-Vermin Daemon -CHARACTERS/BUILT AND BRED- General, Deceiver, Wizard Master, 4 Learned Spells, Path of Occultism. 945
-Chief -GENERAL- BSB, heavy armor, ratlock pistol, Hardened Shield, Dragonfire Gem. 207
-2x20 Rats-at-arms -CORE- C. 180
-20 Blight Brotherhood -CORE- C, M, S. 290
-15 Blight Brotherhood -CORE- C, M. 200
-15 Vermin Guard -CORE- C, S, The Lightning Rod. 310
-2x1 Vermin Artillery -TUNNEL GUNNERS- Plague Catapult. 170
-2x6 Gutter Blades -TUNNEL GUNNERS- Throwing weapon, scout and ambush. 214
-2x8 Grenadiers -TUNNEL GUNNERS- 180
-4x12 Plague Disciples -SPECIAL- 270
TOTAL: 4.500 points.