Jan "veiovis" H.
+ Player 4: Jan "veiovis" Heidrich
+ Player Tourneykeeper Profile: Jan Heidrich, 1433
+ Army Faction: Chaos
+ Total Command Points: 8
+ Total Army Points: 2000 pts
+ Army Factions Used: Heretic Astartes, Chaos Daemons
+ Total Reinforcement Points: 132 pts
== Vanguard Detachment == Chaos – Death Guard and Black Legion [552 Points] + 1 CP
HQ1: 1 Typhus – [164pts] – psychic Powers: Miasma of Pestilence, Plague Wind, Boon of
Elite1: 5 Khorne Berzerkers <Black Legion> – [80pts]
Elite 1 DT: 1 Chaos Rhino, 2x Combibolter (4) <Black Legion> – [74 pts]
Elite2: 5 Khorne Berzerkers <Black Legion> – [80pts]
Elite 2 DT: 1 Chaos Rhino, 2x Combibolter (4) <Black Legion> – [74 pts]
Elite3: 5 Khorne Berzerkers <Black Legion> – [80pts]
== Battalion Detachment == Chaos – Black Legion and Daemons [489 Points] + 3 CP
HQ2: 1 Daemon Prince of Chaos with Wings (170), Pair of Malefic talons (10), Daemonic
Allegiance: Nurgle – [180 pts] – psychic Powers: Virulent Blessing
HQ3: 1 Daemon Prince of Chaos with Wings (170), Pair of Malefic talons (10), Daemonic
Allegiance: Tzeentch – [180 pts] – psychic Powers: Treason of Tzeentch
Troop1: 10 Horrors (9x Pairs of Brimstone Horrors (18), 1x Blue Horror (5)) – [23 pts]
Troop2: 10 Horrors (9x Pairs of Brimstone Horrors (18), 1x Blue Horror (5)) – [23 pts]
Troop3: 10 Horrors (9x Pairs of Brimstone Horrors (18), 1x Blue Horror (5)) – [23 pts]
Troop4: 10 Horrors (10x Pairs of Brimstone Horrors (20) – [20 pts]
Troop5: 10 Horrors (10x Pairs of Brimstone Horrors (20) – [20 pts]
Troop6: 10 Horrors (10x Pairs of Brimstone Horrors (20) – [20 pts]
== Supreme Command Detachment == Chaos - Black Legion, Thousand Sons and Daemons [827
Points] + 1 CP
HQ4: 1 Daemon Prince with Wings (170), Pair of Malefic talons (10), Daemonic Allegiance:
Slaanesh <Black Legion> – [180 pts] – psychic Powers: Warptime
HQ5: 1 Herold of Slaanesh – [66 pts] – psychic Powers: Symphony of Pain
HQ6: 1 Herold of Slaanesh – [66 pts] – psychic Powers: Hysterical Frenzy
HQ7: 1 The Changeling – [100 pts] – psychic Powers: Boon of Change
Lord of War1: 1 Magnus the Red - [415 pts] - Warlord (Tenacious Survivor) – psychic Powers:
Infernal Gaze, Warptime, Prescience
Army Reinforcement Points: 132
Army Reinforcement Faction: Chaos Daemons