Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Adeptus Custodes
Primary codex:
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
Adeptus Custodes
Strike Force (2000 points)
Shield Host

Assasination: 20
Bring: 3


Blade Champion (125 points)
• 1x Vaultswords
• Enhancement: Auric Mantle

Shield-Captain (165 points)
• 1x Praesidium Shield
1x Pyrithite spear
• Enhancement: From the Hall of Armouries

Shield-Captain in Allarus Terminator Armour (170 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Balistus grenade launcher
1x Castellan axe
• Enhancement: Castellan’s Mark

Valerian (110 points)
• 1x Gnosis


Allarus Custodians (325 points)
• 5x Allarus Custodian
• 5x Balistus grenade launcher
5x Castellan axe

Caladius Grav-tank (215 points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Twin arachnus heavy blaze cannon
1x Twin lastrum bolt cannon

Custodian Wardens (250 points)
• 5x Custodian Warden
• 5x Castellan axe
1x Vexilla

Custodian Wardens (200 points)
• 4x Custodian Warden
• 4x Guardian spear
1x Vexilla

Custodian Wardens (250 points)
• 5x Custodian Warden
• 5x Castellan axe
1x Vexilla

Prosecutors (40 points)
• 1x Prosecutor Sister Superior
• 1x Boltgun
1x Close combat weapon
• 3x Prosecutor
• 3x Boltgun
3x Close combat weapon

Witchseekers (50 points)
• 1x Witchseeker Sister Superior
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Witchseeker flamer
• 3x Witchseeker
• 3x Close combat weapon
3x Witchseeker flamer


Callidus Assassin (100 points)
• 1x Neural shredder
1x Phase sword and poison blades
Player Name: Podwys
Team Name: Uczciwe chłopaki z miasta na W
Factions Used: Orks
Army Points: 2000
Army Enhancements (list on which model): Tellyporta (on Char3: Warboss in Mega Armour)
Detachment Rule: Bully Boyz - Da Boss Is Watchin
SECONDARY: - Bring It Down: 12 - Assassination: 20

Char1: 1x Big Mek in Mega Armour (100 pts): Grot oiler, Kustom force field, Power klaw, Killsaw
Char2: 1x Warboss (65 pts): Kombi-weapon, Twin slugga, Attack squig, Power klaw
Char3: 1x Warboss in Mega Armour (105 pts)
Enhancement: Tellyporta (+25 pts)
Char4: 1x Warboss in Mega Armour (80 pts): Warlord
Char5: 1x Boss Snikrot (85 pts)

10x Boyz (85 pts)
• 1x Boss Nob: Power klaw, Slugga
• 9x Boy: 9 with Choppa, Slugga

10x Flash Gitz (160 pts): Ammo Runt
10x Flash Gitz (160 pts): Ammo Runt
11x Gretchin (40 pts): 10x Gretchin, Runtherd

10x Kommandos (135 pts): Bomb Squig, Distraction Grot
• 1x Boss Nob: Slugga, Power klaw
• 9x Kommandos: 9 with Choppa, Slugga

5x Meganobz (150 pts): 5 with Killsaw, Power klaw
5x Meganobz (150 pts): 5 with Twin killsaw
5x Meganobz (150 pts): 5 with Twin killsaw

10x Nobz (210 pts)
• 1x Boss Nob: Power klaw, Slugga
• 9x Nob: 9 with Power klaw, Slugga

5x Stormboyz (65 pts)
• 1x Boss Nob: Slugga, Power klaw
• 4x Stormboy: 4 with Choppa, Slugga

1x Trukk (65 pts)
1x Trukk (65 pts)
1x Trukk (65 pts)
1x Trukk (65 pts)