Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Grey Knights
Primary codex:
Adepta Sororitas
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
PLAYER: Dorota
TEAM: Galaktyczne Warzywa
FACTION: Grey Knights Teleport Strike Force
ENCHANCEMENTS: Sigil of Exigence (GMiNDK), Inescapable Wrath (Librarian)

Assassination: 12
Bring it down: 8 (4x2p: 3xNDK + 1x GMiNDK)
Cull the Horde: none

Brotherhood Librarian (135 points)
• 1x Combi-weapon
1x Nemesis force weapon
1x Purge Soul
• Enhancement: Inescapable Wrath

Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight (240 points)
• 1x Heavy incinerator
1x Heavy psycannon
1x Nemesis daemon greathammer
• Enhancement: Sigil of Exigence

Kaldor Draigo (125 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Scourging
1x Storm bolter
1x The Titansword


Brotherhood Terminator Squad (210 points)
• 1x Terminator Justicar
• 1x Nemesis force weapon
1x Storm bolter
• 4x Brotherhood Terminator
• 1x Ancient’s Banner
1x Incinerator
1x Narthecium
4x Nemesis force weapon
2x Storm bolter

Brotherhood Terminator Squad (210 points)
• 1x Terminator Justicar
• 1x Nemesis force weapon
1x Storm bolter
• 4x Brotherhood Terminator
• 1x Ancient’s Banner
1x Incinerator
1x Narthecium
4x Nemesis force weapon
2x Storm bolter

Brotherhood Terminator Squad (210 points)
• 1x Terminator Justicar
• 1x Nemesis force weapon
1x Storm bolter
• 4x Brotherhood Terminator
• 1x Ancient’s Banner
1x Incinerator
1x Narthecium
4x Nemesis force weapon
2x Storm bolter

Strike Squad (120 points)
• 1x Justicar
• 1x Nemesis force weapon
1x Storm bolter
• 4x Grey Knight
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Incinerator
3x Nemesis force weapon
3x Storm bolter


Interceptor Squad (130 points)
• 1x Interceptor Justicar
• 1x Nemesis force weapon
1x Storm bolter
• 4x Interceptor
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Incinerator
3x Nemesis force weapon
3x Storm bolter

Nemesis Dreadknight (205 points)
• 1x Heavy incinerator
1x Heavy psycannon
1x Nemesis daemon greathammer

Nemesis Dreadknight (205 points)
• 1x Heavy incinerator
1x Heavy psycannon
1x Nemesis daemon greathammer

Nemesis Dreadknight (205 points)
• 1x Heavy incinerator
1x Heavy psycannon
1x Nemesis daemon greathammer
Player Name: Spychy
Team Name: Twoja Stara Nie Mieści Się W Rezerwach
Factions Used: Adepta Sororitas
Army Points: 1995
Army Enhancements (list on which model): Enhancement: Righteous Rage:Canoness

Detachment Rule: Bringers of Flame

Awangarda Archidiecezji Pancernej


Canoness (60 points)
• 1x Bolt Pistol
1x Hallowed chainsword
• Enhancement: Righteous Rage

Dialogus (30 points)
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Dialogus staff

Morvenn Vahl (160 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Fidelis
1x Lance of Illumination
1x Paragon missile launcher

Saint Celestine (160 points)
• 1x Celestine
• 1x The Ardent Blade
• 2x Geminae Superia
• 2x Bolt pistol
2x Power weapon

Triumph of Saint Katherine (190 points)
• 1x Bolt pistols
1x Relic weapons


Battle Sisters Squad (115 points)
• 1x Sister Superior
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Condemnor boltgun
1x Power weapon
• 9x Battle Sister
• 9x Bolt pistol
7x Boltgun
9x Close combat weapon
1x Ministorum flamer
1x Multi-melta
1x Simulacrum Imperialis


Immolator (115 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Twin multi-melta

Immolator (115 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Twin multi-melta


Arco-flagellants (45 points)
• 3x Arco-flagellant
• 3x Arco-flails

Castigator (150 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Castigator autocannons
3x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Storm bolter

Castigator (150 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Castigator battle cannon
3x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Storm bolter

Dominion Squad (115 points)
• 1x Dominion Superior
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Chainsword
1x Close combat weapon
1x Combi-weapon
• 9x Dominion
• 9x Bolt pistol
5x Boltgun
9x Close combat weapon
4x Meltagun
1x Simulacrum Imperialis

Dominion Squad (115 points)
• 1x Dominion Superior
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Chainsword
1x Close combat weapon
1x Combi-weapon
• 9x Dominion
• 4x Artificer-crafted storm bolter
9x Bolt pistol
5x Boltgun
9x Close combat weapon
1x Simulacrum Imperialis

Exorcist (190 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Exorcist missile launcher
1x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile

Paragon Warsuits (210 points)
• 1x Paragon Superior
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Multi-melta
1x Paragon grenade launchers
1x Paragon war blade
• 2x Paragon
• 2x Bolt pistol
2x Multi-melta
2x Paragon grenade launchers
1x Paragon war blade
1x Paragon war mace

Penitent Engines (75 points)
• 1x Penitent flamers
1x Twin penitent buzz-blades