Sergii Polonets
Beast Herds
590 - Beast Lord, General, Razortusk Chariot, Hunting Call, Beast Axe, Light Armour, Hardened Shield, Talisman of Supreme Shielding
476 - Beast Chieftain, BSB, Greater Totem Bearer, Raiding Chariot, Beast Axe, Heavy Armour, Lucky Shield, Dusk Stone, War Standard
505 - Soothsayer Master, 4 Spells, Druidism, Dispel Scroll
200 - 2x 10 Wildhorn Herd, Ambush, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, S, M
409 - 21 Wildhorn Herd, Ambush, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, FCG, Banner of Discipline
100 - 10 Mongrel Raiders, Normal Bow
160 - 2x 5 Centaurs, Paired Weapons, Light Armour, Shield
100 - Razortusk Herd
430 - 2x Gortach
370 - 2x Jabberwock, Breath Weapon