Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Death Guard
Primary codex:
Space Wolves
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
++ Arks of Omen Detachment (Chaos - Death Guard) [116 PL, 2CP, 1,995pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Arks of Omen Compulsory Type: Elites

Battle Size [6CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Detachment Command Cost

Game Type: 5. Chapter Approved: Arks of Omen

Plague Company: Mortarion's Anvil

+ HQ +

Lord of Virulence [7 PL, -1CP, 125pts]: 4. Arch-Contaminator, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Viscous Death, Warlord

Malignant Plaguecaster [5 PL, 90pts]: 1. Miasma of Pestilence, 6. Gift of Plagues, Bolt pistol

+ Troops +

Plague Marines [12 PL, 190pts]
. Plague Champion: Daemonic plague blade, Plasma gun, Power fist
. 2x Plague Marine w/ blight launcher: 2x Blight grenades, 2x Blight launcher, 2x Krak grenades, 2x Plague knife
. Plague Marine w/ bubotic axe
. 2x Plague Marine w/ cleaver: 2x Blight grenades, 2x Great plague cleaver, 2x Krak grenades, 2x Plague knife
. 2x Plague Marine w/ flail: 2x Blight grenades, 2x Flail of corruption, 2x Krak grenades, 2x Plague knife
. Plague Marine w/ special weapon: Meltagun
. Plague Marine w/ special weapon: Meltagun

Plague Marines [12 PL, 190pts]
. Plague Champion: Daemonic plague blade, Plasma gun, Power fist
. 2x Plague Marine w/ blight launcher: 2x Blight grenades, 2x Blight launcher, 2x Krak grenades, 2x Plague knife
. Plague Marine w/ bubotic axe
. 2x Plague Marine w/ cleaver: 2x Blight grenades, 2x Great plague cleaver, 2x Krak grenades, 2x Plague knife
. 2x Plague Marine w/ flail: 2x Blight grenades, 2x Flail of corruption, 2x Krak grenades, 2x Plague knife
. Plague Marine w/ special weapon: Meltagun
. Plague Marine w/ special weapon: Meltagun

Plague Marines [12 PL, 190pts]
. Plague Champion: Daemonic plague blade, Plasma gun, Power fist
. 2x Plague Marine w/ blight launcher: 2x Blight grenades, 2x Blight launcher, 2x Krak grenades, 2x Plague knife
. Plague Marine w/ bubotic axe
. Plague Marine w/ cleaver
. 2x Plague Marine w/ flail: 2x Blight grenades, 2x Flail of corruption, 2x Krak grenades, 2x Plague knife
. Plague Marine w/ mace and axe
. Plague Marine w/ special weapon: Meltagun
. Plague Marine w/ special weapon: Meltagun

Poxwalkers [3 PL, 50pts]
. 10x Poxwalker: 10x Improvised weapon

+ Elites +

Blightlord Terminators [10 PL, 200pts]
. Blightlord Champion: Bubotic Axe, Combi-melta
. Blightlord Terminator: Balesword, Plague spewer
. Blightlord Terminator: Balesword, Blight launcher
. Blightlord Terminator: Flail of corruption
. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-plasma

Blightlord Terminators [10 PL, 200pts]
. Blightlord Champion: Balesword, Combi-melta
. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Plague spewer
. Blightlord Terminator: Blight launcher, Bubotic Axe
. Blightlord Terminator: Flail of corruption
. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-plasma

Deathshroud Terminators [9 PL, -1CP, 150pts]
. Deathshroud Champion: Chimes of contagion, 2x Plaguespurt gauntlet, Reaper of Glorious Entropy, Stratagem: Champion of Disease
. 2x Deathshroud Terminator: 2x Manreaper, 2x Plaguespurt gauntlet

Foul Blightspawn [6 PL, -2CP, 90pts]: Gloaming Bloat, Revolting Stench-vats, Stratagem: Gifts of Decay, Stratagem: Plaguechosen, Unstable Sickness

