Vampire Covenants
Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline.
-Vampire Count on Skeletal Steed: General, The Death Arise, 1 Spell Wizard Apprentice, Ocultism, Perfect Warrior, Tulliu's Teeth, Gauntlet of Gilles the Raux, 710
-Vampire Courtier on Skeletal Steed: BSB, Lucky Shield, Blade of the Red Thirst, 395
-Necromancer: 4 Spells Wizard Master, Evocation, Book of Arcane Power, 480
-Necromancer: 1 Spell Wizard Apprentice, Evocation, 160
Characters: 1.745
-44 Skeletons: FCG, War Standard, 490
-28 Zombies: Musician, 178
-2x8 Dire Wolves: 116x2
Core: 900
-12 Barrow Knights: FCG, Banner of the Barrow Kings, 670
-2 Great Bats: 80
Elite: 750
-2x5 Vampire Knights: Plate Armour & Devastating Charge, 550x2
Tormentors: 1.100
Total: 4.495