Are Verlo
Blood Angels for Warzone: Slagelse
1 detachment: Brigade , chapter: Blood Angels
Hq: librarian dreadnought with force halberd, furioso fist and storm bolter -172pts
Hq: sanguinary priest with jump pack, power sword, bolter -90pts
Hq: captain with jump pack [Warlord] the angel´s wing [relic], thunder hammer, bolter and storm shield -129pts
Troops: 5 scouts all armed with combat knife and bolt pistol -55pts
Troops: 5 scouts all armed with combat knife and bolt pistol -55pts
Troops: 5 scouts all armed with combat knife and bolt pistol -55pts
Troops: 5 scouts all armed with combat knife and bolt pistol -55pts
Troops: 5 scouts all armed with combat knife and bolt pistol -55pts
Troops: 5 scouts all armed with combat knife and bolt pistol -55pts
Troops: 5 scouts all armed with combat knife and bolt pistol -55pts
Elites: sanguinary ancient with encarmine glaive and angelicus bolter -99pts
Elites: 5 sanguinary guard with encarmine glaives and angelicus bolters -175pts
Elites: 15 death company marines with jump pack, bolter and chainsword -300pts
Heavy support: 5 devastators. Bolter, chainsword, 2x lascannons and 2x heavy bolters -135pts
Heavy support: 5 devastators with bolter, chainsword, 3x heavy bolters and 1 lascannon -120pts
Heavy support: 5 devastators with bolter, chainsword, 3x heavy bolters and 1 lascannon -120pts
Fast attack: 5 assault marines with jump pack with 2x plasma guns, 1 power axe – 111pts
Fast attack: 5 assault marines with jump pack with 2x plasma guns, 1x power axe -111pts
Fast attack: 5 assault marines with jump pack with 1 x meltagun , 1x power axe -102