Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Imperial Knights
Primary codex:
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
Player Name: Schwalbe
Team Name: Twoja Stara Nie Mieści Się W Rezerwach
Factions Used: Imperial Knights
Army Points: 1995 / 2000
Army Enhancements (list on which model): Revered Knight (Aura) (Knight Castellan "Bestia Z Wadowic")
Detachment Rule: Indomitable Heroes

DMP_Schwalbe (1995 points)

Imperial Knights
Strike Force (2000 points)
Noble Lance


Canis Rex (435 points)
• 1x Chainbreaker las-impulsor
1x Chainbreaker multi-laser
1x Freedom’s Hand

Knight Castellan "Bestia Z Wadowic" (540 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Plasma decimator
2x Shieldbreaker missile launcher
1x Titanic feet
2x Twin meltagun
1x Twin siegebreaker cannon
1x Volcano lance
• Enhancement: Revered Knight (Aura)


Armiger Helverin (140 points)
• 2x Armiger autocannon
1x Armoured feet
1x Questoris heavy stubber

Armiger Helverin (140 points)
• 2x Armiger autocannon
1x Armoured feet
1x Questoris heavy stubber

Armiger Helverin (140 points)
• 2x Armiger autocannon
1x Armoured feet
1x Questoris heavy stubber

Armiger Warglaive (150 points)
• 1x Questoris heavy stubber
1x Reaper chain-cleaver
1x Thermal spear

Armiger Warglaive (150 points)
• 1x Questoris heavy stubber
1x Reaper chain-cleaver
1x Thermal spear

Armiger Warglaive (150 points)
• 1x Questoris heavy stubber
1x Reaper chain-cleaver
1x Thermal spear

Armiger Warglaive (150 points)
• 1x Questoris heavy stubber
1x Reaper chain-cleaver
1x Thermal spear
Team: Warchoły on Tour
Player Name: Kacper "Nederdin" Czubiński
Factions Used: Necrons
Army Points: 2000
Army Enhancements (list on which model): E1: Veil of Darkness - Plasmancer E2: Enaegic Dermal Bond - Skorpekh Lord E3: Nether-realm Casket - Technomancer
Detachment Rule: Command Protocols
dynastia (2000 points)

Strike Force (2000 points)
Awakened Dynasty

Asasynacja: 28
Bring: 4


Illuminor Szeras (175 points)
• 1x Eldritch Lance
1x Impaling legs

Imotekh the Stormlord (100 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Gauntlet of Fire
1x Staff of the Destroyer

Lokhust Lord (80 points)
• 1x Lord’s blade
1x Resurrection Orb

Plasmancer (85 points)
• 1x Plasmic lance
• Enhancement: Veil of Darkness

Psychomancer (55 points)
• 1x Abyssal lance

Skorpekh Lord (95 points)
• 1x Enmitic annihilator
1x Flensing claw
1x Hyperphase harvester
• Enhancement: Enaegic Dermal Bond

Technomancer (105 points)
• 1x Staff of light
• Enhancement: Nether-realm Casket


Necron Warriors (200 points)
• 20x Necron Warrior
• 20x Close combat weapon
20x Gauss reaper


Canoptek Reanimator (75 points)
• 2x Atomiser beam
1x Reanimator’s claws

Canoptek Wraiths (250 points)
• 6x Canoptek Wraith
• 6x Particle caster
6x Vicious claws

Cryptothralls (60 points)
• 2x Cryptothrall
• 2x Scouring eye
2x Scythed limbs

Doomsday Ark (200 points)
• 1x Armoured bulk
1x Doomsday cannon
2x Gauss flayer array

Flayed Ones (60 points)
• 5x Flayed One
• 5x Flayer claws

Lokhust Destroyers (30 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Gauss cannon

Lokhust Destroyers (30 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Gauss cannon

Lokhust Heavy Destroyers (150 points)
• 3x Lokhust Heavy Destroyer
• 3x Close combat weapon
3x Enmitic exterminator

Lokhust Heavy Destroyers (150 points)
• 3x Lokhust Heavy Destroyer
• 3x Close combat weapon
3x Gauss destructor

Lokhust Heavy Destroyers (100 points)
• 2x Lokhust Heavy Destroyer
• 2x Close combat weapon
2x Gauss destructor