Jakob Fløe
Primary Detachment : (Codex : Chaos Daemons), Points : (1500), PRIMARY DETACHMENT – Codex : Chaos Daemons.
HQ1 : Kairos Fateweaver (300) [300] - WARLORD.
HQ2 : Keepter of Secrets (170) [170]
Troop1 : Nurglings (45) [45]
Troop2 : Nurglings (45) [45]
HS1 : Daemon Prince (145), Daemon of Slaanesh (10), Daemonic flight (40), 2 Greater rewards (2x 20 = 40), Psyker (Mastery level 3 (3x 25 = 75)) = [310]
HS2 : Daemon Prince (145), Daemon of Slaanesh (10), Daemonic flight (40), 2 Greater rewards (2x 20 = 40), Psyker (Mastery level 3 (3x 25 = 75)) = [310]
HS3 : Daemon Prince (145), Daemon of Slaanesh (10), Daemonic flight (40), Exalted reward (30), 1 Greater reward (20), Psyker (Mastery level 3 (3x 25 = 75)) = [320]
[ARMY TOTAL = 1498]