: Flamer X5 [125pts]

FA: Screamers X4 [120pts]

== Chaos Daemons Patrol - Khorne [33PL, -2CP, 680Pts] ==

HQ3: Be’Lakor. Shrouded Step. Wreathed in Shades. [420pts]

TR4: Bloodletters X10. Daemonic Icon. Instrument of Chaos. [150pts]

TR5: Bloodletters X10 Daemonic Icon. Instrument of Chaos. [150pts]


Player #4: Gordon Stephen
Team: The Rat Pack
Factions Used: Adeptus Mechanicus
Army of Renown: Skitarii Veteran Cohort
Army Points: 2,000pts
Reinforcement Points: 0
Number of Units / Killpoints: 13
Pre Game Stratagems: 2
Starting Command Points: 4CP
Warlord: Skitarii Marshal 1
Army Trait: Doctrina Imperatives, Canticles of the Omnissiah
Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 100 (12VP)
Bring it Down: 8
Assassination: 7
Abhor the Witch: 0


== Adeptus Mechanicus – Forge World: Mars – Battalion Detachment = 4CP, [106PL, 2000pts] ==
Dogma: Masters of the Forge
HQ: Skitarii Marshal [3PL, 55pts] (warlord)
- - - Relic [-1CP] : Cantic Thrallnet
- - - Warlord Trait [-1CP] : Multitasking Cortex

HQ: Skitarii Marshal [3PL, 55pts]
HQ: Tech-Priest Manipulus [4PL, 80pts] Magnarail Lance

TR: 10 Skitarii Rangers [7PL, 120pts] omnispex, Ranger Alpha w/ Galvanic Rifle, 9x Skitarii Ranger with Galvanic Rifle

TR: 10 Skitarii Rangers [7PL, 120pts] omnispex, Ranger Alpha w/ Galvanic Rifle, 9x Skitarii Ranger with Galvanic Rifle

TR: 20 Skitarii Vanguards [14PL, 240pts]Enhanced Data-tether, omnispex, Vanguard Alpha w/ Radium Carbune, 19x Skitarii Vanguard with Radium Carbine

TR: 20 Skitarii Vanguards [14PL, 240pts]Enhanced Data-tether, omnispex, Vanguard Alpha w/ Radium Carbune, 19x Skitarii Vanguard with Radium Carbine

TR: 20 Skitarii Vanguards [14PL, 240pts]Enhanced Data-tether, omnispex, Vanguard Alpha w/ Radium Carbune, 19x Skitarii Vanguard with Radium Carbine

EL: 5 Sicarian Infiltrators [4PL, 95pts] Infiltrator Princeps with Stubcarbine and Powersword, 4x Infiltrators with Stubcarbine and Powersword

EL: 5 Sicarian Infiltrators [4PL, 95pts] Infiltrator Princeps with Stubcarbine and Powersword, 4x Infiltrators with Stubcarbine and Powersword

FA: 3 Ironstrider Ballistari [12PL, 245pts] 2x Cognis Lascannons, 1x Cognis Autocannon
FA: 3 Ironstrider Ballistari [12PL, 245pts] 2x Cognis Lascannons, 1x Cognis Autocannon

FL: Archaeocopter Fusilave [8PL, 170pts] Chaff Launcher

