#PlayerGamepathArmySec. PointsPoints
1 Oscar Romero w-w-w Sylvaneth 14 44
2 Jose Carlos Lledó w-w-l Sons of Behemat 13 42
3 Josué Calero d-w-w Beasts of Chaos 9 42
4 Francisco Moreno w-l-w Fyreslayers 9 36
5 Juan Carlos Sánchez d-l-w Beasts of Chaos 9 34
6 Antonio Hernández l-w-w Idoneth Deepkin 11 32
7 Daniel Calero l-l-w Seraphon 13 28
8 Samuel Agulló l-w-l Sylvaneth 12 26
9 Alberto Pereda l-w-l Fyreslayers 9 26
10 Adrian Espinosa w-l-l Nurgle 10 20
11 Juan Pérez w-l-l Nighthaunt 10 16
12 Jack Heyes l-l-l Sons of Behemat 7 14