Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Heretic Astartes
Primary codex:
T'au Empire
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
Player #: Claudio Scarpignato
Team: none
Factions used: Chaos - Chaos Space Marines
Army points: 2000
Reinforcement Points: 0 pts
Number of Units / Killpoints: 12
Pre Game Stratagems: 1x aspiring lord -1cp, 1x warlord traits -1cp, 1x stratagem relic -1cp, 1x trophies of the long war -1cp, 1x gifts of chaos -1cp
Starting Command Points: 1
Warlord: Lucius the Eternal, wld traits Faultless Duellist
Army Trait: Flawless Perfection
Secondary Objectives Information
Assassination: 13
Bring it Down: 1
No Prisoners: 13 (total wounds: 114)
Abhor the Witch: 6

==Chaos Space Marines, Emperors Children Arks of Omen = 0 CP, [93 PL, 2000 pts] ==

HQ: Daemon Prince with Wings [11 PL, 185 pts] 1. Flames of Spite, Aspiring Lord, Diabolic Strength, Hellforged sword, Malefic talons, Mantle of Traitors, Mark of Slaanesh, Stratagem: Relic, Wings
HQ: 3 Dark Apostle [6 PL, 115 pts] Dark Apostle, 2xDark Disciple, Illusory Supplication, Mark of Slaanesh
HQ: Lucius the Eternal [5 PL, 120 pts] 4. Faultless Duellist, Duellist's sword, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Warlord
HQ: Master of Possession [7 PL, 125 pts] Gifts of Chaos, Liber Hereticus, Mark of Slaanesh, Mutated Invigoration, Pact of Flesh, Smite

TR: 5 Noise Marines [6 PL, 135 pts] Icon of Slaanesh, Noise Champion (Astartes chainsword, Power fist), Noise Marine w/ blastmaster (Blastmaster, Bolt pistol), 3xNoise Marine w/ chainsword (Astartes chainsword, Bolt pistol)
TR: 5 Noise Marines [6 PL, 135 pts] Icon of Slaanesh, Noise Champion (Astartes chainsword, Power fist), Noise Marine w/ blastmaster (Blastmaster, Bolt pistol), 3xNoise Marine w/ chainsword (Astartes chainsword, Bolt pistol)
TR: 10 Noise Marines [12 PL, 295 pts] Icon of Slaanesh, Noise Champion (Doom siren, Power fist, Sonic blaster), Noise Marine w/ blastmaster (Blastmaster, Bolt pistol), 8xNoise Marine w/ sonic blaster (Bolt pistol, Sonic blaster)
TR: 5 Noise Marines [6 PL, 125 pts] Icon of Slaanesh, Noise Champion (2xAstartes chainsword), Noise Marine w/ blastmaster (Blastmaster, Bolt pistol), 3xNoise Marine w/ chainsword (Astartes chainsword, Bolt pistol)

EL: 10 Chaos Terminator Squad [19 PL, 460 pts] 4xChaos Terminator (Combi-flamer, Power fist), 2xChaos Terminator (Combi-melta, Power fist), Chaos Terminator (Chainfist, Combi-melta), 2xChaos Terminator (Accursed weapon, Combi-bolter), Mark of Slaanesh, Terminator Champion (Black Rune of Damnation, Chainfist, Combi-melta, Trophies of the Long War)
EL: 5 Possessed [7 PL, 140 pts] 4xPossessed, Possessed Champion (Hideous mutations)
EL: 5 Possessed [7 PL, 140 pts] 4xPossessed, Possessed Champion (Hideous mutations)

FA: Chaos Spawn [1 PL, 25 pts] Chaos Spawn

Player #: Matthaeus Schobesberger
Team: Wuerfelkommando
Factions used: T'au Empire
Army points: 1997
Reinforcement Points: none pts
Number of Units / Killpoints: 16
Pre Game Stratagems: Heroic Support (-1 CP)
Starting Command Points: 1
Warlord: Coldstar Commander - Precision of the Hunter
Army Trait:
Secondary Objectives Information
Assassination: 13
Bring it Down: 8
No Prisoners: 9 (total wounds: 86)
Abhor the Witch: 0

== T'au Sept Arks of Omen = 0 CP, [101 PL, 1997 pts] ==

HQ: 3 Aun'Va [4 PL, 100 pts] 2. Sense of Stone, 3. Zephyr's Grace, 6. Wisdom of the Guides
HQ: 3 Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit [9 PL, 205 pts] 1. Precision of the Hunter, 2xBurst Cannon, DW-02 Advanced Burst Cannon, High-output Burst Cannon, 2xMarker Drone, Plasma Rifle, Solid-image Projection Unit, Stratagem: Relic, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Target Lock, Warlord
HQ: 2 Commander in Crisis Battlesuit [9 PL, 190 pts] 5. Exemplar of the Kauyon, Burst Cannon, Cyclic Ion Blaster, Iridium battlesuit, Marker Drone, Missile Pod, Novasurge Plasma Rifle, Plasma Rifle, Stratagem: Emergency Dispensation, Stratagem: Promising Pupil, The Be'gel Hunter's Plate
HQ: Longstrike [9 PL, 170 pts] 2xAccelerator Burst Cannon, Railgun

TR: 10 Kroot Carnivores [3 PL, 70 pts] 10xKroot
TR: 10 Strike Team [4 PL, 80 pts] Fire Warrior Shas'ui (Pulse Rifle), 9xFire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle
TR: 10 Strike Team [4 PL, 80 pts] Fire Warrior Shas'ui (Pulse Rifle), 9xFire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle

EL: 10 Crisis Battlesuits [22 PL, 405 pts] 3xCrisis Shas'ui (Cyclic Ion Blaster, Missile Pod, Plasma Rifle, Target Lock), Crisis Shas'vre (Cyclic Ion Blaster, Iridium battlesuit, Missile Pod, Plasma Rifle, Shield Generator, Stimm Injectors), 2xMarker Drone, 4xShield Drone
EL: 5 Stealth Battlesuits [5 PL, 100 pts] Marker Drone, Shield Drone, 2xStealth Shas'ui w/ Burst Cannon, Stealth Shas'vre (Burst Cannon)
EL: 5 Stealth Battlesuits [5 PL, 100 pts] Marker Drone, Shield Drone, 2xStealth Shas'ui w/ Burst Cannon, Stealth Shas'vre (Burst Cannon)

FA: 4 Kroot Hounds [1 PL, 24 pts] 4xKroot Hound
FA: 4 Kroot Hounds [1 PL, 24 pts] 4xKroot Hound
FA: 4 Kroot Hounds [1 PL, 24 pts] 4xKroot Hound

FL: 3 Sun Shark Bomber [9 PL, 165 pts] 2xInterceptor Drone, Missile Pod
FL: 3 Sun Shark Bomber [9 PL, 165 pts] 2xInterceptor Drone, Missile Pod

DT: Devilfish [6 PL, 95 pts] 2xGun Drones