Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Chaos Daemons
Primary codex:
Adeptus Custodes
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
Player Name: Julien "Slaaneshi" Mattheis
Discord ID: TripleRaze#7748
Team: P(r)oxbringer e.V.
Factions: Chaos Demons - Slaanesh
Warlord: Syll'Eske
Commandpoints: 9 CP
Total Points: 1995 Pts
Armee: Spank me harder daddy!

+++ Slaanesh 2k Tournament list (Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition) +++

++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Chaos - Daemons) [103 PL, -1CP, 1,995pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size

Chaos Allegiance: Slaanesh

Detachment CP

+ Stratagems +

Rewards of Chaos (1 Relic) [-1CP]

+ HQ +

Contorted Epitome [10 PL, 210pts]: Hysterical Frenzy, Phantasmagoria, The Forbidden Gem

Keeper of Secrets [12 PL, 230pts]: Delightful Agonies, Sinistrous hand, Soulstealer, Symphony of Pain

Syll'Esske, the Vengeful Allegiance [12 PL, 230pts]: Delightful Agonies, Hysterical Frenzy, Warlord

+ Troops +

Daemonettes [12 PL, 220pts]: Alluress, Instrument of Chaos
. 29x Daemonette: 29x Piercing claws

Daemonettes [12 PL, 220pts]: Alluress, Instrument of Chaos
. 29x Daemonette: 29x Piercing claws

Daemonettes [12 PL, 220pts]: Alluress, Instrument of Chaos
. 29x Daemonette: 29x Piercing claws

+ Elites +

Fiends [4 PL, 80pts]
. 2x Fiend: 2x Dissecting claws, 2x Vicious barbed tail

Fiends [2 PL, 40pts]: Fiend

+ Fast Attack +

Furies [2 PL, 45pts]: Mark of Slaanesh
. 5x Fury: 5x Daemonic claws

Furies [2 PL, 45pts]: Mark of Slaanesh
. 5x Fury: 5x Daemonic claws

Seekers [15 PL, 295pts]: Daemonic Icon, Heartseeker, Instrument of Chaos
. 14x Seeker: 14x Piercing claws
. . 14x Steed of Slaanesh: 14x Lashing tongue

+ Heavy Support +

Exalted Seeker Chariot [4 PL, 80pts]
. 3x Daemonette Charioteers: 3x Piercing claws

Exalted Seeker Chariot [4 PL, 80pts]
. 3x Daemonette Charioteers: 3x Piercing claws

++ Total: [103 PL, -1CP, 1,995pts] ++

+ PLAYER: Peter Brückner
+ Club: -
+ Discord ID: MotherTheresia#5529
+ TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1999 points
+ ITC FACTION: Adeptus Custodes
+ WARLORD: Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike
+ WARLORD-Trait: Superior Creation
+ SHIELD HOST: Shadowkeepers
+PRE-GAME STRATAGEMS: Open the Vaults (-1 CP additional relict Castellans Mark;)), Captain-Commander (-1 CP, Unstoppable Destroyer))

++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Custodes) [93 PL, 10CP, 1,999pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Detachment CP

Gametype: Matched

Shield Host: Shadowkeepers

+ Stratagems +

Open the Vaults (1 Relic) [-1CP]

+ HQ +

Captain-General Trajann Valoris [10 PL, 190pts]

Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike [9 PL, -1CP, 178pts]: Auric Aquilas, Captain-Commander, Hurricane Bolter, Misericordia, Superior Creation, Unstoppable Destroyer, Warlord

+ Troops +

Custodian Guard Squad [8 PL, 168pts]
. Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield
. Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield
. Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield

Custodian Guard Squad [8 PL, 168pts]
. Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield
. Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield
. Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield

Custodian Guard Squad [8 PL, 168pts]
. Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield
. Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield
. Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield

+ Elites +

Allarus Custodians [15 PL, 325pts]
. Allarus Custodian: Guardian Spear
. Allarus Custodian: Guardian Spear
. Allarus Custodian: Guardian Spear
. Allarus Custodian: Guardian Spear
. Allarus Custodian: Guardian Spear

Allarus Custodians [15 PL, 365pts]
. Allarus Custodian: Castellan Axe, Misericordia
. Allarus Custodian: Castellan Axe, Misericordia
. Allarus Custodian: Castellan Axe, Misericordia
. Allarus Custodian: Castellan Axe, Misericordia
. Allarus Custodian: Castellan Axe, Misericordia

Vexillus Praetor [6 PL, 128pts]: Castellans Mark, Misericordia, Storm Shield, Vexilla Magnifica

+ Fast Attack +

Venatari Custodians [14 PL, 309pts]
. Venatari Custodian: Misericordia
. . Kinetic Destroyer and Tarsus Buckler: Tarsus Buckler
. Venatari Custodian: Misericordia
. . Kinetic Destroyer and Tarsus Buckler: Tarsus Buckler
. Venatari Custodian: Misericordia
. . Kinetic Destroyer and Tarsus Buckler: Tarsus Buckler
. Venatari Custodian
. . Kinetic Destroyer and Tarsus Buckler: Tarsus Buckler
. Venatari Custodian
. . Kinetic Destroyer and Tarsus Buckler: Tarsus Buckler

++ Total: [93 PL, 10CP, 1,999pts] ++

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