Sec. Points:
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Primary codex:
Chaos Space Marines
Primary codex:
Genestealer cult
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Secondary codex:
Player : Aaron Mosquera
Team : Savvy Submariners
Factions used : Chaos Space Marines
Army Points : 2000
Reinforcement Points : 0
Number of Units / Killpoints : 12
Pre Game Stratagems : Relic , Aspiring Lord , Gifts of Chaos x2, Trophies of the Long War x2
Starting Command Points : 0
Warlord : Master of Possession
Army Trait : Experimental Enhancements
Secondary Objectives
No Prisoners : 162
Bring it Down : 1
Assassination : 13
Abhor the Witch : 6

Chaos Space Marines , Creations of Bile , Battalion Detachment = -6CP [109 PL, 2,000pts]

Legion Trait: Experimental Enhancements

HQ: Daemon Prince with Wings [11PL, 180 pts] Hellforged Sword , Malefic Talons , Mark of Nurgle, Prescience , Putrid Miasma
- Gifts of Chaos : G’holl’ax the Decayed (-1CP)
HQ: Dark Apostle [5PL, 95pts] Chaos Undivided, Illusionary Supplication
HQ: Master of Possession [7PL, 120pts] (Warlord) Mark of Slaanesh, Cursed Earth , Pact of Flesh , Delightful Agonies
— Relic: Liber Hereticus (-1CP)

TR: 10 Cultists Mob [2PL , 50pts] Cultist Firearm
TR: 10 Cultists Mob [2PL , 50pts] Cultist Firearm
TR: 5 Legionaries [6PL, 90pts] Chaos Undivided Aspiring Champion with 2x Astartes Chainsword, 4 Astartes Chainsword and Bolt Pistol

EL: 10 Chaos Terminator Squad [19PL, 365pts] Mark of Slaanesh, Terminator Champion with Black Rune of Damnation and chainfist , 1 chainfist, 2 powerfist , 6 accursed weapons
— Trophies of the Long War: Black Rune of Damnation (-1CP)
EL: Master of Executions [4PL, 65pts] Chaos Undivided
— Aspiring Lord: Flames of Spite (-1CP)
— Gifts of Chaos: Ul’o’cca the Black (-1CP)
EL: 10 Possessed [14PL, 280pts]
EL: 10 Possessed [14PL, 280pts]
EL: 10 Possessed [14PL, 280pts]

FA: 4 Chaos Bikers [11PL, 145pts] Mark of Khorne , Chaos Icon , Biker Champion has Power Maul, The Black Mace , 3 with Astartes Chainsword and combi-bolter
— Trophies of the Long War: The Black Mace (-1CP)

Player #:3
Team: Yorkshire Coast Raider

Factions Used: Genestealer Cults
Army Points: 1998
Reinforcement Points: 2
Number of Units / Killpoints: 20

Pre Game Stratagems: Relic, Gene-Sire’s Gifts
Starting Command Points: 4

Warlord: Patriarch
Army Trait: Experimental Subjects

Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 133
Bring it Down: 4
Assassination: 13
Abhor the Witch: 6
== Genestealer Cults– Twisted Helix - Batallion = 4CP, [129PL, 1998pts] ==
Cult Creed: Experimental Subjects

HQ: Acolyte Iconward (4PL, 75pts)

HQ: Magus (5PL, 95pts)
- - - Psychic Powers: Mass Hypnosis, Might From Beyond, Mutagen Deviation, Psionic Blast
- - - Proficienf Planning: Meditations in Shadow
- - - Relic: The Unwilling Orb

HQ: Patriarch (7PL, 150pts) (WARLORD) Psychic Familiar
- - - Psychic Powers: Might From Beyond, Mutagenic Deviation, Psychic Stimulus

TR: Acolyte Hybrids (3PL, 60pts) Leader with Hand Flamer, Blasting Charges, Cult Claws and Knife, 4 Hybrids with Hand Flamer, Blasting Charges and Cult Claws and Knife

TR: Acolyte Hybrids (7PL, 54pts) Leader with Autopistol, Blasting Charges, Cult Claws and Knife, 5 Hybrids with Autopistols, Blasting Charges and Cult Claws and Knife

TR: Acolyte Hybrids (3PL, 45pts) Leader with Autopistol, Blasting Charges, Cult Claws and Knife, 4 Hybrids with Autopistols, Blasting Charges and Cult Claws and Knife

TR: Acolyte Hybrids (3PL, 45pts) Leader with Autopistol, Blasting Charges, Cult Claws and Knife, 4 Hybrids with Autopistols, Blasting Charges and Cult Claws and Knife

TR: Acolyte Hybrids (3PL, 45pts) Leader with Autopistol, Blasting Charges, Cult Claws and Knife, 4 Hybrids with Autopistols, Blasting Charges and Cult Claws and Knife

TR: Acolyte Hybrids (3PL, 45pts) Leader with Autopistol, Blasting Charges, Cult Claws and Knife, 4 Hybrids with Autopistols, Blasting Charges and Cult Claws and Knife

EL: Aberrants (15PL, 210pts) Hypermorph with Heavy Power Weapon, 6 Aberrants with Heavy Power Weapons

EL: Aberrants (15PL, 210pts) Hypermorph with Heavy Power Weapon, 6 Aberrants with Heavy Power Weapons

EL: Abominant (6PL, 95pts)
- - - Relic: Amulet of the Voidwyrm

EL: Purestrain Genestealers (8PL, 150pts)
- - - Proficient Planning: They Came From Below

EL: Purestrain Genestealers (8PL, 150pts)
- - - Proficient Planning: Our Time Is Nigh

EL: Purestrain Genestealers (8PL, 155pts)
- - - Proficient Planning: A Trap Is Sprung

FA: Atalan Jackals (7PL, 73pts) Leader with Atalan Small Arms, Atalan Power Weapon and Blasting Charges, 2 Jackals with Atalan Small Arms and Blasting Charges, 2 Jackals with Atalan Small Arms, Blasting Charges and Demolition Charges

FA: Atalan Jackals (7PL, 73pts) Leader with Atalan Small Arms, Atalan Power Weapon and Blasting Charges, 2 Jackals with Atalan Small Arms and Blasting Charges, 2 Jackals with Atalan Small Arms, Blasting Charges and Demolition Charges

FA: Atalan Jackals (7PL, 73pts) Leader with Atalan Small Arms, Atalan Power Weapon and Blasting Charges, 2 Jackals with Atalan Small Arms and Blasting Charges, 2 Jackals with Atalan Small Arms, Blasting Charges and Demolition Charges

DT: Goliath Truck (5PL, 95pts) Cache of Demolition Charges

DT: Goliath Truck (5PL, 95pts) Cache of Demolition Charges