Pablo Barreneche
Pablo Barreneche “Lucian” – The Vermin Swarm
Tyrant. Dark Shard Brew, the Doom Blade. 435 points
Chieftain. Battle Standard Bearer. Paired Weapons & Tail Weapon. 168 points
Plague Prophet. General. Wizard Apprentice, 1 learned Spell, Shamanism, Halberd. 238 points.
Mount: Plague Pendulum, Cauldron of Blight. 510 points
Sicarra Assassin. Bracelet of Power, Divine Icon. 390 points
27 Vermin Guard. Champion & Standard Bearer. The Lightning Rod. 503 points
27 Plague Brotherhood. Champion & Standard Bearer. 368 points
2x10 Footpads. Vanguard, Paired Weapons. 180 points
20 Rat-at-arms. Standard Bearer. 180 points
2x8 Plague Disciples. 190 points
Meat Grinder. 140 points
2x6 Gutter Blades. Scout & Ambush. 214 points
Abomination. 400 points
TOTAL: 4499