Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
T'au Empire
Primary codex:
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
Player Name: rZęsa
Team Name: Placeholders
Factions Used: T'au Empire - Retaliation Cadre
Army Points: 2000
Army Enhancements (list on which model): Starflare
Ignition System on Enforcer Commander
Detachment Rule: Bonded Heroes
Cull the horde: 0
Character Models: 6
Bring it down: (5x2) + 8 + (5x2) +2 = 30

T’au Empire
Retaliation Cadre
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Commander Farsight (105 Points)
• 1x Dawn Blade
• 1x High-intensity plasma rifle

Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit (95 Points)
• 1x Battlesuit fists
• 2x Burst cannon
• 1x Cyclic ion blaster
• 1x High-output burst cannon
• 2x Shield Drone

Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit (95 Points)
• 1x Battlesuit fists
• 1x Cyclic ion blaster
• 3x Plasma rifle
• 2x Shield Drone

Commander in Enforcer Battlesuit (80 Points)
• 1x Battlesuit fists
• 4x Fusion blaster
• 2x Shield Drone

Commander in Enforcer Battlesuit (100 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Battlesuit fists
• 4x Missile pod
• 2x Shield Drone
• Enhancements: Starflare Ignition System

Darkstrider (60 Points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
• 1x Shade


Strike Team (75 Points)
• 1x Support turret
• 1x Fire Warrior Shas’ui
◦ 1x Close combat weapon
◦ 1x Guardian Drone
◦ 1x Marker Drone
◦ 1x Pulse pistol
◦ 1x Pulse rifle
• 9x Fire Warrior
◦ 9x Close combat weapon
◦ 9x Pulse pistol
◦ 9x Pulse rifle

Strike Team (75 Points)
• 1x Support turret
• 1x Fire Warrior Shas’ui
◦ 1x Close combat weapon
◦ 1x Guardian Drone
◦ 1x Marker Drone
◦ 1x Pulse pistol
◦ 1x Pulse rifle
• 9x Fire Warrior
◦ 9x Close combat weapon
◦ 9x Pulse pistol
◦ 9x Pulse rifle


Broadside Battlesuits (180 Points)
• 1x Broadside Shas’vre
◦ 1x Crushing bulk
◦ 1x Heavy rail rifle
◦ 2x Missile Drone
◦ 1x Seeker missile
◦ 1x Weapon Support System
• 1x Broadside Shas’ui
◦ 1x Crushing bulk
◦ 1x Heavy rail rifle
◦ 2x Missile Drone
◦ 1x Seeker missile
◦ 1x Weapon Support System

Broadside Battlesuits (180 Points)
• 1x Broadside Shas’vre
◦ 1x Crushing bulk
◦ 1x Heavy rail rifle
◦ 2x Missile Drone
◦ 1x Seeker missile
◦ 1x Weapon Support System
• 1x Broadside Shas’ui
◦ 1x Crushing bulk
◦ 1x Heavy rail rifle
◦ 2x Missile Drone
◦ 1x Seeker missile
◦ 1x Weapon Support System

Crisis Fireknife Battlesuits (130 Points)
• 1x Crisis Fireknife Shas’vre
◦ 1x Battlesuit fists
◦ 1x Gun Drone
◦ 1x Marker Drone
◦ 2x Plasma rifle
• 2x Crisis Fireknife Shas’ui
◦ 2x Battlesuit fists
◦ 2x Gun Drone
◦ 4x Plasma rifle
◦ 2x Shield Drone

Crisis Fireknife Battlesuits (130 Points)
• 1x Crisis Fireknife Shas’vre
◦ 1x Battlesuit fists
◦ 1x Gun Drone
◦ 1x Marker Drone
◦ 2x Missile pod
• 2x Crisis Fireknife Shas’ui
◦ 2x Battlesuit fists
◦ 2x Gun Drone
◦ 4x Missile pod
◦ 2x Shield Drone

Crisis Starscythe Battlesuits (110 Points)
• 1x Crisis Starscythe Shas’vre
◦ 1x Battlesuit fists
◦ 1x Gun Drone
◦ 1x Marker Drone
◦ 2x T’au flamer
• 2x Crisis Starscythe Shas’ui
◦ 2x Battlesuit fists
◦ 2x Gun Drone
◦ 2x Shield Drone
◦ 4x T’au flamer

Crisis Starscythe Battlesuits (110 Points)
• 1x Crisis Starscythe Shas’vre
◦ 1x Battlesuit fists
◦ 2x Burst cannon
◦ 1x Gun Drone
◦ 1x Marker Drone
• 2x Crisis Starscythe Shas’ui
◦ 2x Battlesuit fists
◦ 4x Burst cannon
◦ 2x Gun Drone
◦ 2x Shield Drone

Crisis Sunforge Battlesuits (150 Points)
• 1x Crisis Sunforge Shas’vre
◦ 1x Battlesuit fists
◦ 2x Fusion blaster
◦ 1x Gun Drone
◦ 1x Marker Drone
• 2x Crisis Sunforge Shas’ui
◦ 2x Battlesuit fists
◦ 4x Fusion blaster
◦ 2x Gun Drone
◦ 2x Shield Drone

