Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Astra Militarum
Primary codex:
Blood Angels
Sec. codex:
Blood Angels
Secondary codex:
TTM – GT WEST – PFALZ OPEN September 22-23/ 2018
Matthias “Engelshäubchen” Ehrhardt 1989 Points Imperium
Warlord: Company Commander Warlord Trait: Grand Strategist
Relics: Masc of Ollanius, Kurovs Aquila, Auric Aquila, Eagles Eye
Command Points: 10 (21-7 (for 6 Relics) – 4 (3 Stratagems) Drops: 27 Powerlevel (PL): 121
Relics: Kurovs Aquila & Masc of Ollanius (Astra Militarum), Angels Wings & Veritas Vitae (Blood Angels), Auric Aquilas & Eagles Eye (Adeptus Custodes)

Main Detachment: Brigade Detachment – AM: Catachan– 12 CP/ 18 Drops/ 952 Points/ 123 PL
HQ Company Commander (30), Powerfist (8), Laspistol (0) 38 Points/ 2 PL
HQ Company Commander (30), Powerfist (8), Boltpistol (1) 39 Points/ 2 PL
WARLORD – Warlord Trait: Grand Strategist Relic: Kurovs Aquila
HQ Colonel “Iron Hand” Straken 75 Points/ 4 PL

Troop Infantry Squad (40) 40 Points/ 3 PL
Troop Infantry Squad (40) 40 Points/ 3 PL
Troop Infantry Squad (40) 40 Points/ 3 PL
Troop Infantry Squad (40) 40 Points/ 3 PL
Troop Infantry Squad (40) 40 Points/ 3 PL
Troop Infantry Squad (40) 40 Points/ 3 PL

Elite Ministorum Priest (35), Laspistol (0), Chainsword (0) 35 Points/ 2 PL
Elite Platoon Commander (20), Powerfist (8), Laspistol (0) 28 Points/ 2 PL
Elite Ogryn Bodyguard (55), Slabshield (0), Bullgryn Maul (7) 62 Points/ 4 PL
Relic: Masc of Ollanius

FA Hellhound (75), Infernocannon (20) Heavy Flamer (17) 112 Points/ 6 PL
FA Hellhound (75), Infernocannon (20) Heavy Flamer (17) 112 Points/ 6 PL
FA Hellhound (75), Infernocannon (20) Heavy Flamer (17) 112 Points/ 6 PL

HS Heavy Weapon Squad (15), 3x Mortar (15) 33 Points/ 3 PL
HS Heavy Weapon Squad (15), 3x Mortar (15) 33 Points/ 3 PL
HS Heavy Weapon Squad (15), 3x Mortar (15) 33 Points/ 3 PL

Bataillon Detachment – Blood Angels – 5 CP/ 5 Drops/ 568 Points/ 35 PL
HQ Captain with Jumppack (93), Thunderhammer (21), Stormshield (15) 129 Points/ 7 PL
Relic: The Angels Wing (Jump Pack) Stratagem: Death Visions of Sanguinius (1 CP)

HQ Captain with Jumppack (93), Thunderhammer (21), Stormshield (15) 129 Points/ 7 PL
Relic:Veritas Vitae Stratagem: Death Visions of Sanguinius (1 CP)

HQ Chief Librarian Mephiston (145) 145 Points/ 9 PL
Smite (WC 5), Quickening (WC 7), Blood Boil (WC 6), Wings of Sanguinius (WC 5)

Troop Scout Squad (55) 55 Points/ 4 PL
Troop Scout Squad (55) 55 Points/ 4 PL
Troop Scout Squad (55) 55 Points/ 4 PL

Supreme Command Detachment – Adeptus Custodes – 1 CP/ 3 Drops/ 480 Points/ 27 PL
HQ Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150) 160 Points/ 9 PL
Interceptor Lance (0) Hurricane Bolter (10)
Relic: Auric Aquilas; Stratagem: Victor of the Bloodgames (2 CP)
HQ Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150) 160 Points/ 9 PL
Interceptor Lance (0) Hurricane Bolter (10)
Relic: Eagles Eye
HQ Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150) 160 Points/ 9 PL
Interceptor Lance (0) Hurricane Bolter (10)

[b]++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Blood Angels) [46 PL, 894pts] ++[/b]

[b]+ HQ +[/b]

[b]Brother Corbulo [5 PL, 94pts][/b]

[b]Commander Dante [11 PL, 215pts]:[/b] 4. Heroic Bearing, Warlord

[b]+ Troops +[/b]

[b]Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 95pts]:[/b] Auxiliary grenade launcher, Bolt rifle, 4x Intercessor
Intercessor Sergeant: Power sword

[b]Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 95pts]:[/b] Auxiliary grenade launcher, Bolt rifle, 4x Intercessor
Intercessor Sergeant: Power sword

[b]Scout Squad [4 PL, 65pts][/b]
Scout: Boltgun
Scout: Boltgun
Scout: Boltgun
Scout: Heavy bolter
Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun

[b]+ Heavy Support +[/b]

[b]Hellblaster Squad [16 PL, 330pts]:[/b] 9x Hellblaster, Plasma incinerator
Hellblaster Sergeant: Bolt pistol

[b]++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Blood Angels) [34 PL, 587pts] ++[/b]

[b]+ HQ +[/b]

[b]Primaris Lieutenants [5 PL, 74pts][/b]
Primaris Lieutenant: Power sword

[b]+ Elites +[/b]

[b]Aggressor Squad [12 PL, 222pts][/b]
[b]5x Aggressor[/b]
5x Auto boltstorm gauntlets and fragstorm grenade launcher: 5x Auto boltstorm gauntlets, 5x Fragstorm grenade launcher
[b]Aggressor Sergeant[/b]
Auto boltstorm gauntlets and fragstorm grenade launcher: Auto boltstorm gauntlets, Fragstorm grenade launcher

[b]Aggressor Squad [12 PL, 222pts][/b]
[b]5x Aggressor[/b]
5x Auto boltstorm gauntlets and fragstorm grenade launcher: 5x Auto boltstorm gauntlets, 5x Fragstorm grenade launcher
[b]Aggressor Sergeant[/b]
Auto boltstorm gauntlets and fragstorm grenade launcher: Auto boltstorm gauntlets, Fragstorm grenade launcher

[b]Primaris Ancient [5 PL, 69pts]:[/b] Standard of Sacrifice

[b]++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Blood Angels) [27 PL, 519pts] ++[/b]

[b]+ HQ +[/b]

[b]Captain [6 PL, 117pts]:[/b] Jump Pack, Master-crafted boltgun, Thunder hammer, Death Visions of Sanguinius

[b]Captain [6 PL, 117pts]:[/b] Jump Pack, Master-crafted boltgun, The Angel's Wing (replaces jump pack), Thunder hammer, Death Visions of Sanguinius

[b]+ Troops +[/b]

[b]Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 95pts]:[/b] Auxiliary grenade launcher, Bolt rifle, 4x Intercessor
Intercessor Sergeant: Power sword

[b]Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 95pts]:[/b] Auxiliary grenade launcher, Bolt rifle, 4x Intercessor
Intercessor Sergeant: Power sword

[b]Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 95pts]:[/b] Auxiliary grenade launcher, Bolt rifle, 4x Intercessor
Intercessor Sergeant: Power sword

Insgesamte Command Points: 11