Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Space Marines
Primary codex:
Death Guard
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
Player: David Irving
Team: We are the World
Faction: Adeptus Astartes
Chapter: Ironhands
Total Points: 2,000
CP Spent: 5
Starting CP: 1
Unit Count:
Warlord: Primaris Techmarine (with Ironstone)

Assassination: 13
BID: 12
No Prisoners: 6

Arks of Omen Detachment
Arks of Omen Compulsory Type: Heavy
HQ: Librarian in Phobos Armour [-1CP, 90pts]: 1) Blessing of the Machine God, 2. Lord of Deceit, 4) Psysteel Armor, Bolt pistol, Camo cloak, Force sword, Stratagem: Warlord Trait [-1CP],
WALORD: Primaris Techmarine [-1CP, 70pts]: Forge bolter, Grav-pistol, Mechadendrite, Omnissian power axe, Servo-arm, Stratagem: Relic [-1CP], The Ironstone, Warlord
HQ: Primaris Techmarine [70pts]: Forge bolter, Grav-pistol, Mechadendrite, Omnissian power axe, Servo-arm
Troop: 5* Infiltrator Squad [100pts]: Helix gauntlet, Marksman bolt carbine
Troop: 5* Infiltrator Squad [100pts]: Helix gauntlet, Marksman bolt carbine
Elite: Relic Contemptor Dreadnought [-3CP, 195pts]: Cyclone missile launcher [25pts], Merciless Logic, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter [-1CP], Stratagem: March of the Ancients [-1CP], 2x Twin volkite culverin [30pts]
Elite: 5*Scout Squad [60pts]: Camo cloaks,
Scout Sergeant, Combi-melta, Power fist
Scout w/Heavy Bolter
3x Scout w/Scout sniper rifle
Elite: 5*Scout Squad [60pts]: Camo cloaks,
Scout Sergeant, Combi-melta, Power fist
Scout w/Heavy Bolter
3x Scout w/Scout sniper rifle

Heavy: Devastator Squad [115pts]: Armorium Cherub
Devastator Marine Sergeant, Combi-melta, Thunder hammer
4* Devastator Marine w/Grav-cannon
Heavy: Devastator Squad [115pts]: Armorium Cherub
Devastator Marine Sergeant, Combi-melta, Thunder hammer
4* Devastator Marine w/Grav-cannon
Heavy: Gladiator Reaper [150pts]: Auto Launchers, Icarus Rocket Pod, Ironhail Heavy Stubber, 2x Tempest bolter, Twin heavy onslaught gatling cannon
Heavy: Gladiator Reaper [150pts]: Auto Launchers, Icarus Rocket Pod, Ironhail Heavy Stubber, 2x Tempest bolter, Twin heavy onslaught gatling cannon
Transport: Drop Pod [70pts]: Storm bolter
Transport: Land Speeder Storm [50pts]: Cerberus launcher, Heavy bolter
Transport: Land Speeder Storm [50pts]: Cerberus launcher, Heavy bolter
LOW: Astraeus [555pts]: Ironhail heavy stubber , Storm bolter, Twin heavy bolter, Twin macro-accelerator cannon, Two plasma eradicators

Team: NorthRoad Gaming Club #NOFUN
Factions Used: Death Guard
Army Points: 2000pts
Reinforcement Points: 0 pts
Number of Units / Killpoints: 16
Pre Game Stratagems: Relic, Warlord Trait, Gifts of Decay
Starting Command Points: 2
Warlord: Mortarion
Army Trait: Inexorable Advance

Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 79
Bring it Down: 5
Assassination: 22
Abhor the Witch: 12


== Death Guard – Mortarions Chosen Sons – Arks of Omen Detachment = -4CP, [115PL, 1550pts] == Inexorable Advance

HQ: Death Guard Daemon Prince [8PL, 150pts] Hellforged Sword
---Psychic Powers: Plague Wind
HQ: Malignant Plaguecaster [5PL, 90pts] Bolt Pistol
---Psychic powers: Putrescent Vitality, Curse Of The Leper
HQ: Malignant Plaguecaster [5PL, 90pts] Bolt Pistol
---Psychic powers: Putrescent Vitality, Curse Of The Leper

TR: 5 Plague Marines [6PL, 95pts] 1 Blight Launcher, 1 Flail, 1 Plague Spewer, 1 Meltagun, 1 Plasma Gun, 1 powerfist, 1 Daemonic Plague Blade
TR: 5 Plague Marines [6PL, 95pts] 1 Blight Launcher, 1 Flail, 1 Plague Spewer, 1 Meltagun, 1 Plasma Gun, 1 powerfist, 1 Daemonic Plague Blade
TR: 5 Plague Marines [6PL, 95pts] 1 Blight Launcher, 1 Flail, 1 Plague Spewer, 1 Meltagun, 1 Plasma Gun, 1 powerfist, 1 Daemonic Plague Blade
TR: 5 Plague Marines [6PL, 95pts] 1 Blight Launcher, 1 Flail, 1 Plague Spewer, 1 Meltagun, 1 Plasma Gun, 1 powerfist, 1 Daemonic Plague Blade
TR: 5 Plague Marines [6PL, 95pts] 1 Blight Launcher, 1 Flail, 1 Plague Spewer, 1 Meltagun, 1 Plasma Gun, 1 powerfist, 1 Daemonic Plague Blade
TR: 11 Poxwalkers [3PL, 55pts]

EL: Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought [8PL, 170pts] 2 Twin Volkite Culverin
---Martial legacy (-1CP)
EL: 3 Deathshroud Terminator [10PL, 165pts] Extra Plaguespurt
Gauntlet, Chimes of Contagion, Virulent Fever - Manreaper
EL: 3 Deathshroud Terminator [9PL, 150pts] Extra Plaguespurt
Gauntlet, Chimes of Contagion
EL: Tallyman [4PL, 65pts]
---Relic: Tollkeeper (-1CP)
EL: Biologus Putrifier [4PL, 60pts]
EL: Foul Blightspawn [5PL, 80pts]
---Gifts of Decay: Revolting Stench Vats (-1CP)

LOW: Mortarion [25PL, 450pts]
---Psychic Powers: Miasma of Pestilence, Gift of Plagues
---Warlord Trait: Arch-Contiminator, Revoltingly Resilient, Living Plague, 1 chosen at start of battle round.(-1CP)