Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Leagues of Votann
Primary codex:
Death Guard
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
NAME: Uncle Cherry
DISCORD ID: wuja.wisnia
ARMY: Leagues of Votann
POINTS: 2000


Kâhl (90 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Mass gauntlet
1x Rampart Crest
1x Volkanite disintegrator
• Enhancement: Grim Demeanour


Hearthkyn Warriors (100 points)
• 1x Theyn
1x EtaCarn plasma pistol
1x Kin melee weapon
1x Weavefield Crest
• 9x Hearthkyn Warrior
• 9x Autoch-pattern bolt pistol
7x Autoch-pattern bolter
9x Close combat weapon
1x Comms Array
1x HYLas auto rifle
1x HYLas rotary cannon
1x Medipack
1x Pan Spectral Scanner

Sagitaur (115 points)
1x HYLas beam cannon
1x Twin bolt cannon

Sagitaur (115 points)
1x HYLas beam cannon
1x Twin bolt cannon

Sagitaur (115 points)
1x HYLas beam cannon
1x Twin bolt cannon

Brôkhyr Thunderkyn (170 points)
• 6x Brôkhyr Thunderkyn
6x Graviton blast cannon

Brôkhyr Thunderkyn (85 points)
• 3x Brôkhyr Thunderkyn
3x Graviton blast cannon

Brôkhyr Thunderkyn (85 points)
• 3x Brôkhyr Thunderkyn
3x Graviton blast cannon

Cthonian Beserks (200 points)
• 10x Cthonian Beserk
• 10x Concussion maul
2x Mole grenade launcher

Cthonian Beserks (100 points)
• 5x Cthonian Beserk
• 5x Concussion maul
1x Mole grenade launcher

Cthonian Beserks (100 points)
• 5x Cthonian Beserk
• 5x Concussion maul
1x Mole grenade launcher

Einhyr Hearthguard (320 points)
• 1x Hesyr
• 1x Concussion gauntlet
1x Exo-armour grenade launcher
1x Teleport Crest
1x Volkanite disintegrator
• 9x Einhyr Hearthguard
• 9x Concussion gauntlet
9x Exo-armour grenade launcher
9x Volkanite disintegrator

Hekaton Land Fortress (225 points)
1x MATR autocannon
1x Pan Spectral Scanner
1x SP heavy conversion beamer
2x Twin bolt cannon

Hernkyn Pioneers (90 points)
• 3x Hernkyn Pioneer
1x HYLas rotary cannon
1x Pan Spectral Scanner
1x Rollbar Searchlight

Hernkyn Pioneers (90 points)
• 3x Hernkyn Pioneer
1x HYLas rotary cannon
1x Pan Spectral Scanner
1x Rollbar Searchlight
discord id: mcl5789

++ Army Roster (Chaos - Death Guard) [2,000pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size: 2. Strike Force (2000 Point limit)

Detachment Choice: Plague Company

Show/Hide Options: Chaos Knights are visible, Legends are visible, Nurgle Daemons are visible, Unaligned Forces are visible, Unaligned Fortifications are visible

+ Character +

Biologus Putrifier [50pts]: Warlord

Biologus Putrifier [50pts]

Biologus Putrifier [50pts]

Death Guard Icon Bearer [45pts]

Foul Blightspawn [50pts]

Foul Blightspawn [50pts]

+ Battleline +

Plague Marines [90pts]
. Plague Champion: Heavy plague weapon, Plasma gun
. 2x Plague Marine w/ heavy plague weapon: 2x Heavy plague weapon, 2x Plague knives
. Plague Marine w/ plague spewer
. Plague Marine w/ special weapon: Meltagun

Plague Marines [180pts]
. Plague Champion: Heavy plague weapon, Plasma gun
. Plague Marine w/ blight launcher
. 4x Plague Marine w/ heavy plague weapon: 4x Heavy plague weapon, 4x Plague knives
. 2x Plague Marine w/ plague spewer: 2x Plague knives, 2x Plague spewer
. Plague Marine w/ special weapon: Meltagun
. Plague Marine w/ special weapon: Meltagun

Plague Marines [180pts]
. Plague Champion: Heavy plague weapon, Plasma gun
. Plague Marine w/ blight launcher
. 4x Plague Marine w/ heavy plague weapon: 4x Heavy plague weapon, 4x Plague knives
. 2x Plague Marine w/ plague spewer: 2x Plague knives, 2x Plague spewer
. Plague Marine w/ special weapon: Meltagun
. Plague Marine w/ special weapon: Meltagun

Plague Marines [90pts]
. Plague Champion: Heavy plague weapon, Plasma gun
. 2x Plague Marine w/ heavy plague weapon: 2x Heavy plague weapon, 2x Plague knives
. Plague Marine w/ plague spewer
. Plague Marine w/ special weapon: Meltagun

+ Infantry +

Death Guard Cultists [50pts]
. 9x Cultist: 9x Brutal assault weapon, 9x Cultist firearm

+ Vehicle +

Death Guard Predator Destructor [130pts]: Havoc launcher, Plague combi-bolter
. 2 lascannons

Foetid Bloat-drone [90pts]
. 2 plaguespitters

Foetid Bloat-drone [90pts]
. 2 plaguespitters

Plagueburst Crawler [180pts]: Heavy slugger
. 2 entropy cannons

Plagueburst Crawler [180pts]: Rothail stubber
. 2 plaguespitters

Plagueburst Crawler [180pts]: Rothail stubber
. 2 plaguespitters

+ Dedicated Transport +

Death Guard Rhino [75pts]: Combi-weapon, Havoc launcher

Death Guard Rhino [75pts]: Combi-weapon, Havoc launcher

Death Guard Rhino [75pts]: Combi-weapon, Havoc launcher

+ Allied Units +

Nurglings [40pts]
. 3x Nurgling Swarm: 3x Diseased claws and teeth

++ Total: [2,000pts] ++

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