Pathfinder Team (90 Points)
• 1x Pathfinder Shas’ui
◦ 1x Close combat weapon
◦ 1x Marker Drone
◦ 1x Pulse carbine
◦ 1x Pulse pistol
◦ 1x Recon Drone
◦ 1x Semi-automatic grenade launcher
◦ 1x Shield Drone
• 9x Pathfinder
◦ 9x Close combat weapon
◦ 3x Ion rifle
◦ 6x Pulse carbine
◦ 9x Pulse pistol

Piranhas (55 Points)
• 1x Armoured hull
• 1x Piranha fusion blaster
• 2x Seeker missile
• 2x Twin pulse carbine

Stealth Battlesuits (60 Points)
• 1x Stealth Shas’vre
◦ 1x Battlesuit Support System
◦ 1x Battlesuit fists
◦ 1x Fusion blaster
◦ 1x Homing Beacon
◦ 1x Marker Drone
◦ 1x Shield Drone
• 2x Stealth Shas’ui
◦ 2x Battlesuit fists
◦ 2x Burst cannon

Stealth Battlesuits (60 Points)
• 1x Stealth Shas’vre
◦ 1x Battlesuit Support System
◦ 1x Battlesuit fists
◦ 1x Fusion blaster
◦ 1x Homing Beacon
◦ 1x Marker Drone
◦ 1x Shield Drone
• 2x Stealth Shas’ui
◦ 2x Battlesuit fists
◦ 2x Burst cannon

Stealth Battlesuits (60 Points)
• 1x Stealth Shas’vre
◦ 1x Battlesuit Support System
◦ 1x Battlesuit fists
◦ 1x Fusion blaster
◦ 1x Homing Beacon
◦ 1x Marker Drone
◦ 1x Shield Drone
• 2x Stealth Shas’ui
◦ 2x Battlesuit fists
◦ 2x Burst cannon
Makari ist da bestie

Player Name: Paweł Noga
Team Name: Luźne Granie Trójmiasto
Factions Used: Orks
Army Points: 2000
Army Enhancements (list on which model): Follow Me Ladz (warboss)
Detachment: War Horde

BD: 12
A: 24
CtH: 0


Beastboss (80 points)
• 1x Beast Snagga klaw
1x Beastchoppa
1x Shoota

Beastboss (80 points)
• 1x Beast Snagga klaw
1x Beastchoppa
1x Shoota

Ghazghkull Thraka (235 points)
• 1x Ghazghkull Thraka
• Warlord
• 1x Gork’s Klaw
1x Mork’s Roar
• 1x Makari
• 1x Makari’s stabba

Warboss (90 points)
• 1x Attack squig
1x Kombi-weapon
1x Power klaw
1x Twin sluggas
• Enhancement: Follow Me Ladz

Warboss (65 points)
• 1x Attack squig
1x Kombi-weapon
1x Power klaw
1x Twin sluggas


Beast Snagga Boyz (105 points)
• 9x Beast Snagga Boy
• 9x Choppa
9x Slugga
• 1x Beast Snagga Nob
• 1x Power snappa
1x Slugga

Beast Snagga Boyz (105 points)
• 9x Beast Snagga Boy
• 9x Choppa
9x Slugga
• 1x Beast Snagga Nob
• 1x Power snappa
1x Slugga

Boyz (85 points)
• 9x Boy
• 8x Choppa
1x Close combat weapon
1x Rokkit launcha
8x Slugga
• 1x Boss Nob
• 1x Power klaw
1x Slugga


Trukk (65 points)
• 1x Big shoota
1x Spiked wheels
1x Wreckin’ ball


Battlewagon (160 points)
• 4x Big shoota
1x Deff rolla
1x Grabbin’ klaw
1x Lobba
1x Wreckin’ ball
1x Zzap gun
1x ’Ard Case

Deffkoptas (100 points)
• 3x Deffkopta
• 3x Kopta rokkits
3x Slugga
3x Spinnin’ blades

Flash Gitz (160 points)
• 1x Ammo Runt
• 1x Kaptin
• 1x Choppa
1x Snazzgun
• 9x Flash Git
• 9x Choppa
9x Snazzgun

Gretchin (40 points)
• 10x Gretchin
• 10x Close combat weapon
10x Grot blasta
• 1x Runtherd
• 1x Runtherd tools
1x Slugga

Kill Rig (170 points)
• 1x Butcha boyz
1x Savage horns and hooves
1x Saw blades
1x Stikka kannon
1x Wurrtower
1x ’Eavy lobba

Meganobz (80 points)
• 2x Meganob
• 2x Killsaw
2x Power klaw

Nobz (210 points)
• 2x Ammo Runt
• 1x Boss Nob
• 1x Power klaw
1x Slugga
• 9x Nob
• 9x Power klaw
9x Slugga

Nobz (105 points)
• 1x Ammo Runt
• 1x Boss Nob
• 1x Power klaw
1x Slugga
• 4x Nob
• 4x Power klaw
4x Slugga

Stormboyz (65 points)
• 4x Stormboy
• 4x Choppa
4x Slugga
• 1x Boss Nob
• 1x Power klaw
1x Slugga

Exported with App Version: v1.18.0 (46), Data Version: v464