Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Death Guard
Primary codex:
Imperial Knights
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
* Player: Silvio Sergio Cerri
* Team: GG Garage Gemes
* Factions used: Death Guard
* Army of Renown:

* Army points: 2000
* Reinforcement Points: none
* Number of Units / Killpoints: 13

* Pre Game Stratagems: Warlord trait (Mortarion), Relic (Daemon Prince), Gifts of Decay (Foul Blightspawn), Plaguechosen (Daemon Prince)
* Starting Command Points: 2

* Warlord and Trait: Mortarion, Revoltingly Resilient, Living Plague, Arch-Contaminator, Gloaming Bloat (to chose pregame)

* Army Traits: Plague company (Inexorable), Remorseless, Inexorable advance, Contagions of Nurgle
* Secondary Objectives Information
* Assassination: 16
* Bring it Down: 5
* No Prisoners: 100
* Abhor the Witch: 9

++ Supreme Command Detachment +3CP (Chaos - Death Guard) [25 PL, 450pts, 2CP] ++

+ Configuration [3CP] +

Detachment Command Cost [3CP]

Plague Company: The Inexorable

+ Primarch | Daemon Primarch | Supreme Commander [25 PL, 450pts, -1CP] +

Mortarion [25 PL, 450pts, -1CP]: 1. Miasma of Pestilence, 1. Revoltingly Resilient, 2. Living Plague, 3. Plague Wind, 4. Arch-Contaminator, 5. Curse of the Leper, Attendant's claws and teeth, Gloaming Bloat, Phosphex bombs, Silence, Smite, Stratagem: Warlord Trait [-1CP], The Lantern, Warlord

++ Battalion Detachment -3CP (Chaos - Death Guard) [87 PL, 1,550pts, ] ++

+ Configuration [3CP] +

Battle Size [6CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) [6CP]

Detachment Command Cost [-3CP]

Game Type: 4. Chapter Approved: War Zone Nephilim

Plague Company: The Inexorable

+ Stratagems [-1CP] +

Gifts of Decay [-1CP]: Additional Relics [-1CP]

+ HQ [15 PL, 275pts, -2CP] +

Death Guard Daemon Prince [10 PL, 185pts, -2CP]: 2. Gift of Contagion, Ferric Blight, Foetid Wings [2 PL, 35pts], Hellforged sword [10pts], Malefic talons, Plaguechosen [-1CP], Smite, Stratagem: Relic [-1CP], Suppurating Plate

Malignant Plaguecaster [5 PL, 90pts]: 1. Miasma of Pestilence, 4. Putrescent Vitality, Blight grenades, Corrupted staff, Krak grenades, Smite

+ Troops [54 PL, 940pts] +

Plague Marines [12 PL, 210pts]
. Plague Champion [21pts]: Blight grenades, Krak grenades, Plague knife, Plasma gun, Power fist
. 2x Plague Marine w/ blight launcher [42pts]: 2x Blight grenades, 2x Blight launcher, 2x Krak grenades, 2x Plague knife
. 2x Plague Marine w/ cleaver [42pts]: 2x Blight grenades, 2x Great plague cleaver, 2x Krak grenades, 2x Plague knife
. 2x Plague Marine w/ flail [42pts]: 2x Blight grenades, 2x Flail of corruption, 2x Krak grenades, 2x Plague knife
. Plague Marine w/ mace and axe [21pts]: Blight grenades, Bubotic Axe, Krak grenades, Mace of Contagion, Plague knife
. Plague Marine w/ special weapon [21pts]: Blight grenades, Krak grenades, Meltagun, Plague knife
. Plague Marine w/ special weapon [21pts]: Blight grenades, Krak grenades, Meltagun, Plague knife

Plague Marines [12 PL, 210pts]
. Plague Champion [21pts]: Blight grenades, Krak grenades, Plague knife, Plasma gun, Power fist
. 2x Plague Marine w/ blight launcher [42pts]: 2x Blight grenades, 2x Blight launcher, 2x Krak grenades, 2x Plague knife
. 2x Plague Marine w/ cleaver [42pts]: 2x Blight grenades, 2x Great plague cleaver, 2x Krak grenades, 2x Plague knife
. 2x Plague Marine w/ flail [42pts]: 2x Blight grenades, 2x Flail of corruption, 2x Krak grenades, 2x Plague knife
. Plague Marine w/ mace and axe [21pts]: Blight grenades, Bubotic Axe, Krak grenades, Mace of Contagion, Plague knife
. Plague Marine w/ special weapon [21pts]: Blight grenades, Krak grenades, Meltagun, Plague knife
. Plague Marine w/ special weapon [21pts]: Blight grenades, Krak grenades, Meltagun, Plague knife

