Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Chaos Daemons
Primary codex:
Sec. codex:
Chaos Knights
Secondary codex:
1 Khorne (2000 Points)

Chaos Daemons
Daemonic Incursion
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Bloodthirster (325 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Great axe of Khorne
• 1x Hellfire breath
• Enhancements: A’rgath, The King of Blades

Great Unclean One (260 Points)
• 1x Bilesword
• 1x Plague flail
• 1x Putrid vomit
• Enhancements: The Endless Gift

Rendmaster on Blood Throne (150 Points)
• 1x Attendants’ hellblades
• 1x Blade of blood

Rendmaster on Blood Throne (150 Points)
• 1x Attendants’ hellblades
• 1x Blade of blood

Skarbrand (305 Points)
• 1x Bellow of endless fury
• 1x Slaughter and Carnage


Bloodletters (120 Points)
• 1x Bloodreaper
◦ 1x Hellblade
• 9x Bloodletter
◦ 1x Daemonic Icon
◦ 9x Hellblade
◦ 1x Instrument of Chaos

Bloodletters (120 Points)
• 1x Bloodreaper
◦ 1x Hellblade
• 9x Bloodletter
◦ 1x Daemonic Icon
◦ 9x Hellblade
◦ 1x Instrument of Chaos

Nurglings (40 Points)
• 3x Nurgling Swarm
◦ 3x Diseased claws and teeth

Plaguebearers (110 Points)
• 1x Plagueridden
◦ 1x Plaguesword
• 9x Plaguebearer
◦ 1x Daemonic Icon
◦ 1x Instrument of Chaos
◦ 9x Plaguesword


Flesh Hounds (70 Points)
• 1x Gore Hound
◦ 1x Burning roar
◦ 1x Collar of Khorne
◦ 1x Gore-drenched fangs
• 4x Flesh Hound
◦ 4x Collar of Khorne
◦ 4x Gore-drenched fangs

Flesh Hounds (70 Points)
• 1x Gore Hound
◦ 1x Burning roar
◦ 1x Collar of Khorne
◦ 1x Gore-drenched fangs
• 4x Flesh Hound
◦ 4x Collar of Khorne
◦ 4x Gore-drenched fangs

Screamers (75 Points)
• 3x Screamer
◦ 3x Lamprey bite

Screamers (75 Points)
• 3x Screamer
◦ 3x Lamprey bite

Seeker Chariot (65 Points)
• 1x Lashes of torment
• 1x Seeker tongues
• 1x Slashing claws

Seeker Chariot (65 Points)
• 1x Lashes of torment
• 1x Seeker tongues
• 1x Slashing claws

Exported with App Version: v1.19.0 (43), Data Version: v438
+ PLAYER: Wojtek "Adato" WA783
+ Factions used: Xenos - Orks
+ Total cost: 2000 pts

Number of Units: 19
Character Units (Models): 5 (6)
Vehicle/Monster Models (Max Points): 4 (14)

== War Horde Army Roster 2000 pts ==

EH1: Boss Snikrot [95 pts]
EH2: Ghazghkull Thraka: Ghazghkull Thraka, Makari, Warlord [235 pts]
EH3: Zodgrod Wortsnagga [80 pts]

CH1: Beastboss [80 pts]
CH2: Warboss: Attack squig, Follow Me Ladz, Power klaw [90 pts]

BL1: Beast Snagga Boyz: 9xBeast Snagga Boy, Beast Snagga Nob [105 pts]
BL2: Beast Snagga Boyz: 9xBeast Snagga Boy, Beast Snagga Nob [105 pts]
BL3: Beast Snagga Boyz: 9xBeast Snagga Boy, Beast Snagga Nob [105 pts]

IN1: Flash Gitz: Ammo Runt, 9xFlash Gitz, Kaptin [160 pts]
IN2: Gretchin: 1 Runtherd and 10 Gretchin (10xGretchin, Runtherd) [40 pts]
IN3: Gretchin: 1 Runtherd and 10 Gretchin (10xGretchin, Runtherd) [40 pts]
IN4: Gretchin: 1 Runtherd and 10 Gretchin (10xGretchin, Runtherd) [40 pts]
IN5: Meganobz: 2xMeganob w/ Killsaw and power klaw [80 pts]
IN6: Nobz: Ammo Runt, Boss Nob (Slugga and power klaw), 9xNob w/ Slugga and power klaw [210 pts]
IN7: Stormboyz: Boss Nob (Power klaw), 4xStormboy [65 pts]

VE1: Kill Rig [170 pts]
VE2: Kill Rig [170 pts]

DT1: Trukk [65 pts]
DT2: Trukk [65 pts]