Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Chaos Knights
Primary codex:
Chaos Space Marines
Sec. codex:
Chaos Daemons
Secondary codex:
Chaos Daemons
+ TEAM: The Gamblers
+ PLAYER NAME: Kamil „Sanex” Cieśla
+ FACTION KEYWORD: Chaos - Chaos Knights
+ DETACHMENT: Traitoris Lance (Harbingers of Dread)
+ ALLIED UNITS: Legiones Daemonica
+ WARLORD: Char1: Knight Tyrant
+ ENHANCEMENT: Panoply of the Cursed Knights (on Char1: Knight Tyrant)
+ SECONDARY: - Bring It Down: (9x2) + (1x6) (Total: 24) - Assassination: 1 Characters (Total: 5)
Char1: 1x Knight Tyrant (550 pts): Warlord, Titanic feet, 2x Twin daemonbreath meltagun, 2x Gheiststrike missile launcher, Twin desecrator cannon, Darkflame cannon and warpshock harpoon
Enhancement: Panoply of the Cursed Knights (+40 pts)

1x War Dog Brigand (170 pts): Armoured feet, Avenger chaincannon, Daemonbreath spear, Havoc multi-launcher
1x War Dog Brigand (170 pts): Armoured feet, Avenger chaincannon, Daemonbreath spear, Havoc multi-launcher
1x War Dog Executioner (140 pts): Armoured feet, 2x War Dog autocannon, Daemonbreath meltagun
1x War Dog Karnivore (140 pts): Reaper chaintalon, Slaughterclaw, Havoc multi-launcher
1x War Dog Karnivore (140 pts): Reaper chaintalon, Slaughterclaw, Havoc multi-launcher
1x War Dog Karnivore (140 pts): Reaper chaintalon, Slaughterclaw, Havoc multi-launcher
1x War Dog Karnivore (140 pts): Reaper chaintalon, Slaughterclaw, Havoc multi-launcher
1x War Dog Karnivore (140 pts): Reaper chaintalon, Slaughterclaw, Havoc multi-launcher
1x War Dog Karnivore (140 pts): Reaper chaintalon, Slaughterclaw, Havoc multi-launcher

1x Beasts of Nurgle (70 pts): Putrid appendages
3x Nurglings (40 pts): 3 with Diseased claws and teeth
Player: Paweł Sancho Kuldarczyk KR003
Factions used: Chaos Space Marines - Chaos Renegate Riders
Total cost: 1990 pts

Number of Units: 17
Character Units (Models): 3
Vehicle/Monster Models (Max Points): 6 (12)
Enhancements: Dread Reaver

EH1: Cypher [90 pts]

CH1: Chaos Lord: Daemon hammer, Plasma pistol, Warlord [90 pts]
CH2: Chaos Lord: Daemon hammer, Enhancements: Dread Reaver, Plasma pistol [105 pts]

BL1: Cultist Mob: Cultist Champion (Bolt pistol), 9xCultist w/ autopistol and brutal assault weapon [50 pts]
BL2: Legionaries: Aspiring Champion (Heavy melee weapon, Plasma pistol), 2xLegionary w/ boltgun, Legionary w/ heavy melee weapon, Legionary w/ other weapon (Lasscannon), Icon [90 pts]
BL3: Legionaries: Aspiring Champion (Heavy melee weapon, Plasma pistol), 2xLegionary w/ boltgun, Legionary w/ heavy melee weapon, Legionary w/ other weapon (Lasscannon), Icon [90 pts]

IN1: Chosen: Chosen w/ boltgun, 2xChosen w/ combi-weapon and bolt pistol, Chosen w/ paired accursed weapons and plasma pistol, Chosen w/ power fist and plasma pistol, Icon [125 pts]
IN2: Chosen: Chosen w/ boltgun, 2xChosen w/ combi-weapon and bolt pistol, Chosen w/ paired accursed weapons and plasma pistol, Chosen w/ power fist and plasma pistol, Icon [125 pts]
IN3: Warp Talons: 10xWarp Talon [270 pts]

MO1: Chaos Bikers: Biker Champion (Power fist), 2xBiker w/ meltagun (Astartes chainsword), Icon [70 pts]

VE1: Chaos Predator Destructor: 2 lascannons, Combi-weapon, Havoc missile launcher [140 pts]
VE2: Chaos Vindicator: Combi-weapon, Havoc missile launcher [185 pts]
VE3: Chaos Vindicator: Combi-weapon, Havoc missile launcher [185 pts]
VE4: Chaos Vindicator: Combi-weapon, Havoc missile launcher [185 pts]

DT1: Chaos Rhino: Combi-weapon, Havoc missile launcher [75 pts]
DT2: Chaos Rhino: Combi-weapon, Havoc missile launcher [75 pts]

AU1: Nurglings: 3xNurgling Swarm [40 pts]