Plague Marines [12 PL, 210pts]
. Plague Champion [21pts]: Blight grenades, Krak grenades, Plague knife, Plasma gun, Power fist
. 2x Plague Marine w/ blight launcher [42pts]: 2x Blight grenades, 2x Blight launcher, 2x Krak grenades, 2x Plague knife
. 2x Plague Marine w/ cleaver [42pts]: 2x Blight grenades, 2x Great plague cleaver, 2x Krak grenades, 2x Plague knife
. 2x Plague Marine w/ flail [42pts]: 2x Blight grenades, 2x Flail of corruption, 2x Krak grenades, 2x Plague knife
. Plague Marine w/ mace and axe [21pts]: Blight grenades, Bubotic Axe, Krak grenades, Mace of Contagion, Plague knife
. Plague Marine w/ special weapon [21pts]: Blight grenades, Krak grenades, Meltagun, Plague knife
. Plague Marine w/ special weapon [21pts]: Blight grenades, Krak grenades, Meltagun, Plague knife

Plague Marines [12 PL, 210pts]
. Plague Champion [21pts]: Blight grenades, Krak grenades, Plague knife, Plasma gun, Power fist
. 2x Plague Marine w/ blight launcher [42pts]: 2x Blight grenades, 2x Blight launcher, 2x Krak grenades, 2x Plague knife
. 2x Plague Marine w/ cleaver [42pts]: 2x Blight grenades, 2x Great plague cleaver, 2x Krak grenades, 2x Plague knife
. 2x Plague Marine w/ flail [42pts]: 2x Blight grenades, 2x Flail of corruption, 2x Krak grenades, 2x Plague knife
. Plague Marine w/ mace and axe [21pts]: Blight grenades, Bubotic Axe, Krak grenades, Mace of Contagion, Plague knife
. Plague Marine w/ special weapon [21pts]: Blight grenades, Krak grenades, Meltagun, Plague knife
. Plague Marine w/ special weapon [21pts]: Blight grenades, Krak grenades, Meltagun, Plague knife

Poxwalkers [3 PL, 50pts]
. 10x Poxwalker [50pts]: 10x Improvised weapon

Poxwalkers [3 PL, 50pts]
. 10x Poxwalker [50pts]: 10x Improvised weapon

+ Elites [10 PL, 170pts] +

Foul Blightspawn [6 PL, 95pts]: Blight grenades, Krak grenades, Plague sprayer, Revolting Stench-vats, Unholy death's head grenade, Viscous Death [1 PL, 5pts]

Plague Surgeon [4 PL, 75pts]: Balesword, Blight grenades, Bolt pistol, Krak grenades

+ Dedicated Transport [8 PL, 165pts] +

Chaos Rhino [4 PL, 85pts]: Combi-bolter, Havoc launcher [5pts]

Chaos Rhino [4 PL, 80pts]: Combi-bolter

++ Total: [112 PL, 2CP, 2,000pts] ++
* Army of Renown: FREE BLADE LANCE
* Army points: 2000 
* Reinforcement Points: none pts 
* Number of Units / Killpoints: 11
* Starting Command Points: 1
* Secondary Objectives Information 
* Assassination: 5
* Bring it Down: 24
* No Prisoners: 0
* Abhor the Witch: 0
++ Super-Heavy Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Imperial Knights) [104 PL, 2,000pts, 1CP] ++

+ Configuration +

Army of Renown: Freeblade Lance

Battle Size [6CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Chivalric Oath: Oath: Defend the Realm, Oath: Lay Low The Tyrants, Oath: Refuse No Challenge

Detachment Command Cost

Game Type: 4. Chapter Approved: War Zone Nephilim

Questor Allegiance: Freeblade Lance

+ Lord of War +

Armiger Helverins [24 PL, 465pts, -1CP]: Freeblade, Martial Tradition: Hunters of Beasts, Questor Imperialis
. Armiger Helverin: Heirloom: The Bastard's Helm, Heirlooms of the Household, Questor Ironhail Heavy Stubber
. Armiger Helverin: Questor Ironhail Heavy Stubber
. Armiger Helverin: Questor Ironhail Heavy Stubber

Armiger Helverins [8 PL, 155pts]: Freeblade, Martial Tradition: Last of Their Line, Questor Imperialis
. Armiger Helverin: Questor Ironhail Heavy Stubber

Armiger Warglaives [24 PL, 445pts]: Freeblade, Martial Tradition: Noble Combatants, Questor Imperialis
. Armiger Warglaive: Questor Ironhail Heavy Stubber
. Armiger Warglaive: Meltagun
. Armiger Warglaive: Meltagun

Armiger Warglaives [24 PL, 450pts]: Freeblade, Martial Tradition: Strike and Shield, Questor Imperialis
. Armiger Warglaive: Meltagun
. Armiger Warglaive: Meltagun
. Armiger Warglaive: Meltagun

Knight Paladin [24 PL, 485pts, -4CP]: Character (Knight Lance), Exalted Court: Herald, Favoured Knight, Freeblade, Heirloom: Sanctuary, Heirloom: The Helm Dominatus, Martial Tradition: Paragons of Honour, Questor Imperialis , Questor Ironhail Heavy Stubber, Reaper Chainsword, Stormspear Rocket Pod, Stratagem: Relic, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Warlord, Warlord Trait: Ion Bulwark
. Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon w/ Questor Ironhail Stubber

++ Total: [104 PL, 1CP, 2,000pts] ++

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