Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Adepta Sororitas
Primary codex:
Astra Militarum
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
discord: pulo6456

+ FACTION KEYWORD: Imperium - Adepta Sororitas
+ DETACHMENT: Hallowed Martyrs Detachment
+ WARLORD: Char3: Morvenn Vahl
+ ENHANCEMENT: Saintly Example (on Char1: Canoness)
+ SECONDARY: - Bring It Down: 6x2 + 5x3 - Assassination: 4 Characters

Char1: 1x Canoness (60 pts): Blessed blade, Condemnor boltgun
Enhancement: Saintly Example (+10 pts)
Char2: 2x Daemonifuge (70 pts)
• 1x Ephrael Stern: Bolt Pistol, Sanctity
• 1x Kyganil of the Bloody Tears: The Outcast's Blades
Char3: 1x Morvenn Vahl (145 pts): Warlord, Fidelis, Lance of Illumination, Paragon missile launcher
Char4: 3x Saint Celestine (135 pts)
• 2x Geminae Superia: 2 with Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon
• 1x Saint Celestine: The Ardent Blade

10x Battle Sisters Squad (100 pts)
• 9x Battle Sister
6 with Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Close combat weapon
1 with Simulacrum Imperialis, Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Close combat weapon
1 with Bolt Pistol, Close combat weapon, Multi-melta
1 with Bolt Pistol, Close combat weapon, Meltagun
• 1x Sister Superior: Bolt Pistol, Close combat weapon, Power weapon, Condemnor boltgun

10x Arco-Flagellants (160 pts): 10 with Arco-flails
10x Arco-Flagellants (160 pts): 10 with Arco-flails
2x Crusaders (35 pts): 2x Crusader
10x Repentia Squad (110 pts)
• 1x Repentia Superior: Bolt Pistol, Neural Whips
• 9x Sister Repentia: 9 with Penitent Eviscerator
5x Seraphim Squad (70 pts)
• 1x Seraphim Superior: Close combat weapon, Plasma pistol, Power Weapon
• 2x Seraphim: 2 with 2x Bolt Pistol, Close combat weapon
• 2x Seraphim with Special Weapons: 2 with Close combat weapon, 2x Inferno Pistol
5x Seraphim Squad (70 pts)
• 1x Seraphim Superior: Close combat weapon, Plasma pistol, Power Weapon
• 2x Seraphim: 2 with 2x Bolt Pistol, Close combat weapon
• 2x Seraphim with Special Weapons: 2 with Close combat weapon, 2x Inferno Pistol
5x Zephyrim Squad (60 pts)
• 4x Zephyrim: 4 with Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon
• 1x Zephyrim Superior: Sacred Banner, Power Weapon, Plasma pistol
1x Castigator (140 pts): Armoured tracks, 3x Heavy Bolters, Castigator battle cannon, Hunter-Killer Missile, Storm bolter
1x Castigator (140 pts): Armoured tracks, 3x Heavy Bolters, Castigator battle cannon, Hunter-Killer Missile, Storm bolter
3x Paragon Warsuits (170 pts)
• 1x Paragon Superior: Bolt Pistol, Paragon Grenade Launchers, Paragon War Mace, Multi-melta
• 2x Paragon Warsuit: 2 with Bolt Pistol, Paragon Grenade Launchers, Paragon War Blade, Multi-melta
1x Penitent Engines (55 pts): Penitent Flamers, Twin Penitent Buzz-Blades
1x Penitent Engines (55 pts): Penitent Flamers, Twin Penitent Buzz-Blades
1x Immolator (115 pts): Armoured tracks, Heavy Bolter, Hunter-Killer Missile, Twin Multi-melta
1x Sororitas Rhino (75 pts): Armoured tracks, Hunter-Killer Missile, Storm bolter
1x Sororitas Rhino (75 pts): Armoured tracks, Hunter-Killer Missile, Storm bolter
Discord: andrew_n4
++ Army Roster (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [2,000pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size: 2. Strike Force (2000 Point limit)

Detachment: Combined Regiment

Show/Hide Options: Agents of the Imperium are visible

+ Epic Hero +

Lord Solar Leontus [125pts]

