Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Ogre Khans
Primary codex:
Kingdom of Equitaine
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:

555 - Shaman, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Light Armour, Iron Fist, Lygur's Tongue, Magical Heirloom
505 - Great Khan, General, Light Armour, Great Weapon (Khagadai's Legacy), Talisman of Shielding, Rampager's Chain, Headhunter
390 - Mammoth Hunter, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Paired Weapons (Supernatural Dexterity), Hunting Spear, Spinesplitter, Leader of the Pack
350 - Khan, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Light Armour, Brace of Ogre Pistols (Viper's Curse), Cult Leader
657 - 10 Tribesmen, Iron Fist, Standard Bearer (Pennant of the Great Grass Sky), Musician, Champion
155 - 3 Tribesmen
185 - 3 Bruisers
140 - 20 Scraplings, Throwing Weapons, Musician, Scrapling Foreman
565 - 5 Mercenary Veterans, Brace of Ogre Pistols, Plate Armour, Poison Attacks, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Musician, Champion
80 - Sabretooth Tigers
305 - Slave Giant, Great Weapon
305 - Slave Giant, Great Weapon
305 - Slave Giant, Great Weapon

690 - Duke, ( GENERAL ), Virtue Valour, Questing Oath and Bastard Sword, Shield, Uther's Conviction, Dusk Forged, Black Knight's Tabard, Dragonfire Gem, Hippogriff
335 - Paladin, Battle Standard Bearer, Grail Oath , Paired Weapons, Hero's Heart, Ghostly Guard, Barded Warhorse
335 - Paladin, Grail Oath , Shield, Virtue Audacity, Tristan's Resolve, Alchemist's Alloy, Potion of Swiftness , Potion of Strength, Barded Warhorse
440 - Damsel (Druidism), Wizard Master, Binding Scroll, Barded Warhorse

695 - 15 Knights Aspirant, Champion, Musician, Standard, Banner of the Last Charge
275 - 6 Knights of the Realm, Musician, Standard
265 - 6 Knights of the Realm, Standard

375 - The Green Knight
135 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Throwing Weapons, Shield

675 - 8 Knights of the Grail, Champion, Musician, Standard, Flaming Standard
280 - 6 Knights of the Quest, Champion, Standard