Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Heretic Astartes
Primary codex:
T'au Empire
Sec. codex:
Chaos Knights
Secondary codex:
* Player 5: Paul Silaghi
* Team: Teamisoara
* Factions used: Chaos - Chaos Knights, Chaos - Chaos Space Marines
* Army points: 2000
* Reinforcement Points: none pts
* Number of Units / Killpoints: 12
* Pre Game Stratagems: Warlord Trait, Relic, Aspiring Lord x2, Gifts of Chaos x 2
* Starting Command Points: 0
* Warlord: Master of Possesion
* Army Trait: Let The Galaxy Burn
* Secondary Objectives Information
* Assassination: 10
* Bring it Down: 8
* No Prisoners: 10 (95)
* Abhor the Witch: 6

== Word Bearers Arks of Omen = 0 CP, [82 PL, 1520 pts] ==

HQ: Daemon Prince with Wings [11 PL, 180 pts] 2. Exalted Possession, Aspiring Lord, Death Hex, Ghollax, the Decayed, Gifts of Chaos, Hellforged sword, Malefic talons, Mark of Nurgle, Wings
HQ: Lord Discordant on Helstalker [9 PL, 175 pts] 1. Flames of Spite, Aspiring Lord, Baleflamer, Bladed limbs, Chaos Undivided, Gifts of Chaos, Techno-virus injector, Ulocca, the Black
HQ: Master of Possession [7 PL, 120 pts] 4. Master of the Union, Baleful Icon, Cursed Earth, Mark of Tzeentch, Pact of Flesh, Smite, Stratagem: Relic, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Warlord

TR: 5 Legionaries [6 PL, 90 pts] Aspiring Champion (Daemon blade, Plasma pistol), Chaos Icon, Chaos Undivided, 2xLegionary w/ astartes chainsword (Astartes chainsword, Bolt pistol), Legionary w/ heavy chainaxe (Bolt pistol, Heavy chainaxe), Legionary w/ heavy weapon (Bolt pistol, Missile Launcher)
TR: 5 Legionaries [7 PL, 105 pts] Aspiring Champion (Power Fist, Plasma pistol), Chaos Icon, 2xLegionary w/ astartes chainsword (Astartes chainsword, Bolt pistol), Legionary w/ heavy chainaxe (Bolt pistol, Heavy chainaxe), Legionary w/ special weapon (Bolt pistol, Chaos Icon, Meltagun), Mark of Khorne

EL: 5 Possessed [7 PL, 145 pts] Chaos Icon, 4xPossessed, Possessed Champion (Hideous mutations)
EL: 5 Possessed [7 PL, 145 pts] Chaos Icon, 4xPossessed, Possessed Champion (Hideous mutations)
EL: 5 Possessed [7 PL, 140 pts] 4xPossessed, Possessed Champion (Hideous mutations)

FA: 5 Warp Talons [7 PL, 140 pts] 4xWarp Talon (Warp claws), Warp Talon Champion (Warp claws)
FA: 5 Warp Talons [7 PL, 140 pts] 4xWarp Talon (Warp claws), Warp Talon Champion (Warp claws)
FA: 5 Warp Talons [7 PL, 140 pts] 4xWarp Talon (Warp claws), Warp Talon Champion (Warp claws)

== Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment = 0 CP, [25 PL, 480 pts] ==

LOW: 3 War Dog Executioner Squadron [25 PL, 480 pts] Iconoclast Dreadblade, War Dog Executioner (Diabolus heavy stubber, Tzeentch - Mirror of Fates, 2xWar Dog autocannon), 2xWar Dog Executioner (Diabolus heavy stubber, 2xWar Dog autocannon), Worthy Offerings

Team: Wargaming Slovenia 1
TourneyKeeper: 6063
Player: Pino Pogorevc
Player number: 3
Reinforcement Points: 2
Number of Units / Killpoints: 11
Pre Game Stratagems: Emergency Dispensation (Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit, Vectored Manoeuvring Thrusters), Promising Pupil (Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit, Exemplar of the Monka),
Warlord Trait: (Commander in Crisis Battlesuit, Precision of the Hunter), Relic : (Commander in Crisis Battlesuit, The Begel Hunters Plate), Heroic Support, Emergency Dispensation: (Ethereal, The Humble Stave)
Starting Command Points:0
Warlord Trait: Commander in Crisis Battlesuit, Precision of the Hunter
Army Trait: Philosphyes of war

Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 6 points / 54 wounds
Bring it Down: 8
Assassination: 13
Abhor the Witch: 0
== Arks of Omen Detachment (Tau Empire) == [98 PL, 0CP, 1,998pts]

HQ1:Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit [9 PL, -2CP, 200pts]: Burst Cannon: DW-02 Advanced Burst Cannon , High-output Burst Cannon, Missile Pod, Plasma Rifle, 2x Marker Drone,
Stratagem: Emergency Dispensation: Vectored Manoeuvring Thrusters, Stratagem: Promising Pupil: Exemplar of the Monka,

HQ2:Commander in Crisis Battlesuit [9 PL, -2CP, 205pts]: Plasma Rifle, Tau Flamer, Thermoneutronic Projector, 2xCyclic Ion Blaster, Iridium battlesuit, 2x Marker Drone, Stratagem: Warlord Trait: Precision of the Hunter, Stratagem: Relic: The Begel Hunters Plate,

HQ3:Ethereal [5 PL, -1CP, 115pts]: Hover Drone, 2x Marker Drone, Invocations: Sense of Stone, Wisdom of the Guides, Stratagem: Emergency Dispensation: The Humble Stave

HQ4:Longstrike [9 PL, 160pts]: 2x Gun Drones, Railgun

TR1:Kroot Carnivores [3 PL, 70pts]: 10x Kroot

EL1:Crisis Battlesuits [22 PL, 450pts]: Crisis Shasvre: Selections: Burst Cannon , Cyclic Ion Blaster , Plasma Rifle , Shield Generator , Stimm Injectors , Iridium battlesuit
4x Crisis Shasui: Burst Cannon , Cyclic Ion Blaster , Plasma Rifle , Target Lock, 5x Shield Drone

FA1:Kroot Hounds [1 PL, 24pts]: 4x Kroot Hound

FA2:Kroot Hounds [1 PL, 24pts]: 4x Kroot Hound

HS1:Riptide Battlesuit [13 PL, 250pts]: 2x Plasma Rifle, Ion Accelerator , Target Lock, Multi-Tracker, Early Warning Override

HS2:Riptide Battlesuit [13 PL, 250pts]: 2x Plasma Rifle, Ion Accelerator , Target Lock, Multi-Tracker, Early Warning Override

HS3:Riptide Battlesuit [13 PL, 250pts]: 2x Plasma Rifle, Ion Accelerator , Target Lock, Multi-Tracker, Early Warning Override¸

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