Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Adepta Sororitas
Primary codex:
Chaos Knights
Sec. codex:
Imperial Knights
Secondary codex:
Player: Kernam
Team: n/a
Faction Used: Adepta Sororitas
Sub-faction: Valorous Heart
Army Point: 2000 [104 PL]
Reinforcement Points: 0 Number of units: 14
Pre Game Stratagems: 1 Warlord Traits [-1CP]; 2 Relics [-2CP]
Starting CP: 6-3 = 3
Warlord Trait: Canoness: Impervious to Pain
Relics: Canoness: Iron Surplice of Saint Istaela; Dogmata: Casket of Penance
Secondary Objectives Information:
No Prisoners: 56 wounds
Titan Hunter: n/a
Bring it Down: 9 pts
Assassination: 13 pts
Abhor the Witch: n/a

++ Arks of Omen Detachment (Imperium – Adepta Sororitas – Valorous Heart, 3CP, 78 PL,1535 pts) ++
HQ1: Canoness, plasma pistol, power sword, rod of office, blessing: Word of the Emperor, WT: Impervious to Pain, Relic: Iron Surplice of Saint Istaela [5 PL, -2CP, 105pts, Warlord]
HQ2: Triumph of Saint Katherine [11 PL, 200pts]
EL1: 8x Arco-flagellants: 1with Endurant implants [6 PL, 109pts]
EL2: 10x Celestian Sacrosancts: 9x halberds, 1x Spear of the Faithful, 1x Inferno pistol [8 PL, 150pts]
EL3: 7x Celestian Sacrosancts: 9x halberds, 1x Spear of the Faithful [8 PL, 103pts]
EL4: 5x Celestians: 1x multimelta, 1x storm bolter, 1x power sword, 1x Simulacrum [4 PL, 95pts]
EL5: 8x Repentia [6 PL, 128pts]
EL6: 3x Paragon Warsuits: 3x war blades, 3x multimelta, 3x 2 storm bolters [11 PL, 240pts]
EL7: 1x Dogmata: relic: Casket of Penance; Hymns: War Hymn, Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude [4 PL, 65pts, 1CP]
EL8: 1x Hospitalier[3 PL, 50 pts]
HS1: 5x Retributors: 4x multimelta, 1x armorium cherub [6 PL, 150pts]
HS2: 5x Retributors: 3x multimelta, 1x ministorum heavy flamer, 1x armorium cherub [6 PL, 140pts]

++ Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (Imperium – Imperial Knight – Freeblade, 0 CP, 24 PL, 465 pts) ++
Low1: 3x Armiger Helverins: 2x armiger autocanons, questor ironhail heavy stubber, Martial Tradition: Hunters of Beast, Questor Imperialis [24 PL, 465 pts]

Player: Klim Kireev
Team: -
Factions used: Chaos Knights
House: House Herpetrax, Infernal dreadblade (Warp vision)
Army Point: 2000 pts, [107 PL]
Reinforcement Points: none pts Number of Units: 7
Starting CP: 6-5=1
Warlord Trait: Knight Abominant: Infernal Quest, Aura of Terror; Knight Desecrator: Bow to None (Herpetrax)

Secondary Objectives Information:
Assassination: 7 points
Bring it Down: 15 points
No Prisoners: 0 points
Abhor the Witch: 3 points


== Lord of War Arks of Omen (Chaos Knights - House Herpetrax) == 0 CP, 1675 pts, 90 PL

LOW1: Knight Abominant: 5. Infernal Quest, 6. Aura of Terror, Balemace, Character (Traitoris Lance), Diabolus heavy stubber, Electroscourge, House Herpetrax, Stratagem: Arch-Tyrant, Stratagem: Relic, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Undivided - Blessing of the Dark Master, Veil of Medrengard, Volkite combustor, Vortex Terrors, Warlord, Winds of the Warp [460 pts, 24 PL, -3 CP]
LOW2: Knight Desecrator: Bow to None (Herpetrax), Character (Tyrannical Court), Diabolus heavy stubber, House Herpetrax, Reaper chainsword, Stratagem: Corrupted Heirlooms, The Diamonas, Tzeentch - Cursed Rune of Fate [435 pts, 22 PL, -2 CP]
LOW3: War Dog Karnivore Squadron: House Herpetrax, War Dog Karnivore (Diabolus heavy stubber, Khorne - Blood Shield, Reaper chaintalon, Slaughterclaw) [170 pts, 10 PL]
LOW4: War Dog Karnivore Squadron: House Herpetrax, War Dog Karnivore (Diabolus heavy stubber, Khorne - Throne Mechanicum of Skulls, Reaper chaintalon, Slaughterclaw) [155 pts, 9 PL]
LOW5: War Dog Stalker Squadron: House Herpetrax, War Dog Stalker (Avenger chaincannon, Diabolus heavy stubber, Reaper chaintalon, Slaanesh - Beguiling Majesty), War Dog Stalker (Avenger chaincannon, Diabolus heavy stubber, Reaper chaintalon) [310 pts, 17 PL]
LOW6: War Dog Stalker Squadron: House Herpetrax, War Dog Stalker (Daemonbreath spear, Diabolus heavy stubber, Reaper chaintalon) [145 pts, 8 PL]

== Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (Chaos Knights - Infernal Dreadblade) == 0 CP, 325 pts, 17 PL

LOW1: War Dog Executioner Squadron: Infernal Dreadblade, War Dog Executioner (Diabolus heavy stubber, Tzeentch - Mirror of Fates, 2xWar Dog autocannon), War Dog Executioner (Diabolus heavy stubber, 2xWar Dog autocannon), Warp Vision [325 pts, 17 PL]