630 - Beast Lor on Razortuch chariot, Beas Axe, Light Amour, Shield, Bluffers Helm, Talisman of Supreme shielding.
476- Beast Chieftan on the Chariot, Beast Axe, Heavy Armour, Batle Standard, Greater TotemBearer, Lucky shield, Dusk Stone, War Standard.
355-Soothsayer Aprendice, The Druidism, 4 Learned Spells, Sceptre of Power.
160 - 2 x Wildhorn Herd, Throwing Weapons, Ambush, M.
361- 19x Wildhorn Herd , Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, M,S, Banner of discipline, Ambush
100- 10x Mongrel Raiders, Normal Bow.
120- 10x Mongrel Raiders, Normal Bow, Ambush, Scout.
430- 2x1 Gortach.
370- 1xJabberwock , Breath Weapon.
160- 2x1 Centaurs, Paired Weapos , Light Armour, Shield.
588- 22x Longhorn Herd, Great Weapon, Heavy Armour, M,S,C, Banner of Spedd, Totem Bearer #Black Wing Totem.
4500 punticos