Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Space Marines
Primary codex:
Space Marines
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
Gracz: Antoni Rachet Ratusiński WA750
Team: Zakład Pogrzebowy Hades Autocannon
Armia: Space Marines - Black Templars
Detatch: Gladius

BiD: 14 (3x Impulsor 1xLR)
Assassinate: 16 (4 chars)

Enhancements: Fire Discipline (Apo Bio), Honour Vehement (Judiciar)

1995 points

Apothecary Biologis (55)
- Fire Discipline (30)

Captain (80)
- Power Fist, Plasma Pistol

High Marshall Helbrecht (120)
- Warlord

Judiciar (70)
- Honour Vehement (15)

Dedicated Transports:
Impulsor (80)
- Shield Dome, 2x Fragstorm Grenade Launchers, Ironhail Heavy Stubber

Impulsor (80)
- Shield Dome, 2x Fragstorm Grenade Launchers, Ironhail Heavy Stubber

Impulsor (80)
- Shield Dome, 2x Fragstorm Grenade Launchers, Ironhail Heavy Stubber


Aggressor Squad (240)
- 6x Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets, 6x Fragstorm Grenade Launchers, 6x Twin Power Fists

Assault Intercessors w/ Jump Packs (80)
- 1x Power Fist, 2xPlasma Pistol, 4x Chainsword, 3x Heavy Bolt Pistol

Assault Intercessors w/ Jump Packs (80)
- 1x Power Fist, 2xPlasma Pistol, 4x Chainsword, 3x Heavy Bolt Pistol

Assault Intercessors w/ Jump Packs (80)
- 1x Power Fist, 1xPlasma Pistol, 4x Chainsword, 4x Heavy Bolt Pistol

Land Raider Redeemer (260)
- 2x Flamestorm Cannon, 1x H&K MISSle, 1x Multi-Melta, 1xStorm Bolter, 1x Twin Ass Cannon,

Primaris Sword Brethren (150)
- 1x MC Power Weapon, 1x Combi-Weapon, 1xPlasma Pistol, 2xPower Weapon, 2xPyre Pistol, 1x Thunder Hammer, 1xTwin Claws

Primaris Sword Brethren (150)
- 1x MC Power Weapon, 1x Combi-Weapon, 1xPlasma Pistol, 2xPower Weapon, 2xPyre Pistol, 1x Thunder Hammer, 1xTwin Claws

Primaris Sword Brethren (150)
- 1x MC Power Weapon, 1x Combi-Weapon, 1xPlasma Pistol, 2xPower Weapon, 2xPyre Pistol, 1x Thunder Hammer, 1xTwin Claws

Scout Squad (65)
- 1x Chanisword, 2xShotgun, 1x Sniper, 1x Missle Launcher

Scout Squad (65)
- 1x Chanisword, 2xShotgun, 1x Sniper, 1x Missle Launcher

Scout Squad (65)
- 1x Chanisword, 2xShotgun, 1x Sniper, 1x Missle Launcher
Player Name: Hrycyna Mateusz

Army Points: 2000
Factions Used: Black Templars / Righteous Crusaders
Detachment Rule: Templar Vow's : Uphold the Honor of The Emperror
Army Enhancements: Witchseeker Bolts,Tannhauser's Bones

Assassinate: 20
Bring it down: 13

+ Epic Hero +

High Marshal Helbrecht [120pts]: Warlord

The Emperor's Champion [75pts]

+ Character +

Captain with Jump Pack [95pts]: Witchseeker Bolts
Melee and Pistol: Hand Flamer, Power Fist

Lieutenant [100pts]: Tannhauser's Bones
Neo-volkite pistol, Master-crafted Power Sword & Storm Shield

Techmarine [75pts]: Sigismund's Seal

+ Infantry +

Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs [160pts]
Assault Intercessor Sergeant with Jump Pack: Hand Flamer, Power Fist
7x Assault Intercessors with Jump Pack: 7x Astartes Chainsword, 7x Heavy Bolt Pistol
Assault Intercessors with Jump Pack w/ Plasma Pistol
Assault Intercessors with Jump Pack w/ Plasma Pistol

Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs [80pts]
Assault Intercessor Sergeant with Jump Pack: Plasma Pistol, Power Fist
3x Assault Intercessors with Jump Pack: 3x Astartes Chainsword, 3x Heavy Bolt Pistol
Assault Intercessors with Jump Pack w/ Plasma Pistol

Company Heroes [95pts]

Infiltrator Squad [100pts]: Helix Gauntlet, Infiltrator Comms Array
Infiltrator Sergeant
4x Infiltrators: 4x Bolt Pistol, 4x Close Combat Weapon, 4x Marksman Bolt Carbine

Primaris Sword Brethren [150pts]
Primaris Sword Brother: Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon
Primaris Sword Brother: Power Weapon, Pyre Pistol
Primaris Sword Brother: Power Weapon, Pyre Pistol
Primaris Sword Brother w/Twin Lightning Claws
Sword Brother Castellan: Combi-weapon, Master-crafted Power Weapon

Primaris Sword Brethren [150pts]
Primaris Sword Brother: Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon
Primaris Sword Brother: Power Weapon, Pyre Pistol
Primaris Sword Brother: Power Weapon, Pyre Pistol
Primaris Sword Brother w/Twin Lightning Claws
Sword Brother Castellan: Combi-weapon, Master-crafted Power Weapon

Scout Squad [65pts]
Scout Sergeant: Astartes Chainsword
Scout w/ Heavy Weapon: Heavy Bolter
Scout w/ Scout Sniper Rifle
2x Scouts w/ Astartes Shotgun: 2x Astartes Shotgun, 2x Bolt Pistol, 2x Close Combat Weapon

Scout Squad [65pts]
Scout Sergeant: Astartes Chainsword
Scout w/ Heavy Weapon: Missile Launcher
Scout w/ Scout Sniper Rifle
2x Scouts w/ Astartes Shotgun: 2x Astartes Shotgun, 2x Bolt Pistol, 2x Close Combat Weapon

+ Vehicle +

Black Templars Gladiator Reaper [160pts]: Multi-melta

Black Templars Gladiator Reaper [160pts]: Multi-melta

Land Raider Redeemer [260pts]: Hunter Killer Missile, Multi-melta, Storm Bolter

+ Dedicated Transport +

Black Templars Impulsor [90pts]: 2 Fragstorm Grenade Launchers, Bellicatus Missile Array, Multi-melta