Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Genestealer cult
Primary codex:
Chaos Knights
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
Andrzej "Wujek Dupek" Bełz
Genestealer Cults
Strike Force (2000 points)
Ascension Day


Abominant (85 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Power sledgehammer
• Enhancement: Focus of Adoration

Primus (120 points)
• 1x Cult bonesword
1x Scoped needle pistol
1x Toxin injector claw
• Enhancement: Inscrutable Cunning

Primus (90 points)
• 1x Cult bonesword
1x Scoped needle pistol
1x Toxin injector claw

Primus (90 points)
• 1x Cult bonesword
1x Scoped needle pistol
1x Toxin injector claw

Reductus Saboteur (65 points)
• 1x Autopistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Demolition charges
1x Remote explosives

Reductus Saboteur (65 points)
• 1x Autopistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Demolition charges
1x Remote explosives


Acolyte Hybrids (170 points)
• 1x Acolyte Leader
• 1x Cult claws and knife
1x Hand flamer
• 9x Acolyte Hybrid
• 1x Cult Icon
9x Cult claws and knife
4x Demolition charges
4x Hand flamer

Acolyte Hybrids (170 points)
• 1x Acolyte Leader
• 1x Cult claws and knife
1x Hand flamer
• 9x Acolyte Hybrid
• 1x Cult Icon
9x Cult claws and knife
4x Demolition charges
4x Hand flamer

Acolyte Hybrids (170 points)
• 1x Acolyte Leader
• 1x Cult claws and knife
1x Hand flamer
• 9x Acolyte Hybrid
• 1x Cult Icon
9x Cult claws and knife
4x Demolition charges
4x Hand flamer

Neophyte Hybrids (180 points)
• 1x Neophyte Leader
• 1x Autopistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Hybrid firearm
• 19x Neophyte Hybrid
• 19x Autopistol
19x Close combat weapon
1x Cult Icon
4x Grenade launcher
11x Hybrid firearm
4x Seismic cannon

Neophyte Hybrids (180 points)
• 1x Neophyte Leader
• 1x Autopistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Hybrid firearm
• 19x Neophyte Hybrid
• 19x Autopistol
19x Close combat weapon
1x Cult Icon
4x Grenade launcher
11x Hybrid firearm
4x Seismic cannon

Neophyte Hybrids (90 points)
• 1x Neophyte Leader
• 1x Autopistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Hybrid firearm
• 9x Neophyte Hybrid
• 9x Autopistol
9x Close combat weapon
1x Cult Icon
2x Grenade launcher
5x Hybrid firearm
2x Mining laser


Goliath Truck (90 points)
• 1x Demolition charge cache
1x Goliath wheels
1x Heavy stubber
1x Twin autocannon


Aberrants (360 points)
• 1x Aberrant Hypermorph
• 1x Heavy power weapon
1x Hypermorph tail
• 9x Aberrant
• 9x Heavy power weapon

Achilles Ridgerunners (75 points)
• 1x Heavy mortar
1x Ridgerunner wheels
1x Spotter
1x Twin heavy stubber
Army name: 28 liga bierek
Factions used: Chaos - Chaos Knights
Total cost: 2000 pts

Number of Units: 15
Character Units (Models): 2 (2)
Vehicle/Monster Models (Max Points): 12 (36)

== Traitoris Lance Army Roster 2000 pts ==

CH1: War Dog Stalker: Aura of Terror, Daemonbreath spear, Havoc multi-launcher, Reaper chaintalon, Warlord [175 pts]

BL1: War Dog Brigand: Havoc multi-launcher [170 pts]
BL2: War Dog Brigand: Havoc multi-launcher [170 pts]
BL3: War Dog Brigand: Havoc multi-launcher [170 pts]
BL4: War Dog Brigand: Havoc multi-launcher [170 pts]
BL5: War Dog Brigand: Havoc multi-launcher [170 pts]
BL6: War Dog Karnivore: Havoc multi-launcher [140 pts]
BL7: War Dog Karnivore: Havoc multi-launcher [140 pts]
BL8: War Dog Karnivore: Havoc multi-launcher [140 pts]
BL9: War Dog Karnivore: Havoc multi-launcher [140 pts]
BL10: War Dog Karnivore: Havoc multi-launcher [140 pts]
BL11: War Dog Karnivore: Havoc multi-launcher [140 pts]

AU1: Nurglings: 3xNurgling Swarm [40 pts]
AU2: Nurglings: 3xNurgling Swarm [40 pts]
AU3: Poxbringer [55 pts]