Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Thousand sons
Primary codex:
Death Guard
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
Chaos Knights
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Player Name: Chris Chedotal

Team Name: Wrexhammer

Factions Used: Thousand Sons

Army Points: 1995

Army Enhancements (list on which model): Forbidden Lore - Exalted Sorcerer
Arcane Vortex - Sorcerer
Umbralific Crystal - Shaman

Detachment Rule: Cult of Magic

Thousand Sons
Strike Force (2000 points)
Cult of Magic


Ahriman on Disc of Tzeentch (140 points)
• 1x Black Staff of Ahriman
1x Inferno bolt pistol
1x Psychic Stalk

Exalted Sorcerer on Disc of Tzeentch (150 points)
• 1x Arcane Fire
1x Force weapon
1x Prosperine khopesh
1x Warpflame pistol
• Enhancement: Lord of Forbidden Lore

Exalted Sorcerer on Disc of Tzeentch (115 points)
• 1x Arcane Fire
1x Force weapon
1x Prosperine khopesh
1x Warpflame pistol

Infernal Master (90 points)
• 1x Force weapon
1x Inferno bolt pistol
1x Screamer Invocation

Infernal Master (90 points)
• 1x Force weapon
1x Inferno bolt pistol
1x Screamer Invocation

Magnus the Red (440 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Blade of Magnus
1x Gaze of Magnus
1x Tzeentch’s Firestorm

Thousand Sons Sorcerer (120 points)
• 1x Fires of the Abyss
1x Force weapon
1x Warpflame pistol
• Enhancement: Arcane Vortex

Tzaangor Shaman (80 points)
• 1x Mutating orbs
1x Shaman’s stave
• Enhancement: Umbralefic Crystal


Rubric Marines (105 points)
• 1x Aspiring Sorcerer
• 1x Force weapon
1x Warpflame pistol
1x Warpsmite
• 4x Rubric Marine
• 4x Close combat weapon
1x Icon of Flame
1x Soulreaper cannon
3x Warpflamer

Rubric Marines (105 points)
• 1x Aspiring Sorcerer
• 1x Force weapon
1x Warpflame pistol
1x Warpsmite
• 4x Rubric Marine
• 4x Close combat weapon
1x Icon of Flame
1x Soulreaper cannon
3x Warpflamer

Rubric Marines (105 points)
• 1x Aspiring Sorcerer
• 1x Force weapon
1x Warpflame pistol
1x Warpsmite
• 4x Rubric Marine
• 4x Close combat weapon
1x Icon of Flame
1x Soulreaper cannon
3x Warpflamer

Rubric Marines (105 points)
• 1x Aspiring Sorcerer
• 1x Force weapon
1x Warpflame pistol
1x Warpsmite
• 4x Rubric Marine
• 4x Close combat weapon
1x Icon of Flame
1x Soulreaper cannon
3x Warpflamer

Tzaangors (65 points)
• 1x Twistbray
• 1x Tzaangor blades
• 9x Tzaangor
• 1x Brayhorn
1x Herd banner
9x Tzaangor blades


Thousand Sons Rhino (75 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Havoc launcher
1x Inferno combi-bolter
1x Inferno combi-bolter


Thousand Sons Chaos Spawn (65 points)
• 2x Chaos Spawn
• 2x Hideous mutations

Thousand Sons Cultists (55 points)
• 1x Thousand Sons Cultist Champion
• 1x Brutal assault weapon
1x Cultist firearm
• 9x Thousand Sons Cultist
• 9x Brutal assault weapon
9x Cultist firearm

Tzaangor Enlightened (45 points)
• 1x Aviarch
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Fatecaster greatbow
• 2x Enlightened
• 2x Close combat weapon
2x Fatecaster greatbow

Tzaangor Enlightened (45 points)
• 1x Aviarch
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Fatecaster greatbow
• 2x Enlightened
• 2x Close combat weapon
2x Fatecaster greatbow

Exported with App Version: v1.14.0 (42), Data Version: v379
Army name: DG - Go Wide
Factions used: Chaos - Death Guard
Total cost: 1995 pts

Number of Units: 21
Character Units (Models): 5 (5)
Vehicle/Monster Models (Max Points): 8 (24)

== Plague Company Army Roster 1995 pts ==

EH1: Typhus [80 pts]

CH1: Biologus Putrifier [50 pts]

CH2: Foul Blightspawn [50 pts]

CH3: Foul Blightspawn [50 pts]

CH4: Malignant Plaguecaster: Warlord [65 pts]

BL1: Plague Marines: Plague Champion (Heavy plague weapon, Plasma gun), 3xPlague Marine w/ bubotic weapons, 4xPlague Marine w/ heavy plague weapon, 2xPlague Marine w/ plague spewer [180 pts]

BL2: Plague Marines: Plague Champion (Bubotic weapons, Plasma gun), 2xPlague Marine w/ heavy plague weapon, Plague Marine w/ plague spewer, Plague Marine w/ special weapon (Meltagun) [90 pts]
BL3: Plague Marines: Plague Champion (Heavy plague weapon, Plasma gun), 2xPlague Marine w/ bubotic weapons, 2xPlague Marine w/ heavy plague weapon [90 pts]

IN1: Death Guard Cultists: 6xCultist, Cultist Champion, Cultist w/ flamer, Cultist w/ grenade launcher, Cultist w/ heavy stubber [50 pts]

IN2: Death Guard Cultists: 6xCultist, Cultist Champion, Cultist w/ flamer, Cultist w/ grenade launcher, Cultist w/ heavy stubber [50 pts]

IN3: Death Guard Cultists: 6xCultist, Cultist Champion, Cultist w/ flamer, Cultist w/ grenade launcher, Cultist w/ heavy stubber [50 pts]

VE1: Plagueburst Crawler: 2 entropy cannons, Heavy slugger [180 pts]

VE2: Plagueburst Crawler: 2 entropy cannons, Heavy slugger [180 pts]

VE3: Plagueburst Crawler: 2 plaguespitters, Heavy slugger [180 pts]

DT1: Death Guard Rhino: 2x Plague combi-bolter, Havoc Launcher [75 pts]

DT2: Death Guard Rhino: 2x Plague combi-bolter, Havoc Launcher [75 pts]

AU1: Nurglings: 3xNurgling Swarm [40 pts]

AU2: Nurglings: 3xNurgling Swarm [40 pts]

AU3: War Dog Karnivore: Havoc multi-launcher [140 pts]

AU4: War Dog Karnivore: Havoc multi-launcher [140 pts]

AU5: War Dog Karnivore: Havoc multi-launcher [140 pts]