Vampire Covenant Army - Dragon Brotherh.
Characters - 1505 = 33.4% < 35% ||| Core - 902 = 20.04% > 20%
Special - 460 = 10.22% < NO LIMIT
Swift Dead - 1350 = 30%, MAX 30% ||| The Suffering - 280 = 6.22% < 20%
*1xMidnight Aristocracy, General, The Dead Arise, Vampire Count, Brotherhood of the Dragon,
Crimson Rage, Wizard Master, 2 Spells Occultism, Plate Armour, Shield, Skeletal Steed,
Sceptre of power, Blade of Red Thirst, Talisman of supreme shielding -935
*1xMidnight Aristocracy, BSB, Vampire Courtier, Brotherhood of the Dragon, Perfect Warrior,
Wizard Apprentice; 2 Learned Spells; The Occultism, Plate Armour, Skeletal Steed, Plate Armour,
Talisman of Greater Shielding, Divine Icon - 570
*40xGhouls -670
*8xDire Wolves -116
*8xDire Wolves -116
*5xVampire Knights, Blood Ties (Dragon Brotherh.), C -570
*6xVampire Knights, Blood Ties (Dragon Brotherh.), C, S (Black Standard of Zagvozd) -780
*5xSpectral Hunters -280
*1xDark Coach, Extended Chasis -460
Total Army Cost: 4497.0