Ursula Creed [55pts]

+ Character +

Platoon Command Squad [75pts]
. Platoon Commander: Grand Strategist, Plasma Pistol, Power Fist
. Veteran Guardsman w/ Master Vox
. Veteran Guardsman w/ Regimental Standard: Lasgun
. Veteran Heavy Weapons Team: Mortar

Tank Commander [205pts]: Demolisher Battle Cannon, Heavy Stubber, Hunter-killer Missile, Lascannon
. Two Militarum Plasma Cannons

+ Battleline +

Catachan Jungle Fighters [55pts]
. 1 Jungle Fighter Sergeant and 9 Jungle Fighters
. . 6x Jungle Fighter: 6x Close Combat Weapon, 6x Lasgun
. . 2x Jungle Fighter w/ Flamer: 2x Close Combat Weapon, 2x Flamer
. . Jungle Fighter w/ Vox-caster

Catachan Jungle Fighters [55pts]
. 1 Jungle Fighter Sergeant and 9 Jungle Fighters
. . 6x Jungle Fighter: 6x Close Combat Weapon, 6x Lasgun
. . 2x Jungle Fighter w/ Flamer: 2x Close Combat Weapon, 2x Flamer
. . Jungle Fighter w/ Vox-caster

Death Korps of Krieg [65pts]
. 1 Death Korps Watchmaster and 9 Death Korps Troopers
. . 5x Death Korps Trooper: 5x Close Combat Weapon, 5x Lasgun
. . Death Korps Trooper w/ Death Korps Medi-pack
. . Death Korps Trooper w/ Grenade Launcher
. . Death Korps Trooper w/ Meltagun
. . Death Korps Trooper w/ Plasma Gun
. . Death Korps Watchmaster: Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon

Infantry Squad [60pts]
. 1 Sergeant, 7 Guardsmen and 1 Heavy Weapons Team: Guardsman w/ Vox Caster
. . 5x Guardsman: 5x Close Combat Weapon, 5x Lasgun
. . Guardsman w/ Plasma Gun
. . Heavy Weapons Team: Mortar
. . Sergeant: Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon

+ Infantry +

Earthshaker Carriage Battery [120pts]

Earthshaker Carriage Battery [120pts]

Kasrkin [120pts]
. Kasrkin Sergeant: Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon
. 2x Kasrkin Trooper: 2x Close Combat Weapon, 2x Hot-shot Lasgun
. Kasrkin Trooper w/ Hot-shot Laspistol and Meltamine
. Kasrkin Trooper w/ Hot-shot Marksmen Rifle
. Kasrkin Trooper w/ Meltagun
. Kasrkin Trooper w/ Meltagun
. Kasrkin Trooper w/ Plasma Gun
. Kasrkin Trooper w/ Plasma Gun
. Kasrkin Trooper w/ Vox-caster

Ratling Snipers [60pts]
. 5x Ratling Snipers: 5x Close Combat Weapon, 5x Sniper Rifle

Tempestus Scions [100pts]
. Tempestor: Plasma Pistol, Power Fist
. 4x Tempestus Scion: 4x Close Combat Weapon, 4x Hot-shot Lasgun
. Tempestus Scion w/ Special Weapon: Plasma Gun
. Tempestus Scion w/ Special Weapon: Plasma Gun
. Tempestus Scion w/ Special Weapon: Meltagun
. Tempestus Scion w/ Special Weapon: Meltagun
. Tempestus Scion w/ Vox-caster

+ Vehicle +

Leman Russ Demolisher [200pts]: Armoured Tracks, Heavy Stubber, Hunter-killer Missile, Lascannon
. 2 Multi-meltas

Leman Russ Vanquisher [145pts]: Armoured Tracks, Heavy Stubber, Hunter-killer Missile, Lascannon
. 2 Plasma Cannons

Manticore [190pts]: Heavy Bolter, Hunter-killer Missile

Manticore [190pts]: Heavy Bolter, Hunter-killer Missile

Scout Sentinels [60pts]
. Scout Sentinel: Hunter-killer Missile, Lascannon, Sentinel Chainsaw

++ Total: [2,000pts] ++