Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Death Guard
Primary codex:
Genestealer cult
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
Player name: Grzegorz Kuciarski
Team name: Kultyści Gryfa
Factions used: Death Guard , Chaos Daemons , Chaos Knights
Army points: 2000
Army enchancements: - Living Plague -
Detachment Rule: Plague Company
DMP (2000 points)

Death Guard
Strike Force (2000 points)
Plague Company


Biologus Putrifier (80 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Hyper blight grenades
1x Injector pistol
1x Plague knives
• Enhancement: Living Plague

Biologus Putrifier (60 points)
• 1x Hyper blight grenades
1x Injector pistol
1x Plague knives

Foul Blightspawn (60 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Plague sprayer

Foul Blightspawn (60 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Plague sprayer

Typhus (80 points)
• 1x Master-crafted manreaper


Plague Marines (180 points)
• 1x Plague Champion
• 1x Heavy plague weapon
1x Plasma gun
• 9x Plague Marine
• 1x Blight launcher
4x Heavy plague weapon
2x Meltagun
9x Plague knives
2x Plague spewer

Plague Marines (180 points)
• 1x Plague Champion
• 1x Heavy plague weapon
1x Plasma pistol
• 9x Plague Marine
• 2x Blight launcher
4x Heavy plague weapon
9x Plague knives
1x Plague spewer
2x Plasma gun


Death Guard Rhino (75 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Havoc launcher
2x Plague combi-bolter

Death Guard Rhino (75 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Havoc launcher
2x Plague combi-bolter


Foetid Bloat-Drone (90 points)
• 1x Plague probe
2x Plaguespitter

Foetid Bloat-Drone (90 points)
• 1x Plague probe
2x Plaguespitter

Plagueburst Crawler (180 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Heavy slugger
1x Plagueburst mortar
2x Plaguespitter

Plagueburst Crawler (180 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Plagueburst mortar
2x Plaguespitter
1x Rothail volley gun

Plagueburst Crawler (180 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Heavy slugger
1x Plagueburst mortar
2x Plaguespitter

Poxwalkers (50 points)
• 10x Poxwalker
• 10x Improvised weapon


Nurglings (40 points)
• 3x Nurgling Swarm
• 3x Diseased claws and teeth

War Dog Brigand (170 points)
• 1x Armoured feet
1x Avenger chaincannon
1x Daemonbreath spear
1x Havoc multi-launcher

War Dog Brigand (170 points)
• 1x Armoured feet
1x Avenger chaincannon
1x Daemonbreath spear
1x Havoc multi-launcher

Exported with App Version: v1.18.0 (46), Data Version: v46

Player Name: Tomasz Janczewski

Team Name: Stare Lodzkie Marudy

Factions Used: Genestealer Cult

Army Points: 1995

Army Enhancements: Serpentine Tactics (Jackal Alphus)

Detachment Rule: Outlander Claw: Rapid Takeover

Assasination: 20VP

Bring it Down: 14VP

Cull the Horde : 0 VP


Biophagus (50 points)

• 1x Alchemicus Familiar

1x Autopistol

1x Chemical vials

1x Injector goad

Jackal Alphus (75 points)

• 1x Autopistol

1x Close combat weapon

1x Cult sniper rifle

• Enhancement: Serpentine Tactics

Kelermorph (60 points)

• 1x Close combat weapon

1x Liberator autostubs

Locus (45 points)

• 1x Locus blades

Patriarch (85 points)

• Warlord

• 1x Patriarch’s claws


Acolyte Hybrids with Autopistols (140 points)

• 1x Acolyte Leader

• 1x Autopistol

1x Leader’s bio-weapons

• 9x Acolyte Hybrid

• 2x Autopistol

1x Cult Icon

3x Cult claws and knife

6x Heavy mining tool

Acolyte Hybrids with Hand Flamers (150 points)

• 1x Acolyte Leader

• 1x Hand flamer

1x Leader’s bio-weapons

• 9x Acolyte Hybrid

• 1x Cult Icon

9x Cult claws and knife

4x Demolition charges

4x Hand flamer

Neophyte Hybrids (70 points)

• 1x Neophyte Leader

• 1x Autopistol

1x Close combat weapon

1x Hybrid firearm

• 9x Neophyte Hybrid

• 9x Autopistol

9x Close combat weapon

1x Cult Icon

1x Flamer

5x Hybrid firearm

1x Mining laser

1x Seismic cannon

1x Webber

Neophyte Hybrids (70 points)

• 1x Neophyte Leader

• 1x Autopistol

1x Close combat weapon

1x Hybrid firearm

• 9x Neophyte Hybrid

• 9x Autopistol

9x Close combat weapon

1x Cult Icon

1x Flamer

5x Hybrid firearm

1x Mining laser

1x Seismic cannon

1x Webber


Goliath Truck (85 points)

• 1x Armoured hull

1x Demolition charge cache

1x Heavy stubber

1x Twin autocannon

Goliath Truck (85 points)

• 1x Armoured hull

1x Demolition charge cache

1x Heavy stubber

1x Twin autocannon


Aberrants (150 points)

• 1x Aberrant Hypermorph

• 1x Aberrant weapons

• 4x Aberrant

• 4x Aberrant weapons

Achilles Ridgerunners (75 points)

• 1x Armoured hull

1x Heavy mining laser

1x Spotter

1x Twin heavy stubber

Achilles Ridgerunners (75 points)

• 1x Armoured hull

1x Heavy mining laser

1x Spotter

1x Twin heavy stubber

Atalan Jackals (180 points)

• 8x Atalan Jackal

• 4x Atalan power weapon

7x Atalan small arms

4x Close combat weapon

1x Grenade launcher

• 2x Atalan Wolfquad

• 2x Atalan incinerator

2x Atalan small arms

2x Close combat weapon

Atalan Jackals (90 points)

• 4x Atalan Jackal

• 3x Atalan small arms

4x Close combat weapon

1x Grenade launcher

• 1x Atalan Wolfquad

• 1x Atalan incinerator

1x Atalan small arms

1x Close combat weapon

Goliath Rockgrinder (120 points)

• 1x Demolition charge cache

1x Drilldozer blade

1x Heavy mining laser

1x Heavy stubber

Goliath Rockgrinder (120 points)

• 1x Demolition charge cache

1x Drilldozer blade

1x Heavy mining laser

1x Heavy stubber

Goliath Rockgrinder (120 points)

• 1x Demolition charge cache

1x Drilldozer blade

1x Heavy mining laser

1x Heavy stubber

Purestrain Genestealers (150 points)

• 10x Purestrain Genestealer

• 10x Cult claws and talons