Hermund F
*Team : Belgium
*Camille "Sire Trencavel" Giaux - Empire of Sonnstahl
*Prelate, General, shield, Dragon Mantle, Crown of Autocracy - 286
*Marshall, BSB, Great Tactician, shield, charm of the curse iron, the black helm - 286
*Wizard, 4 learned spells, Book of arcane power, ring of fire, wizard master, Path of Pyromancy - 530
*10 Militia, skirmish, pistols - 150
*10 Militia, skirmish, pistols - 150
*10 Militia - 80
*20 Heavy infantry - 160
*20 Heavy infantry - 160
*5 Electoral Cavalry, shields, lances, M - 220
*5 Electoral Cavalry, shields, lances, M - 220
*28 Imperial Guard, great weapon, M, S, C - 573
*5 Reiters, brace of pistols - 180
*5 Reiters, brace of pistols - 180
*10 Flagellants - 160
*10 Flagellants - 160
*10 Flagellants - 160
*1 Steam Tank - 440
*1 Mortar - 200
*1 Mortar - 200
*Total - 4495