
ITC Missioner: Missionerne for ITC formater kan findes her: http://www.powerfist.dk/forum/index.php?topic=92009.0 ETC Missioner: Der spilles med alm. maelstrom- eller ETC-mission kort. Der kan discardes ét kort per tur, MEN!, man kan kun score 2 kort per tur. Trækker en spiller et kort de ikke kan fuldføre i spillet, så må det slettes med det samme og der trækkes et nyt. Eksempel 1: Der trækkes destroy a vehicle/MC og modstanderen har ingen af disse i sin liste. Her må der gerne byttes Eksempel 2: Der trækkes destroy a vehicle og alle modstanderens vehicles er døde. Her må der gerne byttes Eksempel 3: Der trækkes destroy a vehicle og alle modstanderens er i reserve. Her må der ikke byttes Ved missioner hvor et eller flere objectives kan scores i slutningen af spillet, der tælles de scorende objectives fra 1 og op ad. Eksempel 1: Mission 1, objective 1-5 gælder for 3 VP ved spillets afslutning, objective 6 gælder ikke og bruges kun til Maelstrom missions. MISSION 1 Objective #1: Eternal War: Big Guns Never Tire - 5 Objectives (3 Victory Points each) Objective #2: Maelstrom of War: Tactical Escalation Deployment: Hammer and Anvil ___________________________________________ MISSION 2 Objective #1: Eternal War: Crusade 4 objectives (3 Victory Points each) Objective #2: Maelstrom of War: Cleanse and Control Deployment: Vanguard Strike ____________________________________________ MISSION 3 Objective #1: Eternal War: The Emperor’s Will (4 Victory Points for each EMPEROR'S WILL objective 1 and 2) Objective #2: Maelstrom of War: Contact Lost Deployment: Dawn of War ____________________________________________ MISSION 4 Eternal War: The Relic (6 Victory Points; the relic is a separate objective from all others) Objective #2: Maelstrom of War: Spoils of War Deployment: Dawn of War ____________________________________________ MISSION 5 Objective #1: Eternal War: The Scouring - Each player places three markers worth 1, 2 and 3 points. Before rolling to seize the initiative, you roll a D6 for each objective revealing the value of each marker. There must be two objectives of each value. Objective #2: Maelstrom of War: Deadlock Deployment: Hammer and Anvil Der spilles altid med kill points. Altså tælles antallet af komplet dræbte enheder (og flygtende enheder ved spillets afslutning) og differencen der imellem. Har den ene spiller 12 KP og den anden 10, så score den første spiller 2 points. Står man lige score ingen points. Kill points: Maks difference på 8 points kan scores. Point: Der vil blive spillet om samlet 20 point, hvor missionerne er en kombination af Maelstrom og Eternal War missioner. Der kigges på difference af totalt akkumuleret VP. Her tælles Kill points (maks 8), points fra primær og sekundær objekter, slay the warlord, linebreaker og firstblood. Pointsene fordeles som følger: Dif. VP Spiller 1 Spiller 2 0 10 10 1-2 11 9 3-4 12 8 5-6 13 7 7-8 14 6 9-10 15 5 11-12 16 4 13-14 17 3 15-16 18 2 17-18 19 1 19+ 20 0 PREGAME !!!ETC!!! 1. Roll-off: Winner places the first objective. Players then alternate placing objectives until all are out, except for Emperor’s Will objectives in Mission #3. (first obj. placed by each player is their Emperor's Will). 2. Roll-off: Winner chooses deployment zone. In Mission #3, the player who chose sides now places their Emperor’s Will objective first. 3. Roll for Warlord Traits 4. Roll for Gifts, Boons and any other pregame rolls 5. Roll for Psychic Powers 6. Roll for Night Fight 7. Roll-off: Winner chooses whether to deploy first or second. Fortifications are placed during deployment. 8. Deploy Infiltrators 9. Player who deployed first decides who gets first turn 10. Make Scout Move(s) 11. Seize the initiative 12. Let the fun begin!! POSTGAME !!!ETC!!! og -ITC- 1. Count up Objective #1, objectives or relics held. 2. Count up Objective #2, mission cards scored. 3. Count up Objective #3, first blood, linebreaker, slay the warlord 4.a Calculate Kill Point difference - leader scores the difference to a max of 8 points (IF ETC STYLE) 4.b Dobble the ITC points scored by both. (Remember, that both players can score Line Breaker!) 5. Calculate total Victory Point difference and give points as follows: Dif. VP Spiller 1 Spiller 2 0 10 10 1-2 11 9 3-4 12 8 5-6 13 7 7-8 14 6 9-10 15 5 11-12 16 4 13-14 17 3 15-16 18 2 17-18 19 1 19+ 20 0 6. Add painting bonus points: Fully painted, based and no proxy, 2 Victory Points Fully painted, based but with proxy, 1 Victory Point

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