Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Primary codex:
Death Guard
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
By the Silent King! (2000 points)

Strike Force (2000 points)
Awakened Dynasty


Chronomancer (85 points)
• 1x Chronomancer’s stave
• Enhancement: Veil of Darkness

Illuminor Szeras (175 points)
• 1x Eldritch Lance
1x Impaling legs

Overlord with Translocation Shroud (85 points)
• 1x Overlord’s blade
1x Resurrection Orb

Royal Warden (40 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Relic gauss blaster

Skorpekh Lord (95 points)
• 1x Enmitic annihilator
1x Flensing claw
1x Hyperphase harvester
• Enhancement: Enaegic Dermal Bond

Technomancer (105 points)
• 1x Staff of light
• Enhancement: Nether-realm Casket

The Silent King (420 points)
• 1x Szarekh
• Warlord
• 1x Sceptre of Eternal Glory
1x Staff of Stars
1x Weapons of the Final Triarch
• 2x Triarchal Menhir
• 2x Annihilator beam
2x Armoured bulk


Immortals (150 points)
• 10x Immortal
• 10x Close combat weapon
10x Tesla carbine


Canoptek Reanimator (75 points)
• 2x Atomiser beam
1x Reanimator’s claws

Canoptek Wraiths (250 points)
• 6x Canoptek Wraith
• 6x Particle caster
6x Vicious claws

Doomsday Ark (200 points)
• 1x Armoured bulk
1x Doomsday cannon
2x Gauss flayer array

Lokhust Destroyers (30 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Gauss cannon

Lokhust Destroyers (30 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Gauss cannon

Lychguard (170 points)
• 10x Lychguard
• 10x Dispersion Shield
10x Hyperphase sword

Skorpekh Destroyers (90 points)
• 3x Skorpekh Destroyer
• 3x Skorpekh hyperphase weapons

Exported with App Version: v1.19.0 (47), Data Version: v438
v8 (2000 points)

Death Guard
Strike Force (2000 points)
Plague Company


Biologus Putrifier (60 points)
• 1x Hyper blight grenades
1x Injector pistol
1x Plague knives

Foul Blightspawn (60 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Plague sprayer

Lord of Virulence (90 points)
• 1x Heavy plague fist
1x Twin plague spewer
• Enhancement: The Droning (Aura)

Malignant Plaguecaster (65 points)
• 1x Corrupted staff
1x Plague Wind
1x Plague bolt pistol

Malignant Plaguecaster (65 points)
• 1x Corrupted staff
1x Plague Wind
1x Plague bolt pistol

Typhus (80 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Master-crafted manreaper


Plague Marines (180 points)
• 1x Plague Champion
• 1x Heavy plague weapon
1x Plasma gun
• 9x Plague Marine
• 1x Blight launcher
4x Heavy plague weapon
2x Meltagun
9x Plague knives
2x Plague spewer

Plague Marines (90 points)
• 1x Plague Champion
• 1x Heavy plague weapon
1x Plasma gun
• 4x Plague Marine
• 1x Blight launcher
1x Heavy plague weapon
1x Meltagun
4x Plague knives
1x Plague spewer


Death Guard Rhino (75 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Havoc launcher
1x Plague combi-bolter
1x Plague combi-bolter

Death Guard Rhino (75 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Havoc launcher
1x Plague combi-bolter
1x Plague combi-bolter


Death Guard Cultists (50 points)
• 1x Death Guard Cultist Champion
• 1x Brutal assault weapon
1x Cultist firearm
• 9x Death Guard Cultist
• 9x Brutal assault weapon
9x Cultist firearm

Death Guard Cultists (50 points)
• 1x Death Guard Cultist Champion
• 1x Brutal assault weapon
1x Cultist firearm
• 9x Death Guard Cultist
• 9x Brutal assault weapon
9x Cultist firearm

Deathshroud Terminators (240 points)
• 1x Deathshroud Champion
• 1x Manreaper
1x Plaguespurt gauntlet
1x Plaguespurt gauntlet
• 5x Deathshroud Terminator
• 5x Manreaper
5x Plaguespurt gauntlet

Foetid Bloat-Drone (90 points)
• 1x Plague probe
2x Plaguespitter

Foetid Bloat-Drone (90 points)
• 1x Plague probe
2x Plaguespitter

Foetid Bloat-Drone (90 points)
• 1x Plague probe
2x Plaguespitter


Nurglings (40 points)
• 3x Nurgling Swarm
• 3x Diseased claws and teeth

War Dog Brigand (170 points)
• 1x Armoured feet
1x Avenger chaincannon
1x Daemonbreath spear
1x Havoc multi-launcher

War Dog Brigand (170 points)
• 1x Armoured feet
1x Avenger chaincannon
1x Daemonbreath spear
1x Havoc multi-launcher

War Dog Brigand (170 points)
• 1x Armoured feet
1x Avenger chaincannon
1x Daemonbreath spear
1x Havoc multi-launcher

Exported with App Version: v1.19.0 (47), Data Version: v438