Phil Blake
Daemon Legions - Wrath
Harbinger of Wrath, General, Crusher, Blood Sword -310
Harbinger of Wrath, BSB, Crusher, Blood Sword -360
Harbinger of Wrath, Crusher, Blood Sword, Obsidian Horn -340
Harbinger of Wrath, Crusher, Blood Sword, Black Orb -340
12x Slaughterers, Onslaught, Blood Swords, M -304
12x Slaughterers, Onslaught, Blood Swords, M -304
12x Slaughterers, Onslaught, Blood Swords, M -304
3x Crusher Calvary, Blood Swords, M -360
3x Crusher Calvary, Blood Swords, M -360
3x Crusher Calvary, Blood Swords, M, S, Aether Icon -435
Blood Chariot -330
Blood Chariot -330
5x Furies, Mark of Wrath -140
5x Furies, Mark of Wrath -140
5x Furies, Mark of Wrath -140
4497 points