Joseph abel
Joseph “El Pyro” Abel - Infernal Dwarfs
1 Overlord, General, Shield, Onyx Hammer, Potion of Swiftness, Dragon Mantle, Sprout of Rebirth - 536 pts
1 Vizier, BSB, Shield, Infernal Weapon, Ring of Dessication, Mask of Furnace - 364 pts
1 Prophet , 4 Spells, Wizard Master, Besheluk’s Mechanism, Ring of Fire, Skull Splitter, Hardened Shield, Pyromancy - 625
28 Hobgoblins, Bows, M - 250pts
29 Hobgoblins, Bows, M - 260pts
19 Citadel Guard, Flint axe, M, 616pts
20 Immortals, Infernal Weapons, Shield, M, S, Flaming Standard
1 Kadim Titan - 600pts
1 Bound Deamon, Flame Cannon - 340pts
1 Bound Deamon, Flame Cannon - 340 pts