+ Fast Attack +

Foetid Bloat-drone [7 PL, 115pts]: Heavy blight launcher

Myphitic Blight-haulers [7 PL, 110pts]: Myphitic Blight-hauler

+ Heavy Support +

Plagueburst Crawler [8 PL, 135pts]: 2x Plaguespitter, Rothail volley gun

+ Dedicated Transport +

Chaos Rhino [4 PL, 80pts]: Combi-melta, Havoc launcher

Chaos Rhino [4 PL, 80pts]: Combi-melta, Havoc launcher

++ Total: [116 PL, 2CP, 1,995pts] ++

++ Arks of Omen Detachment (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Space Wolves) [117 PL, 3CP, 2,000pts] ++

+ Configuration +

**Chapter Selector**: Born Heroes , Custom Chapter, Space Wolves Successor, Whirlwind of Rage

Arks of Omen Compulsory Type: Elites

Battle Size [6CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Deeds and Sagas [Reference]

Detachment Command Cost

Game Type: 5. Chapter Approved: Arks of Omen

+ HQ +

Librarian [6 PL, 100pts]: 2. Murderous Hurricane, 4. Instincts Awoken, 5. Storm Caller, Chapter Command: Chief Librarian, Force sword, Plasma pistol

Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf [6 PL, -1CP, 95pts]: Power fist, Storm shield, Stratagem: Relic of the Chapter

Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf [7 PL, -2CP, 120pts]: Hunter, Storm shield, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Stratagem: Warrior of Legend, The Imperium's Sword, Thunder hammer, Warlord

+ Troops +

Blood Claws [13 PL, 120pts]
. 4x Blood Claw: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Blood Claw Pack Leader: Power fist
. Blood Claw with Plasma Pistol
. Wolf Guard Pack Leader: Power fist, Storm shield

Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 90pts]: Stalker Bolt Rifle
. 4x Intercessor: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Intercessor Sergeant

+ Elites +

Company Champion [4 PL, 60pts]: Chapter Command: Chapter Champion

Hounds of Morkai [5 PL, 85pts]: Hound of Morkai Pack Leader
. 4x Hound of Morkai: 4x Combat knife, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Special issue bolt pistol

Judiciar [5 PL, 75pts]

Relic Terminator Squad [18 PL, 330pts]: 2x Grenade harness
. Relic Terminator: Chainfist, Combi-bolter
. Relic Terminator: Chainfist, Combi-bolter
. Relic Terminator: Chainfist, Combi-bolter
. Relic Terminator: Chainfist, Combi-bolter
. Relic Terminator: Lightning Claw (Pair)
. Relic Terminator: Lightning Claw (Pair)
. Relic Terminator: Lightning Claw (Pair)
. Relic Terminator: Lightning Claw (Pair)
. Relic Terminator: Lightning Claw (Pair)
. Relic Terminator Sergeant: Chainfist, Combi-bolter

Terminator Assault Squad [9 PL, 165pts]
. Assault Terminator Sergeant: Lightning Claw (Pair)
. Assault Terminator w/THSS
. 3x Assault Terminator w/x2LC: 3x Lightning Claw (Pair)

Wolf Guard Terminators [18 PL, 340pts]
. Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour: Storm shield, Thunder hammer
. Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour: Storm shield, Thunder hammer
. Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour: Storm shield, Thunder hammer
. Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour: Storm shield, Thunder hammer
. Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour: Storm shield, Thunder hammer
. Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour: Storm shield, Thunder hammer
. Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour: Lightning Claw, Lightning Claw
. Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour with Heavy Weapon: Assault cannon, Chainfist
. Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour with Heavy Weapon: Assault cannon, Chainfist
. Wolf Guard Terminator Pack Leader: Storm shield, Thunder hammer

Wolf Guard Terminators [9 PL, 170pts]
. Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour: Power fist, Storm bolter
. Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour: Power fist, Storm bolter
. Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour: Power fist, Storm bolter
. Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour with Heavy Weapon: Assault cannon, Power fist
. Wolf Guard Terminator Pack Leader: Power fist, Storm bolter

Wulfen [6 PL, 145pts]: 5x Stormfrag auto-launcher
. Wulfen Pack Leader: Wulfen Frost claws
. 4x Wulfen w/ thunder hammer & storm shield: 4x Storm Shield, 4x Thunder Hammer

+ Fast Attack +

Outrider Squad [6 PL, 105pts]: Outrider Sgt
. 2x Outrider: 2x Astartes Chainsword, 2x Frag & Krak grenades, 2x Heavy Bolt Pistol, 2x Twin Bolt rifle

++ Total: [117 PL, 3CP, 2,000pts] ++