Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Empire of Man
Primary codex:
Vampire Counts
Sec. codex:
Vampire Counts
Secondary codex:
++ Characters [529 pts] ++

Wizard Lord [250 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Level 4 Wizard
- Pegasus
- Ruby Ring of Ruin
- Lore Familiar
- Dark Magic

Lector of Sigmar [279 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Great weapon
- Light armour
- General
- War Altar of Sigmar
- The White Cloak

++ Core Units [500 pts] ++

6 Empire Knights [144 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Lances
- Shields
- Heavy armour
- Standard bearer
- Musician

6 Empire Knights [138 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Lances
- Shields
- Heavy armour
- Standard bearer

6 Empire Knights [138 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Lances
- Shields
- Heavy armour
- Standard bearer

5 Empire Archers [40 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Warbows
- Scouts

5 Empire Archers [40 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Warbows
- Scouts

++ Special Units [704 pts] ++

5 Demigryph Knights [329 pts]
- Lances
- Shields
- Full plate armour
- Standard bearer
- Musician

Great Cannon [125 pts]
- Great cannon
- Hand weapons

Great Cannon [125 pts]
- Great cannon
- Hand weapons

Great Cannon [125 pts]
- Great cannon
- Hand weapons

++ Rare Units [265 pts] ++

Steam Tank [265 pts]
- Steam Cannon
- Steam gun
Vampire Counts - Shrieks, #01 - [2000pts]

# Main Force [2000pts]

## Characters [1000pts]
Master Necromancer [405pts]: Hand Weapon, General, Wizard Level 4, Necromancy, Mortis Engine, 3x Banshees, Spirit Horde, Hand Weapon, Lance, Spell Familiar, Sceptre Of De Noirot
Master Necromancer [455pts]: Hand Weapon, Wizard Level 4, Illusion, Mortis Engine, 3x Banshees, Spirit Horde, Hand Weapon, Lance, Spell Familiar, Sword of Kings, Talisman Of Protection
Wight Lord [140pts]: Hand Weapon, Heavy Armour, Battle Standard Bearer, The Blazing Banner, Charmed Shield, The Accursed Armour, Sword of Striking

## Core [500pts]
Grave Guard [374pts]:
• 26x Grave Guard [12pts]: Hand Weapon, Heavy Armour, Great Weapon
• 1x Seneschal [6pts]
• 1x Standard Bearer [56pts]: Drakenhof Banner
2x Zombies [63pts]:
• 21x Zombie [3pts]: Hand Weapon

## Special [90pts]
2x Fell Bats [45pts]:
• 3x Fell Bat [45pts]: Filth-Encrusted Claws, Hand Weapon

## Rare [410pts]
2x Terrorgheist [205pts]: Filth-encrusted Talons, Rancid Maw, Light Armour